Kowloon City Police Station, Office of the Chief of Operations Section.

"Shen sir!"

"Shen sir!"


Qin Fangliang, the leader of the serious crime team of the Kowloon City Police Station, Chen Xiaoming, the leader of the anti-crime team, Zhu Zhihua, the leader of the anti-drug team, and Qiu Yipeng, the leader of the chicken killing team, stood in front of Shen Qiu and greeted Shen Qiu.

As the head of the Operations Section, Shen Qiu is in charge of the four departments of the Serious Crime Unit, the Anti-Crime Unit, the Anti-Drug Unit, and the Chicken Killing Group, and nearly half of the police officers in the police station are deployed by him.

Of course, the premise is that the commanders of these four departments must strictly follow Shen Qiu's orders, and if they are like the Yau Tsim Police Station, Shen Qiu, Dong Bi and others did to Xu Yunqing, the head of the Operations Section will also be elevated.

"Everyone should know me Shen Qiu, I won't talk nonsense, everyone will be colleagues in the future, you should have heard of me, it is very simple to do things under me, that is, listen to my orders, do things with your heart, and find me if you have any difficulties. "

Shen Qiu made a brief inaugural speech to the four capable generals in front of him, and then continued: "I'll give you a day to sort out the situation of various associations and forces in Kowloon City, and hand it over to me when I go to work tomorrow." "


Qin Fangliang, Chen Xiaoming, Zhu Zhihua, and Qiu Yipeng shouted loudly.

"Well, you're going to get busy. "

After explaining his first task, Shen Qiu waved his hand, signaling that the four of them could leave.

It's just that after Zhu Zhihua, Qiu Yipeng, and Chen Xiaoming left, Qin Fangliang, who had already left the office, turned back.

"Sir Qin, what's the matter?"

Shen Qiu looked up at Qin Fangliang and asked with a smile.

"Shen sir, I am Li sir's old subordinate in O Kee, and I was transferred from the O Kee headquarters to the Kowloon City Police Station as the head of the Serious Crime Team three years ago. "

Qin Fangliang reported to his home and revealed his identity.

"Sir Qin, Sir Li told me about you, and he praised you for your strong ability and stability. "

Before Shen Qiu came, Li Wenbin gave Shen Qiu the bottom of the local faction at the Kowloon City Police Station.

Shen Qiu remembered Li Wenbin's original words that Qin Fangliang was desperate enough, but he was brainless, and Shen Qiu beautified Li Wenbin.

"Shen sir, Li sir will definitely not say that, if you want to get his exaggeration, it is even more difficult than winning the outstanding policeman of the year. "

Obviously, Qin Fangliang is very familiar with Li Wenbin.

"Hahaha. "

Shen Qiu laughed a lot, then looked at Qin Fangliang and asked, "Sir Qin, what's the matter, you want to talk to me alone?"

"Sir Shen, a few days ago, I knew that you were going to come to Kowloon City to serve as the chief of the Operations Section, and Sir Li specially called me to tell me that I could find a way to find out the situation at the Kowloon City Police Station, and then report to you, so that you could be prepared. "

"Sir Li has a heart, Sir Qin, you have worked hard. "

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Hard work does not exist, Shen sir, the Kowloon City Police Station is very complicated, there are people installed by various forces in it, Chen Xiaoming, the leader of the anti-gang team, is Cai Yuanqi's person, and he has a very good relationship with the clubs in Kowloon City. "

"Qiu Yipeng, the leader of the chicken killing team, is Lu Minghua's person, and Zhu Zhihua, the leader of the anti-drug team, I haven't figured out which faction he is until now, but he is very close to the big guy Xin in the Kowloon Walled City, and it is rumored that they are brothers who worship the handle......"

Through Qin Fangliang's detailed report, Shen Qiu knew that in Kowloon City, not only the world where ordinary people live, but even the underworld was divided into two worlds, inside the walled city and outside the walled city.

Outside the walled city, the big clubs in Kowloon City include Helian Sheng, Number Gang, Xinji, Hung Xing, Hung Tai, Heng Kee, etc., while in the Kowloon Walled City, there are only three clubs, Hehetu, Heanle, and Changle.

In addition to these associations, there is also an arms dealer named Tang Ka Yong in Kowloon City, who is not small.

After introducing the general situation of Kowloon City to Shen Qiu, Qin Fangliang seemed to think of something, and continued: "By the way, Sir Shen, there is one more thing, I think it's a little strange, it is necessary to report it to you." "

"Qin sir, they are all their own people, if there is anything, you can say it directly. "

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Maybe I'm thinking too much, you should also know that Director Zhang was invited to coffee by ICAC a few days ago, right?"

"Well, I know. "

"Last month, Deputy Commissioner Kwong Yong-yan of the Police Station was sent to the UK for exchange and study for six months, and yesterday, another Deputy Commissioner Cheng Youwei also took a three-month sick leave, and now our Director and Deputy Commissioner of the Kowloon City Police Station are vacant......"

Qin Fangliang's words were interrupted by Shen Qiu: "Qin sir, do you mean that now in the entire Kowloon City Police Station, I am the highest-ranking officer?"

In the district police station, under the commissioner and the two deputy commissioners, there is the chief of the Operations Section, then the chief of the Management Section, the chief of the Supervision Section, the chief of the Logistics Section, etc.

"Yes, Sir Shen. "

Qin Fang nodded in response.

After hearing Qin Fangliang's news, Shen Qiu immediately smelled the smell of conspiracy, how could the three commissioners be so coincidental, one was arrested, one was transferred to training, and the other was on sick leave, making him, the head of the Operations Section, the supreme officer of the police station, there must be something wrong with this.

It's just that in the absence of information, Shen Qiu can't judge what tricks the ghost guy wants to play, so he can only put this matter aside for the time being, looked at Qin Fangliang, and said with a smile: "Qin sir, thank you for talking to me so much, are you free now, take me around the police station, I also say hello to the guys in the police station, and I am familiar with each other." "

"Okay, Sir Shen, please come with me. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Qin Fangliang agreed to Shen Qiu's request, and then took Shen Qiu and walked around the Kowloon City Police Station.

Ten minutes later.

"Sir Shen, this is the office of the anti-black group, you ......"

Before Qin Fangliang's words could be finished, he was interrupted by a loud slap, and then the girl's angry voice came from the office:

"You said, let me rest assured that I will be safe, and I will be safe, but what is the result? The gang of underworld gangsters found my house, beat my father, and asked us to give him 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, if he didn't give it, he would pull me to be a prostitute!"

"Before, you poor guys said that they could definitely sentence him, but now they say that the evidence is insufficient, and you can't do anything, I Pu your mother, why didn't you say that there was no way before, you made my whole family miserable, do you know?"

Then, Chen Xiaoming's voice also came from the office: "This crazy woman beats the police, what are you doing in a daze, arresting people!"

Hearing this, Shen Qiu pushed open the door of the anti-black team's office and said with a smile: "What's so lively, say it, let me listen to it?"

As he spoke, Shen Qiu swept through the entire anti-black team office, and in the entire office, the most eye-catching thing was the little beauty standing in the middle of the office wearing a white T-shirt and a pure face, like a little white flower..........

Even if she has an angry face now, it still does not affect her beauty, but fills her with a trace of broken beauty.

"Sir Shen, small things, our anti-black team can handle it ourselves. "

After Chen Xiaoming saw Shen Qiu, his eyes changed slightly, and a smile immediately appeared on his face, and he said as he walked towards Shen Qiu.

"Sir Chen, you swelled our guys' faces, and you still say it's a trivial matter?"

Shen Qiu pointed to the middle-aged man standing in front of the little beauty, his red and swollen right cheek, and said lightly. []

"Sir, I'm fine, this young lady is also emotional, not on purpose. "

The middle-aged man said immediately after Shen Qiu's words fell.

"I did it on purpose, you gang of bad guys arrested me, you don't dare to arrest the 5.6 boss of the club like Chic, an ordinary student like me dares to arrest me, right?"

After hearing this little beauty say the name chic, Shen Qiu's eyes moved slightly, he walked up to the girl, and said with a smile: "Pretty girl, what's your name?"

"Sir, her name is Zhu Wanfang, she is a student of the nearby Southeast Middle School, and I am also to blame for this matter, please don't embarrass her. "

The middle-aged man pleaded for Zhu Wanfang.

After hearing the name Zhu Wanfang, the corners of Shen Qiu's mouth lifted slightly, and he could already be sure that the girl named Zhu Wanfang in front of him and the club boss named Chic were the people in his memory.

Thinking of Chen Xiaoming's somewhat nervous eyes just now, Shen Qiu immediately had a plan in his heart.

He was worried that he had just taken office, and he didn't know where to burn the three fires, but he didn't expect that firewood would be automatically sent to the door, so Shen Qiu naturally wanted to laugh, thinking of this, Shen Qiu said lightly: "Beating the police, this matter is related to the face of our police force, Zhu Wanfang, right? Take her to the interrogation room, I will interrogate her personally!"

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