The next day, Shi Paiming, the director of the security department who had never been to the training base since Shen Qiu came to the special operations team, came to the training base for the first time.

"Director Shi, hello. Shen

Qiu said hello to Shi Paiming with a smile on his face. Just looking at the smile on Shen Qiu's face, no one would have thought that Shen Qiu almost kicked the balls of Director Shi in front of him.

"Hello, Sir Shen."

After seeing Shen Qiu, Shi Paiming felt a slight chill between his legs. It was obvious that Shen Qiu had become his inner demon.

Shi Paiming suppressed his murderous intention towards Shen Qiu and smiled. Said:"Sir Shen, the special operations team has been training under your hands for more than two months. Both me and Director Cai of the Operations Department want to know how strong the special operations team is now. Our police force has invested So much manpower, material and financial resources, what are the gains?"

"Therefore, after communicating with Minister Cai, I decided to conduct a practical exercise today. Since your special operations team will also operate in groups according to the model of the Flying Tigers in the future, we decided that for this performance, your special operations team will The team is divided into 13 groups, each group has its own tasks"

"These tasks include rescuing hostages, fighting terrorists, protecting dignitaries, etc. This is the exercise plan and group arrangement formulated by the Operations Department. As Shi

Paiming spoke, he handed a stack of paper to Shen Qiu and continued:"I hope the performance of your special operations team will not disappoint the senior police officers.""

"yes, sir!"

Shen Qiu responded loudly after taking over the exercise plan.

Soon, Shen Qiu divided the special operations team into 13 groups according to the grouping in the acting plan, and assigned the tasks to each group.

Obviously, Shi Pai Ming made careful preparations for this exercise. Although he asked Jian Weida to hand over the list of people who were friends with Shen Qiu yesterday, the only people who were actually assigned to Group 13 with Shen Qiu were Qiu Gangao, Zhu Xuming, There are three people in Jiang Lang.

As for Ma Jun, Mo Yiquan, Mike, Chen Jiaju and others, they are all evenly divided into other groups. There is only one reason for Shi Paiming's arrangement, that is, he does not want to make Shen Qiu suspicious.

Maybe Xia Junxian and Cai Yuanqi want to Let Shen Qiu's career be cut off, and this new star of the local faction will be dimmed from now on. But Shi Paiming thought differently. He just wanted Shen Qiu to die. Only when Shen Qiu died could he, Shi Paiming, overcome his inner demons. , revitalize men's glory

"Sir Shen, the exercise starts at 11 a.m., you are ready to go."

After seeing that Shen Qiu had arranged all the tasks, Shi Paiming showed a hint of unnoticeable joy in his eyes and said to Shen Qiu in a calm tone.

"yes, sir!"

Shen Qiu responded, then turned to the more than 100 members of the special operations team and said loudly:"Everyone listens to the order, the exercise has officially begun!"

After Shen Qiu's words fell, the special operations team was divided into 13 groups, each heading to the exercise sites located across Hong Kong Island.

Shen Qiu, Qiu Gangao and others also got on a troop transport vehicle and headed towards Yau Ma Tei. drive towards a building in the building.

According to the content of the exercise, there are several terrorists entrenched in that building. The purpose of the exercise is to capture or kill these terrorists while protecting the safety of the residents of the building.

In Shen Qiu and others After everyone left, Shi Paiming took out his mobile phone and dialed the next number.

"Peter, how is your love? There's nothing going on with those guys, right?"

After the call was connected, Shi Paiming asked.

There was really a group of gangsters in the building where Shen Qiu's exercise was held. However, after this group of gangsters came to Hong Kong Island, they were targeted by the Political Department. Used by Shi Paiming to deal with Shen Qiu

"Sir, those guys were very quiet, nothing unusual."

Peter replied with a smile.

"After Shen Qiu's gang arrives, and when they start taking action, you will alert that group. If that group can kill Shen Qiu, then you don't have to do anything. If they can't kill Shen Qiu, you don't have to do anything.……"

"Don't worry, sir, I brought an AW50 sniper rifle this time to ensure that Shen Qiu cannot walk out of this building alive."

On the other end of the phone, Peter said with a smile while looking at the building opposite with a high-powered telescope.


For Peter, Shi Paiming is very relieved. Before joining the Political Department, he served in the British Special Forces for 6 years as a sniper.

Those gangsters and Peter were double insurance. This time, Shi Paiming Ming must die for Shen Qiu!

At the same time, in the building where Shen Qiu practiced,

"Brother Dong, what kind of big operation is this? I think that Ye Jihuan has found more than 20 brothers. Isn't he trying to rob a big bank?"

A big circle boy looked at Lin Dong, who was quickly disassembling and assembling a Black Star not far away, and asked with a smile.

This Lin Dong is none other than Dadong, one of the ten most wanted criminals in Hong Kong Island, and Da Dong The Ye Jihuan that Quanzi is talking about is also one of the ten most wanted criminals in Hong Kong Island.

"Why do you care so much? Ye Jihuan paid a high price for us to do things, and we did whatever he asked us to do. Lin

Dong said lightly.

In fact, he knew what Ye Jihuan was going to do, but he couldn't tell these temporary recruits in advance about this kind of thing.

"Brother Dong, we all come from the same village, so you should let it slip. Everyone comes to Hong Kong Island to fight with their lives. Brothers, if you know the situation in advance, you can think of ways to make more money."

Another big guy also persuaded with a smile.

"Don't worry, after this business is completed, it will be enough for you to eat, drink and have fun in your hometown for a lifetime."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin Dong clicked, loaded the Black Star in his hand, and then said lightly.

But the more he said this, the more the big boys in the same village with him became more and more confused. Curious.

While Lin Dong was talking to his fellow villagers, a troop carrier stopped in an alley not far from the building. Then, Shen Qiu, Qiu Gangao and others quickly entered the building. building.

After seeing this, Peter in the building opposite picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Send things over."

After the phone was connected, Peter said calmly.

On the other side, Lin Dong was dealing with his fellow villagers.

Dong Dong Dong ~

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.


Lin Dong immediately walked behind the door, pointed at the door with the black star in his hand, and whispered


Ye Jihuan's voice came from outside the door.


As soon as Lin Dong opened the door, but before he opened his mouth, Ye Jihuan handed a note to Lin Dong and said at the same time:"Dadong, someone just stuffed this thing into the room where I was."

Lin Dong took the piece of paper. I only glanced at the article, and my face changed slightly. I saw the four characters clearly written on it:"The police are coming."

"Ah Huan, what do you say? Lin

Dong immediately asked

"I have asked Xiaoye and Dalin to guard the corridors and elevator entrances. You should also be prepared. If the police really come, we will fight out!"

Ye Jihuan's eyes were full of murderous intent.

At the same time,

Shen Qiu left the members of the 4th Special Operations Team on the first floor to guard the elevator entrance and exit, and then led Qiu Gangao and others to search layer by layer..

Just when Shen Qiu finished searching the 5th floor and was about to go to the 6th floor, a sense of crisis suddenly emerged. Shen Qiu immediately realized that this was the talent of spider nerves at work, which meant that there was someone on the 6th floor. Danger.

Shen Qiu immediately raised his right hand to signal all team members to stop, then turned to Qiu Gang'ao and whispered:"Ao, how many people can you bring?"……"

After telling Qiu Gangao the plan, Shen Qiu looked up at the exit of the corridor on the sixth floor. Outside the exit, there were some dark corridors, like a man-eating monster, exuding a slight chill.

At this moment, Shen Qiu realized that this acting might be for him.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face: You want to play, right? I’m afraid you can’t afford it!

This time, Gui Lao successfully aroused Shen Qiu's interest...five...

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