Hong Kong Island, Wong Chuk Hang Training Base.

"Sir Li, why do you have time to come here today to inspect our work?"

Shen Qiu looked at Li Wenbin, who walked into his office, and asked with a smile.

Although the senior management of the police force has released the news that Shen Qiu is about to be promoted to the acting chief of the Operations Division of the Kowloon City Police Station, it will take a few ~ days for the official appointment to come down.

And now Shen Qiu is busy installing his own people in the special task force, even if the official order is issued, Shen Qiu will wait until everything is arranged before going to the Kowloon City Police Station.

Before Qiu Gangao was imprisoned, his police rank was inspector, and this time he and Shen Qiu killed the top ten most wanted criminals on Hong Kong Island, Ye Jihuan and Lin Dong, and Shen Qiu naturally arranged him to the position of the commander of the first team of the special operation team, and the police rank was promoted to senior - inspector.

Ma Jun was also promoted to Senior Inspector and served as the commander of the second team of the expanded Special Operations Team, and Mo Yiquan, Zhu Xuming, Luo Jianhua, Mike, Chen Jiaju and others were also the commanders of their respective units.

In this way, this special task force is completely in the hands of Shen Qiu.

On the women's team, Shen Qiu handed over the responsibility to Yazi, and Shen Qiu knew very well that this team, which was composed entirely of female police officers, would break away from the special operations team in the near future and become an independent and special special force.

"Ah Qiu, how are the arrangements made by your subordinates?"

Li Wenbin is still indifferent for thousands of years, but Shen Qiu, who is already very familiar with Li Wenbin, can be heard from Li Wenbin's tone, and he is in a very good mood now.

"Sir Li, you came just in time, I was about to submit the list of commanders of the special operations team to the police headquarters, can you help me check it first?"

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Ah Qiu, the special task force is your hard work, you are most familiar with these team members, I can't handle this. "

Li Wenbin directly rejected Shen Qiu, and didn't even glance at the list.

This is not only Li Wenbin expressing his trust in Shen Qiu, but also Li Wenbin's expression of his attitude to Shen Qiu, the special task force is your Shen Qiu's force, not my Li Wenbin's force, let alone the local faction's force.

"Hahaha, Sir Li, you are too modest, then I will have the courage to send this list to the police headquarters. "

Shen Qiu's words were very polite.

"Ah Qiu, in fact, I came to you this time mainly for your transfer to the Operations Bureau of the Kowloon City Police Station. "

After Li Wenbin and Shen Qiu exchanged a few words, they brought the topic onto the right track.

"Sir Li, is there something greasy in this?"

Shen Qiu asked knowingly.

He didn't have to think about it to know that he had just made the ghost guy lose face, how could the ghost guy be willing to let him be promoted, or directly promoted to the chief of the Operations Section of the Kowloon City Police Station, and let Shen Qiu cross the dragon gate to become a superintendent, there must be something tricky in this.

"Just now, ICAC invited Kowloon City Police Commissioner Cheung Sui Wing to coffee. "

Li Wenbin said slowly.

"Sir Zhang is our man?"

Shen Qiu instantly understood what Li Wenbin meant.

"Well, this is the ghost guy's countermeasure to us taking away the security department and the serious case accident department, those ghost guys like to play balance the most, what they lose, they have to get something back, Zhang Ruirong This guy is also careless, I have hinted to him several times, the water in Kowloon City is very deep, let him be careful, the result is ...... , forget about him, tell me about you. "

Li Wenbin sighed lightly, and then continued: "According to the habit of the ghost guys, after Zhang Ruirong leaves, the new commissioner of the Kowloon City Police Station must be from the ghost guys' faction, so the director and the two deputy commissioners above you are from the ghost guys' side, you must be careful." "

"Understood, Sir Lee. "

Shen Qiu nodded in response.

"Ah Qiu, in fact, I am absolutely assured of your ability, being the chief of the Operations Section of the Kowloon City Police Station is definitely more than enough, even if you are targeted, you will not have any problems. "

Speaking of this, Li Wenbin paused slightly, and then said slowly: "What I'm worried about is the Kowloon Walled City. "

"Kowloon Walled City?"

For the Kowloon Walled City, Shen Qiu is very familiar with it, the sin city of Hong Kong Island.

"Yes, Ah Qiu, I just said that the water in Kowloon City is very deep, although the oil and water here are not as rich as Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui, and Mong Kok, but because of the existence of the Kowloon Walled City, the security environment here is far more complicated, far more than Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui, and Mong Kok. "

Hearing this, Shen Qiu finally understood Li Wenbin's intention of coming to him, this was Li Wenbin's pre-job training for himself.

"Sir Li, I'll be careful. "

Shen Qiu nodded in response.

"In addition, there is also the matter of promotion to superintendent, Ah Qiu, I will pour a basin of cold water on you first, this matter is not so simple, since the establishment of the ICAC, the ghost guy has strictly guarded against the Chinese of our police force, and every Chinese police officer must be promoted from chief inspector to superintendent, not only through the approval of the commissioner's meeting, but also through the review of the Justice Committee and the Human Rights Service Committee. "

Speaking of this, Li Wenbin's indifferent face, which had not changed for many years, showed a trace of unhappiness on his face: "Our people, at the level of inspectors, I don't know how many more people than those pro-British factions, but at the level of the constitutional committee, the number is not as good as that of those pro-British factions, because those two committees are playing tricks." "

"Ah Qiu, I can conclude that the ghost guy will definitely kill you at the level of chief inspector, so you must not only not make mistakes at the Kowloon City Police Station, but also make achievements that even the ghost guy can't ignore, so that you have a chance, the carp jumps over the dragon gate. "

At this moment, Shen Qiu thoroughly understood that Li Wenbin not only wanted to give himself pre-job training, but also to give himself pre-job mobilization.

"Sir Li, I will work hard. "

A trace of excitement flashed in Shen Qiu's eyes, if the ghost guy really let him Shen Qiu be promoted to superintendent so easily, then Shen Qiu would be disappointed, Shen Qiu wanted not only the upper position, but the upper position by stepping on the ghost guy's face. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Ah Qiu, if you have anything, please contact me at any time. "

After giving this promise, Li Wenbin exchanged a few more words with Shen Qiu before getting up to leave.

A few days later, Shen Qiu officially got the promotion order, and after being slaughtered by more than 100 people from the special task force at the Jumbo Seafood Restaurant on the same night, Shen Qiu once again walked to send the sprouts home.

"Ah Qiu, my father told me that the water in Kowloon City is very deep, you should be careful. "

Yazi looked up at Shen Qiu's angular jaw and said with a concerned expression.

"Well, I will, Bud. "

Shen Qiu replied with a smile.

"Ah Qiu, do you remember what you said to me in Canton Road last time you sent me home?"

Bud asked with a smile.

"Forgot. "

Shen Qiu scratched his head and said with a dry smile.


Yazi gently punched Shen Qiu's chest, then hugged Shen Qiu's waist, snuggled into his arms, and whispered, "You asked me at the time, did you think you were good before, or how good you are now." "


Shen Qiu stopped and looked down at Yazi, as if waiting for her answer.

"I think ......"

Before Yazi's words were finished, he was gagged by Shen Qiu, and kissed until Yazi was about to die, and his whole body became weak, and he collapsed in his arms, so he let go of Yazi.

"Bud, what do you think?"

Shen Qiu leaned into Yazi's ear and asked with a smile.

"I think you're so annoying right now. "

Yazi gasped, glanced at Shen Qiu, and said angrily.

"Then I'm going to have to behave well tonight, and try to make Miss Bud stop hating me so much. "

Shen Qiu hugged the bud, didn't even take a taxi, and ran directly to the Peninsula Hotel not far away.

This night, Shen Qiu and Yazi were sleepless.

This night, Huang Bingyao also had no sleep.

The next day, at the Kowloon City Police Station, a gray sedan slowly stopped at the entrance of the police station, and then a young man in a gray suit with a refreshed face stepped out of the car.

Looking at the square sign hanging on the gate with the five words Kowloon City Police Station written on it, Shen Qiu's face showed a hint of smile.

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