On the day of vacation, after watching a movie with Meazi, Shen Qiu went shopping in Central for a day. Here, Meazi showed a physical strength that surpassed that of Shen Qiu, and she walked around Central with her long legs.

Just when Shen Qiu and Meazi had finished dinner at the Victoria Hotel, booked a room, and prepared to take their relationship to a further level.

At 8 o'clock that night, Shen Qiu's cell phone rang.

"Hello, who is this? Shen

Qiu took out his mobile phone and asked with a smile.

"Ah Qiu, it’s me, Huang Bingyao."

Huang Bingyao's voice came from the receiver.

Without a moment's hesitation, Shen Qiu immediately hung up the phone, and then said to the curious Yazi next to him:"Wrong call."

Ring, ring, ring~

Just at this moment, Meazi's cell phone rang.

Shen Qiu took a step slower and asked Meazi to answer the call.

"Hello, who is this?"

Yazi's face changed slightly after hearing just one sentence, and then she handed the phone to Shen Qiu beside her.

"Which one?"

Shen Qiu asked in a low voice knowing that

"Huang Bingyao."

Yezi replied softly.


Shen Qiu, who was speechless, took the phone and forced a smile on his face:"Hey, Sir Huang, what are your orders? Why don't you call me on 177?""

"Why didn't I call you? Are you embarrassed to ask me this question?"

On the other end of the phone, Huang Bingyao's face was gloomy and he said in a deep voice.

"Sir Huang, what are your orders?"

Shen Qiu decided to skip this embarrassing topic directly.

"Thank you for sending Meazi home, thank you. Huang

Bingyao said calmly

"Sir Huang, what did you say? I didn't hear clearly, the signal was not good."

Shen Qiu decided to keep the confusion to the end.

"Shen Qiu, don’t force me to go to the Victoria Hotel to catch you!"

On the other end of the phone, Huang Bingyao shouted loudly

"Damn it, Sir Huang, are you also from the Political Department? Did you arrange for someone to follow me?"

Shen Qiu was slightly startled. Then, he suddenly remembered that Huang Bingyao once told him that several of his old subordinates were also in the special operations team.

Good guy, it turns out these people are not here to help me, but to monitor me! This is the only thought in Shen Qiu's heart at this moment

"Ah Qiu, I'm not an old antique. At other times, it's okay for you to do whatever you want, but now think about it, you and Meazi are the chief instructors of the Special Operations Team, and the other is the captain of the Special Operations Team. Now the Special Operations Team We are training. At this time, if something unexpected happens, it will seriously affect your career."

Huang Bingyao said with great sincerity.

"Sir Huang, thank you! So considerate of our young people!"

Shen Qiu said with a look of resentment.

"Who made me your elder? Huang

Bingyao said cheerfully


Shen Qiu resisted the urge to hit someone, hung up the phone, and handed it back to Meiko.

"Ah Qiu, what did my father tell you? Yazi asked curiously.

"He asked me to take you home now."

Shen Qiu said helplessly

"ah? Yazi was stunned for a moment, then her face turned slightly red and she whispered,"Aqiu, if you don't want to, I don't have to go back.""

Looking at Meazi's shy little expression, Shen Qiu was heartbroken, but thinking that there might be a pair of eyes staring at her now, Shen Qiu still said:"Forget it, I'm afraid your father will use deadly scissors. My head exploded with my feet."

This is my first time doing something like this. It depends on the atmosphere. If the atmosphere is right, there will be battlefields everywhere. If the atmosphere is not right, Shen Qiu would rather wait."

"All right! Yazi nodded slightly, then quickly pecked Shen Qiu on the mouth, and they separated like lightning. Then she blushed and whispered in a low voice:"Aqiu, let's go.""

An hour later.

Shen Qiu, who was driven out by Huang Bingyao like a thief, was walking alone on Guangdong Road.

Ring, ring, ring~

Just at this moment, the ringtone of the mobile phone rang in Shen Qiu's pocket.

"Which one?"

Shen Qiu took out his mobile phone, pressed the answer button, and asked

"Ah Qiu, it’s me, He Min."

He Min's voice came out from the receiver.

"He Lao...Amin, what's the matter?"

Since rescuing He Min at Edinburgh International School, Shen Qiu has not contacted He Min again. It's not that Shen Qiu has forgotten He Min. The main reason is that he is too busy. First, he spent a week with five women at the same time. I have to be busy with the police force later, it’s too difficult

"Ah Qiu, I went to your Wan Chai Police Station today. Your colleagues said that you were transferred to the police's special forces as an instructor?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He Min asked in a low voice.

This month has been the most tangled and torturous month that He Min has experienced since she was born. Whenever she closes her eyes, They were all scenes of Shen Qiu protecting her in her arms and blocking bullets for herself.

This month, she had been expecting Shen Qiu to call him every day. Every late night, when she didn't wait for Shen Qiu's call, she He mustered up the courage again and wanted to take the initiative to call Shen Qiu.

But so many years of traditional education have been constraining He Min. In addition, He Min also knew very well that the relationship between the policewoman named Yazi and Shen Qiu was definitely unusual.

This made her never call Shen Qiu. Until today, she accompanied her colleague to the Wan Chai Police Station to call the police, hoping to take the opportunity to meet Shen Qiu, but she heard the news that Shen Qiu had been transferred.

At that moment, He Min really Make up your mind to contact Shen Qiu and express your feelings to him

"Yes. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"Will you return to Wan Chai Police Station in the future?"

He Min asked cautiously

"This depends on the arrangements made by the top brass of our police force."

Shen Qiu's answer is more official.

"Ah Qiu, are you free now? I would like to treat you to a supper and say thank you in person."

After hearing Shen Qiu's answer, He Min took a deep breath and then said

"It's okay to have late night snacks, just say thank you. As I told you, I'm a police officer and it's my duty to save you."[]

Shen Qiu said with a smile

"Then I'll wait for you at Yiu Wah Street in Causeway Bay."

He Min reported his address and then hung up the phone.

A few hours later, at Yiu Wah Street, Causeway Bay.

Shen Qiu supported He Min, who was already a little drunk, and reached out to stop the taxi.

However, Shen Qiu's As soon as he stretched out his hand, He Min pulled it down:"Aqiu, you... what do you think of me?"

At this moment, He Min's pretty face was red, and she didn't know whether she was drunk or ashamed.

"Amin, you……"

Before Shen Qiu finished speaking, a wave of hotness blocked his mouth, and the taste of alcohol instantly filled Shen Qiu's mouth.

This night, the room Shen Qiu opened at the Victoria Hotel was not wasted after all.

The next day, a refreshed Shen Qiu returned to the Wong Chuk Hang training base and once again began the devilish training of his subordinates.

Under Shen Qiu's strict requirements, the personal abilities of the members of the special operations team grew rapidly. Soon, Shen Qiu introduced the excellent mechanism of the mainland army. In the evening, the male team members and the female team members held party activities, and everyone sang, danced, and Chat and complain.

In this atmosphere, the cohesion of the special operations team increased rapidly. Jian Weida saw it and was anxious in his heart. Finally, one night more than a month later, Jian Weida received a call from Shi Paiming.

"Sir Jane, our political department has received information that tomorrow……"

"Your task is very simple. Immediately provide me with a list and write down all those who are particularly close to Shen Qiu on this list."

Shi Paiming's cold voice came out from the receiver. Thinking of what Shi Paiming will do tomorrow, Jian Weida shuddered.

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