Kowloon City Police Station.

"Zhu Wanfang, you mean, you helped our police identify Chic, not only did our police not convict Chic, but also let Chica extort 100,000 Hong Kong dollars from your family, and now they want to force you to be a prostitute, right?"

After some inquiry, Shen Qiu has almost sorted things out, and now Zhu Wanfang is on the verge of collapse, if nothing else, after she leaves the police station this time, she will soon get along with the dashing horse boy Scar, and then be forced to go to the young prostitute to pay back the money.


Now Zhu Wanfang's trust in the police has been reduced to the lowest, although she told Shen Qiu about herself, she didn't expect Shen Qiu to help her at all.

"Chu Yuenfang, I forgot to introduce myself, I am the new Chief of Operations of the Kowloon City Police Station, you help our police force identify the suspect, our police force has the responsibility to protect your personal safety, I promise you, I will let you sleep peacefully tonight. "

Shen Qiu walked up to Zhu Wanfang, looked at the girl in front of him who was as pitiful as a fragile little white flower, fresh and elegant, and said with a smile.

With Zhu Wanfang's reason, Shen Qiu wanted to burn his first fire, depending on Chen Xiaoming's attitude, this fire might be able to burn something new.

Of course, you can also help Zhu Wanfang, a little white flower, by the way.

If it was Zhu Wanfang, who had not suffered before, and was innocent and delicate, Shen Qiu would not be interested in helping her, but now Zhu Wanfang has realized the suffering of the world and helped her, she will definitely remember this kindness for the rest of her life.


Zhu Wanfang looked up at Shen Qiu, who had a sincere face, and did not speak, obviously still not believing it.19

"You can either wait for good news at the police station now, or go home and wait for good news, and I'll follow you. "

After Shen Qiu left these words, he turned around and left the interrogation room, and then said to Chen Xiaoming, who was guarding the door of the interrogation room: "Sir Chen, I don't care what method you use, within half an hour, I will see Chic at the police station." "

"Shen sir, it's easy to arrest Xiao Sao back, but it's too difficult to convict him, and if you arrest him, when he gets out, he will intensify the persecution of the girl inside. "

Chen Xiaoming deliberately said loudly, just to scare Zhu Wanfang in the interrogation room and ask her to retreat.

Chen Xiaoming was transferred from the Operations Department last year to serve as the head of the anti-gang team at the Kowloon City Police Station, and his mission here is not to crack down on community activities, but to get to know people in the community and support the development and growth of some associations that have fallen against him.

The pro-British faction did this to facilitate the British government in Hong Kong to demolish the Kowloon Walled City.

Since the 50s, the British government in Hong Kong has always wanted to demolish the Kowloon Walled City, not because there are many crimes in the Kowloon Walled City, but because the ghosts are not interested in how many crimes occur on Hong Kong Island, as long as they can get benefits, it doesn't matter how chaotic Hong Kong Island is.

The reason why the British government in Hong Kong has always wanted to demolish the Kowloon Walled City is that the intelligence personnel of many forces, especially those on the mainland, have relied on the cover of the Kowloon Walled City to carry out intelligence activities in various parts of Hong Kong Island.

This made the British government in Hong Kong very passive, which has always been obsessed with the Kowloon Walled City.

As early as a few years ago, in order to cooperate with the British government in Hong Kong to demolish the Kowloon Walled City, the top management of the Hong Kong Island Police Force formulated a sugar-coated cannonball plan to win over the regiments in the Kowloon City District and the Kowloon Walled City.

When the British government in Hong Kong really starts demolition, these sugar-coated associations are the best help.

This is also the reason why Xia Junxian asked Shen Qiu to go to Kowloon City to serve as the head of the Operations Section, it is no wonder that the original club has more than half of the clubs in Kowloon City District have been taken care of by the ghosts.

In this case, as long as the British government in Hong Kong publicly stated that it would demolish the Kowloon Walled City, these associations in Kowloon City would be beaten all at once, and Shen Qiu, the head of the Operations Section, would definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

After waiting for Shen Qiu to be done, he will send a pro-British person to take over the position of the head of the Operations Section, and easily deal with things that Shen Qiu can't handle, so that Shen Qiu's ability can be degraded again.

It's a win.

Chic is a person who has eaten sugar-coated shells, and it is with the support of Chen Xiaoming that Chic can rise quickly and become the boss of Changle.

Even strictly speaking, the chic rise even has a credit for Shen Qiu, it was Shen Qiu who let the three Tony brothers kill the four Changle bigwigs of Eye, Ashan, Daxia, and Bald Head, so that Chic can quickly ascend to the position.

Of course, Chen Xiaoming didn't want the effort he spent on dashing to be in vain, so scaring Zhu Wanfang away and letting her take the initiative to leave was the best result for Chen Xiaoming.

"Sir Chen, what are you doing so loudly?

Shen Qiu stared at Chen Xiaoming, his face smiling.

"No, Sir Shen misunderstood, I ......"

"Sir Chen, listen well, I don't have time to talk nonsense to you, you immediately take someone to catch Chic, if you don't catch it in half an hour, then I can only do it myself, do you hear clearly?"

Before Chen Xiaoming finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shen Qiu.


At this moment, no matter how helpless and unwilling he is, Chen Xiaoming can only take the people from the anti-black group to arrest people.

"Shen sir, Chen Xiaoming, he ......"

After Chen Xiaoming left, Qin Fangliang on the side immediately came up, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shen Qiu reaching out his hand: "Qin sir, I know what you mean, don't worry, see how much material you can dig up." "

After that, Shen Qiu turned his head to look at Zhu Wanfang, who had a little worry in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Classmate Zhu, it seems that you are ready to wait for good news at the police station." "

"Sir Shen, you are different from those policemen, I just misunderstood you, I'm sorry. "

Sitting in the interrogation room, Zhu Wanfang listened to the conversation between Shen Qiu and Chen Xiaoming just now, and she was simple-minded, she only thought that Shen Qiu was really trying her best to help herself, lowered her head, and apologized to Shen Qiu with an embarrassed face.

"Student Zhu, it is our police officers at the Kowloon City Police Station who should apologize for allowing such a brave citizen to suffer such an unjustified disaster. "

Shen Qiu's words immediately evoked Zhu Wanfang's painful memories of this month, and two tears flowed down at once, making her, who was originally like a broken little white flower, even more pitiful.

"Student Zhu, you are a brave little girl, wipe away your tears and don't let others see your vulnerability. "

Just as Zhu Wanfang lowered her head and cried, an extremely gentle voice came into her ears, she looked up, and Shen Qiu, who had a gentle smile on his face, immediately appeared in her field of vision, and he was still holding a pack of napkins in his hand and handed it to him.

Zhu Wanfang's father is a pork guy, although he loves his daughter very much, but he doesn't know how to express his love, while Zhu Wanfang's mother is a pure gambler who plays mahjong at home every day.

Since she was a child, Zhu Wanfang has never felt much of being cared for, and the moment she took the napkin handed to her by Shen Qiu, Zhu Wanfang felt her heart flutter fiercely.

"Thank you, thank you, Sir Shen. "

At this moment, Zhu Wanfang felt that Shen Qiu's whole person was glowing.

"Classmate Zhu, I'm not a few years older than you, just call me Brother Qiu. "

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Well, Brother Qiu, everyone in my family calls me Wanfang. "

Zhu Wanfang whispered.

"Shen sir, Chen Xiaoming brought people back. "

At this moment, Qin Fangliang's voice came in from outside the interrogation room.

"Let's go, Wanfang, I'll let you see in person how our police force protects brave citizens like you. "

Shen Qiu took Zhu Wanfang's soft little hand and walked out of the interrogation room.

Zhu Wanfang, who was grabbed by Shen Qiu's hand, was slightly stunned at first, and then her pretty face turned slightly red, and she was about to break free subconsciously, but before she could break free, Shen Qiu, who had already taken her out of the interrogation room, let go of her hand.

"What about people?"

Shen Qiu looked at the empty case handling area and asked. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sir Chen took people to the office of their anti-gang group. "

Qin Fangliang immediately replied.

"Huh. "

A sneer appeared on Shen Qiu's face, and then he walked quickly to the office of the anti-black team.

Looking at Shen Qiu's back, Zhu Wanfang hesitated for a moment, finally gritted her teeth and followed Shen Qiu's back quickly.

At this moment, inside the office of the anti-black group.

"Lawyer Chen, can you answer the question that the police asked me later?"

With a dick-like face, with Erlang's legs crossed, he sat on the bench with a big horse golden knife, and asked loudly while playing with his fingernails.

Just looking at the chic current style, it doesn't look like he is in the police force, but more like his turf.

Several police officers of the anti-black team couldn't help but reprimand when they saw that Chioc was so arrogant, but they were all stopped by Chen Xiaoming with his eyes.

He deliberately asked Xiao to bring his lawyer with him, the purpose was to give Shen Qiu a dismissal.

You Shen Qiu said that I don't do anything, then let everyone see, what ability do you Shen Qiu have in front of the lawyer to detain people!


At this moment, the door of the anti-black group was pushed open.

After passing Shen Qiu and Qin Fangliang, and finding Zhu Wanfang walking behind them, a cold 920 smile appeared on his face: "Zhu Wanfang, last time you asked your family to pay 100,000 yuan, you haven't paid it yet, today I hired a lawyer again, and the fee will also be paid by your family, plus 50,000 yuan." "

"I ......"

Zhu Wanfang's originally ruddy little face instantly turned pale after hearing the chic words.

"Sir Chen, I asked you to bring someone back, so that you could take him into the interrogation room to sit on the tiger chair, not to let him cross Erlang's legs here and intimidate ordinary citizens!"

Shen Qiu stood in front of Zhu Wanfang, looked at Chen Xiaoming, who was standing not far away, and shouted.

"Tut-tut, which officer is this, so majestic? You won't beat people, right? Lawyer Chen, the police beat people, can I complain about them?"

Shen Qiu's words fell, and before Chen Xiaoming could speak, he stood up with a cigarette in his mouth, looked at Shen Qiu, and said in a strange manner.

"Not only can you complain about them, you can sue them. "

Lawyer Chen replied solemnly.

"Wow, Lawyer Chen, it turns out that I have so much power, then I don't need to ......"

Before he could finish his words, a powerful slap slapped him in the face, not only interrupting his words, but also fanning the cigarette he was holding to the ground.

"You ......"

A stunned dashing was about to speak, but Shen Qiu slapped him on the other cheek with his backhand.

Next, Shen Qiu opened his bow left and right, beat the dashing into a pig's head, dizzy, and fell to the ground.

At this time, Shen Qiu threw down the dashing man who was already semi-unconscious, walked in front of Lawyer Chen, startled Lawyer Chen, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't mess around, I am a registered lawyer of the Hong Kong Island Law Association, if you dare to use violence against me, our Law Association will definitely sue you." "

"Don't be nervous, Lawyer Chen, right?"

"You just said that I hit someone, not only can you complain about me, but you can also sue me......"

Speaking of this, Shen Qiu took out his mobile phone from his pocket, snapped it, and slapped it into Lawyer Chen's hand, and then, Shen Qiu smiled and said lightly: "You can complain to me now, do you want me to tell you the phone number of the police commissioner?"

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