First floor of the Police Headquarters Building

"Come down, come down, Brother Yi is here!"

As these words rang out, everyone on the first floor turned to where the elevator was.

Han Yili was wearing a straight uniform, with the Queen's crown on the shoulder straps, the crossed Jiahe scepter, and a Bath military star representing He is the number one person in the police force.

He walked out of the elevator at the lead, and the slightly crowded lobby on the first floor instantly made room for the number one guy in the police force to walk.


Wait until the second person walks out In the elevator, everyone present had a look of surprise on their faces.

This second person was not Li Chenghua, the deputy director of operations of the police, nor Yan Liguo, the other deputy director of management of the police, but Shen Qiu.

"Sir Lu, your Public Relations Department immediately communicated with the reporters at the door and told them that in 5 minutes, I will personally hold a press conference at the door of the Police Headquarters Building to give the citizens of Hong Kong an explanation for everything that happened today."

Han Yili turned to look at a ghost assistant director and said calmly.

"yes, sir!"

The ghost assistant director immediately responded, and then left quickly.

After saying this, Han Yili took Shen Qiu to more than 150 members of the special operations team, and said slowly:"Everyone , today’s exercise was a dereliction of duty by the police force. On behalf of the police force, I would like to apologize to you and the police officers who died or were injured in the line of duty."

Having said that, Han Yili bowed deeply to the more than 150 members of the special operations team in front of everyone's shocked eyes.

After a brief moment of surprise, the more than 150 members of the special operations team all looked at The young man standing next to Han Yili invariably remembered what this man said in their minds.

"Damn it, we can die in the line of duty, but we can't die in such an unclear way. This time we must let the Security Department and the Operations Department give our special operations team an explanation, otherwise I will never give up!"

"Everyone, whether it is the Operations Department or the Security Department, this time we must give an explanation to our special operations team. Everyone, this is not only for Sir Jian and for me, Shen Qiu, but also for you, for your sake in the future. Clearly understand every task you face!"

"Everyone, I know that many of you are already scared. Don’t worry. Since I, Shen Qiu, have brought you here, I will definitely give you an explanation. Trust me, even if it’s just this time."


This man really did it, he did everything he said.

At this moment, more than 150 members of the special operations team, whether they were diehards like Qiu Gangao, old subordinates like Chen Jiaju who had worked with him, or those who had never met Shen Qiu in the past, all had the words engraved in their minds. A name: Shen Qiu!

Especially Meiko, at this moment, in her eyes, Shen Qiu seemed to be radiating light all over her body. She really wanted to announce to everyone that this is the man I like, and only such a man is worthy of my love!

In the final analysis, it has been more than 100 years since the opening of Hong Kong Island and the establishment of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. The Commissioner of Police has apologized to the Governor of Hong Kong, apologized to the Chief Secretary for Administration, apologized to the British Garrison, and apologized to all citizens of Hong Kong Island. I apologized, but I did not apologize to the police officers.

Therefore, Han Yili's bow and apology this time brought too great a shock to these members of the special operations team.

"Mr. Director, all reporters outside have been notified, and the press conference can start at any time~'."

At this time, the Assistant Commissioner of the Police named Lu quickly walked into the police headquarters building, looked at Han Yili, and said

"okay, I get it."

Han Yili replied first, and then continued to say to the members of the Special Operations Team in front of him:"Everyone, the Hong Kong Island Police Force has its current reputation and current achievements because of us police officers. At this time, our police officers must have the ability to distinguish right from wrong and understand right from wrong. Only in this way can Hong Kong Island become more fair."

"This time, you are indeed impulsive, but your original intentions are good. In the name of the Commissioner of Police, I assure you that this time the Police will not hold any of you accountable."

After saying this, Han Yili did not speak again, but went straight to the door of the police headquarters.

After Han Yili left:

"Long live Sir Shen!"

"Sir Shen, you are so powerful!"

"Sir Shen, can you be my boyfriend?"


All the members of the special operations team surrounded Shen Qiu, lifted him up, and threw him high.

This time, under the leadership of Shen Qiu, they not only sought justice for themselves, but also forced the police chief to bow and apologize to them. Such a sense of accomplishment will never be forgotten by these people.

At this moment, outside the gate of the police headquarters, listening to the cheers coming from behind, Han Yili's face flashed with an imperceptible bitter smile. Then, he looked at the dozens of reporters in front of him and said slowly:"Everyone, Regarding what happened to the police force today, I would first like to apologize to all the citizens of Hong Kong Island. This was the negligence of the police force and caused trouble to the citizens."

Next, Han Yili explained in detail how the exercise turned into actual combat. All the responsibilities were placed on Shi Paiming, Director of the Security Department, and Qin Shiheng, Chief of the Serious Accident Section, and they were announced to be dismissed from their posts with immediate effect.

This surprised all the police ghost guys present. Shi Paiming and Qin Shiheng were both ghost guys. According to convention, even if these ghost guys made mistakes, they would be ordered to retire at most, and they were rarely dismissed directly. of.

Han Yili ignored the surprise of these ghost subordinates and continued:"The actions of the special operations team this time are not the military advice reported by the outside world, or some forced labor. They just put forward their opinions to the top brass of our police force normally. , our police force will not hold anyone accountable for this."

After Han Yili promised once in the hall, he promised again in front of all reporters. His purpose was actually very simple, which was to show Shen Qiu His sincerity.

Next, Han Yili said some clichés about how rules and regulations would be improved in the future. After he finished speaking, he did not give reporters a chance to ask questions. He turned around and walked into the police headquarters building and looked at Shen Qiu. After taking a quick look, he quickly walked into the elevator room.

"Sir Shen, today you killed Ye Jihuan and Lin Dong and made great achievements. Shouldn't you treat us all to dinner?"

After everything settled, Ma Jun, Shen Qiu's old subordinate, was the first to knock on Shen Qiu's bamboo pole.

".No problem, I really should treat you to dinner today, it can be regarded as our breakup meal."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly

"Sir Shen, what about the break-up dinner? Are you kidding us?"

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, the expressions of all members of the special operations team changed.

"Ah Qiu, what's going on? Didn't the director just say that he wouldn't hold any of us accountable?"

Yezi also immediately asked

"The matter is so big, do you really think that the top management will let it go? Someone has to stand up and take the responsibility. I promised you that since I, Shen Qiu, brought you here, I will definitely give you an explanation."

A relieved smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face, and he pushed his acting skills to the extreme.

"No, if you want to leave, Sir Shen, then we won’t do it either!"

The person who spoke this time was not Ma Jun or Qiu Gangao, but a female police officer who had never met Shen Qiu before joining the special operations team.

"Yes, Shen Qiu, if you want to leave, we won’t do it either!"

This time, all the members of the special operations team are sincere.

"Okay, I understand your feelings, but discipline is discipline. Don’t affect everyone’s future because of me."

Shen Qiu persuaded.

"Let’s go find the director (ha haha) and ask for an explanation!"

Ma Jun took the lead and rushed directly to the elevator.[]

"enough! Everyone in the special operations team obeyed the order and lined up! Shen

Qiu shouted loudly.

The moment they heard Shen Qiu's order, the members of the special operations team subconsciously stopped and then lined up in front of Shen Qiu.

"Everyone, your love for me, Shen Qiu, will be kept in my heart for the rest of my life. My future can change the future of more than 150 people. I think it is worth it. Promise me that you will not let down my hard work."

This is Shen Qiu's play, and the name is Kurouji.

From this moment on, everyone in the special operations team came under Shen Qiu's command.

Then, under the strong request of many police officers, Han Yili had to come forward to explain again. , the police force will not expel Shen Qiu from the police force, but will transfer him from the special operations team to work in another department.

So far, Shen Qiu has won a lot and completely controlled the second special force of the police force. From this day on, he is no longer a transparent person in the police force, a rising star, and a future star, but a small prince. Although the mountain is not big, whether in the police force or in the local faction, Shen Qiu Their status has undergone earth-shaking changes!

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