That night, in the follow-up news broadcast by TVB, the picture of Peter Hawke disappeared from the news about Shen Qiu leading a team to kill Ye Jihuan and Lin Dong.


When the TV screen switched to Shen Qiu's interview screen, Police Commissioner Han Yili turned off the TV directly, looked at Xia Junxian, the Minister of Political Affairs sitting in front of him, and said with an unhappy look on his face:"Sir Xia, This is the good thing your political department has done!"

Xia Junxian is not only the minister of the political department, but also a knight conferred by the Queen of England. Therefore, among the high-level ghosts in Hong Kong, they usually call Xia Junxian Sir Xia instead of Xia Bu.

"This time, we lost the Security Department, the Major Incident Division, and the Special Operations Team. Please teach me how I should explain to the Governor of Hong Kong, my family, and the Queen."

Han Yili's words can be said to be quite rude.

Since signing the agreement with the mainland, the British have slowly begun to pass on their power to Muyang dogs and banana people like Cai Yuanqi, and they have gradually retreated. Behind the scenes.

But this plan is a process, to ensure that all power is given to the people the British want to give it to, instead of being snatched away by Hong Kong Islanders like Li Wenbin and Shen Qiu like today.

Han Yili knows very well , this time he lost not only the chief officers of the two departments and the special operations team, but also his authority. Even a chief inspector like Shen Qiu could challenge the director of the police department, and even force him to The Commissioner of Police had to give in. What would the other people in the police force who were eager for power think?

If Shi Paiming was not from the Political Department, Han Yili would even want to send him to a military court to get rid of him. hatred in heart

"Mr. Director, why are you so angry? As long as the Governor of Hong Kong is still there, the garrison is still there, and our Political Department is still there, there will be no trouble in Hong Kong Island."

Facing the angry Han Yili, Xia Junxian didn't panic at all and looked calm.

"Sir Xia, you said it so easily, why don't you say a little more, what will your political department do to compensate us for the losses our police force suffered this time?"

Han Yili said one word and pushed back.

"Tomorrow there will be two reports sent to ICAC. One is about Kowloon City District Police Commissioner Zhang Ruirong accepting bribes, and the other is about Sham Shui Po Deputy Commissioner Qin Yanguo accepting bribes. A Chief Superintendent, a Senior Superintendent, should you be able to make up for the loss of Mr. Director?"

Xia Junxian said with a smile.

As the British intelligence department in Hong Kong Island, the Political Department has black information on countless people. As long as Xia Junxian needs it, a few people can be used to perform operations at any time.


After hearing Xia Junxian's words, Han Yili's face changed slightly and his mouth squirmed slightly, but in the end he still did not say the words.

"Mr. Director, in fact, whether it is the Security Department or the Serious Accident Division, it doesn’t matter to me. On the contrary, I am very curious about Shen Qiu. I heard that Mr. Director, you personally talked to Shen Qiu this afternoon. Can you tell me what kind of person this young Chinese is?"

Seeing that Han Yili didn't speak again, Xia Junxian continued to ask with a smile.

"A very smart young man who has been trying to provoke me, to make me lose my temper, to get more benefits from me, and even……"

At this point, Han Yili paused slightly:"I even think he is more difficult to deal with than Li Wenbin.""

"Although Li Wenbin fights with us, he knows who gave him his power, so he will not offend either side, and he will not go too far in some things. But this Shen Qiu is completely different, he is like a fanatical Gamblers are like studs. Smart people are easy to deal with, and madmen are easy to deal with, but smart madmen are difficult to deal with."

Han Yili said slowly, word for word.

"Mr. Director, I have studied Shen Qiu's resume. When he was in the police academy, and even before he returned to the police force, his resume was unremarkable. There was nothing special about it. After he returned to the police force, he started to explode."

"Excellent people will not always be mediocre, unless they are pretending to be mediocre. I think something must have happened when Shen Qiu was about to return to the police force. Someone or powerful people found him and promised him something, so that Shen Qiu would take off his Use your own disguise to show off your abilities. Xia

Junxian spoke very slowly, but Han Yili listened attentively. When he heard this, he subconsciously asked:"Sir Xia, which force do you think contacted Shen Qiu?""

"It must not be Li Wenbin. If Shen Qiu were Li Wenbin's man, it would be impossible for him to be chosen to go undercover and waste three years."

Having said this, Xia Junxian smiled slightly, then took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Han Yili, and said at the same time:"Mr. Director, take a look at these things, they are very interesting."

Han Yili took the piece of paper Xia Junxian handed to him. He only glanced at the content on it, and his face suddenly changed. He looked up at Xia Junxian and said slowly:"You mean, Shen Qiu is from the mainland. person?"

On that piece of paper, it was clearly written that Shen Qiu followed Han Chen, Sha Qiang and others to the mainland a year ago. He stayed in the mainland for more than a month before returning to Hong Kong Island.

"An undercover agent can repeatedly solve major cases after returning to the police force. His achievements are so great that he can be promoted from a trainee inspector to a chief inspector in a few months. No one in the police force will find it strange."

"Mr. Director, don’t you think this is a strange thing in itself?"

Xia Junxian did not give Han Yili an exact answer, but just told Han Yili his analysis.


After pondering for a few minutes, (bjeb) Han Yili continued to speak:"Sir Xia, how does your political department plan to deal with Shen Qiu?"

"Mr. Director, it’s not how our political department wants to deal with Shen Qiu, but how your police force wants to deal with Shen Qiu."

At this point, Xia Junxian's tone changed and he said coldly:"No matter whether Shen Qiu is from the mainland or not, his official career will end here. Mr. Director, the Chief of the Operations Section of the Kowloon City Police Station. The position is vacant, and I think it is suitable for Shen Qiu. After all, our Hong Kong Governor is planning to demolish the Kowloon Walled City."

Hearing Xia Junxian's words, Han Yili's eyes suddenly lit up.

Kowloon Walled City is known as the sin city of Hong Kong Island, with a total of 50,000 to 60,000 people living in it, more than half of whom are members of society, criminals, and even As an internationally wanted criminal, the British Hong Kong government wants to demolish the Kowloon Walled City. It can be said that it will have a severe impact on the security of Kowloon City.

By then, as long as Shen Qiu makes a mistake, the police force will have an excuse to imprison him forever. Pressure in that position.

As for Shen Qiu can solve the problem of Kowloon Walled City?

Han Yili really doesn't believe it. It is absolutely impossible for Shen Qiu to solve the problem that the British Hong Kong government has been unable to solve for decades.

Thinking of this, Han Yili seems Thinking of something, he said:"Sir Xia, your suggestion is very good, but there is only one thing. Logically, the chief of the operations section of the police station should be the superintendent. If Shen Qiu is promoted to superintendent, then he will really leap over the dragon's gate.."

The promotion rules of the Hong Kong Island Police Force are very strange. The promotion from Chief Inspector to Superintendent is the most difficult hurdle in the career of the Hong Kong Island Police. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because of the promotion to Superintendent , not only does it need to be approved by the Police Commissioner’s Meeting, but it also needs to be reviewed and evaluated by the Judicial Fairness Committee of the Department of Justice and the Human Rights Service Committee of the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

However, once promoted to Superintendent, the subsequent promotions will be smooth and even difficult. Like the inspector level, there is a rigid rule that you have to stay at the level for several years before being promoted. Instead, you are promoted with the promotion of the position.

For example, if you are promoted from the chief of the operations section of the police station to the deputy director of the police station, you can directly Promoted to Senior Superintendent.

Therefore, in the Hong Kong Island Police Force, promotion from Chief Inspector to Superintendent is known as the carp leaping over the dragon's gate.

"Mr. Director, didn't Li Wenbin appoint an acting team leader in order to promote Shen Qiu? I think your police force can also have an acting section chief. You can even approve Shen Qiu's promotion to superintendent at the division chief meeting. As long as the Department of Justice and ICAC stop Shen Qiu, even if Shen Qiu is Or Li Wenbin, or the forces behind Shen Qiu, had nothing to say."

Xia Junxian said slowly

"Sir Xia, no wonder the ancestors trust you so much. I agree with what you just said. With your political department here, Hong Kong Island will not be in chaos."

At this moment, Han Yili's face was completely relaxed, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said to Xia Junxian with a smile

"Mr. Director, please don’t blame our Political Department. Xia

Junxian said lightly

"Hahaha, Sir Xia, those are just my angry words, don’t take them to heart. The Havana cigars I asked someone to buy from Cuba should arrive soon. When the time comes, I will send you a box as an apology. Han

Yili said with a smile.

Then, Han Yili said no more nonsense to Xia Junxian and hurriedly said goodbye. Apparently he was eager to return to the police force and deal with Shen Qiu according to Xia Junxian's method.

Looking at Han Yili's leaving figure, Xia Junxian whispered to himself :"Acting Section Chief of the Operations Division of the Police Station? Haha, if you mess with the people in our political department, you can't let him go so easily!"

On the third day of the Special Operations Team's admonishment at the Police Headquarters, a bombshell news spread throughout the entire police force in just one hour. The

Chief Instructor of the Special Operations Team, Shen Qiu, was promoted and will serve as the Chief of Operations of the Kowloon City Police Station. Acting Chief of the Section, Shen Qiu will be promoted to Superintendent as long as he passes the three views of the Police Commissioner's Meeting, the Judicial Impartiality Committee, and the Human Rights Service Commission, becoming the youngest Superintendent in the history of the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

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