"Sir Shen, Sir Chen and I have a relationship between the police and the people, what else can it do. "

After hearing Shen Qiu's question, his dashing face moved slightly, and he hurriedly replied with a smile.

"OK, tonight, the serious crime team, the anti-crime team, the anti-drug team, and the chicken killing team will definitely be dispatched, the case of your horse boy, the goods sold in the field, and the horses under your hands, I will all stare to death, from this evening, I guarantee that there will not be a dime in your bank account, chic, believe it or not?"

Shen Qiu sat on the table, looked chic, and said lightly.

"Sir Shen, if you offend Sir Chen, I will also be a dead end. "

With a chic and helpless face, the original purple pig face has a tendency to turn black.

"Understood, I won't embarrass you, let your subordinates prepare 150,000 Hong Kong dollars, lest you have no money to pay after tonight. "

Say it, Shen Qiu is about to turn around and leave.

"Sir Shen, don't go, I said, I said!"

Seeing that Shen Qiu was really leaving, Xiao Xiao hurriedly opened his mouth and shouted to Shen Qiu, just now he wanted to eat two ends, but Shen Qiu didn't dick him at all.

"Chic, remember, this is your last chance. "

Shen Qiu stared at the dashing, word by word, and said slowly.

"Sir Shen, I have spoken, I will definitely tell you everything I know, about a year ago, Sir Chen, no, it was not long after Chen Xiaoming took office......"

Chic told the history of his contact with Chen Xiaoming.

is nothing more than the story of a gangster who met a noble man in the police force and supported him all the way to become a club boss.

240 "Chen Xiaoming is working so hard to help you, what does he want?"

Shen Qiu asked lightly.

"He didn't have any requirements other than asking me to save 500,000 yuan a month to an HSBC bank account, but Chen Xiaoming told me that he had a special task, and the time has not yet come, and he will tell me when the time comes. "

After a moment of contemplation, he replied.

"Nothing else?"

Shen Qiu glanced at the dashing and said in an indifferent tone.

Hearing Shen Qiu's indifferent tone, Xiao Xiao hurriedly continued: "Yes, yes, Chen Xiaoming has a very good relationship with some people in the associations of Hong Tai, Number Gang, Xinji, Heliansheng, Hehetu, and An Le, especially with An Le and Hong Tai, who have a close relationship with Chen Xiaoming. "

"You know all this?"

Shen Qiu was a little curious.

"It was also Chen Xiaoming himself who told me, and he asked me not to fight with these clubs in Kowloon City, especially the two clubs of Hongtai and Anle, so as not to hurt the harmony. "

Chic replied honestly.

"Okay, chic, I'm still satisfied with your answer, you've passed this level, don't forget to ask your horse boy to send money. "

Shen Qiu smiled slightly, then turned around and left the interrogation room.


After seeing Shen Qiu leave, he let out a long breath, the sense of oppression that Shen Qiu gave him was too strong, he didn't even dare to take a big breath just now, but he finally let him pass Shen Qiu's pass.

It's just that what Xiao Xiao didn't know (bjcb) was that after Shen Qiu left the interrogation room, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Shihao's number.

"Hao, it's me. "

After the phone was connected, Shen Qiu spoke.

"Brother Qiu, what are your orders?"

Zhang Shihao immediately replied.

"How is the development of the Hop Shing Gang in the Kowloon City District?"

Shen Qiu asked lightly.

"Brother Qiu, the direction of the development of our Hesheng Gang is mainly in Tsim Sha Tsui and Yau Ma Tei, and here in Kowloon City, we have just eaten the territory of the Eastern Star Grasshopper before, and there are only a few nightclubs and a few bathing cities. "

Zhang Shihao replied in detail.

"In the next period of time, put the focus of development on the Kowloon City District, in addition, Changle has a person called Chic, keep an eye on him, within three days, if no one touches him, you want to find a way to do him, Hongtai, Hehetu, and Anle These three communities, you can blame one at will. "

Shen Qiu said slowly.

From the very beginning, Shen Qiu didn't plan to let go of chic, after listening to Chic's words, Shen Qiu even had a big plan, just like when he made the underworld in Yau Ma Tei change the world, this time, Shen Qiu wanted to change the underworld in Kowloon City.

The reason is also very simple, Chen Xiaoming, a pro-British faction, worked so hard to win over these community members, it must be an order from the ghost guy, what the ghost guy wants to do, Shen Qiu naturally has to do it, no matter what the purpose of the ghost guy is, this Hu, Shen Qiu has decided.

At this moment, in Shen Qiu's mind, the system voice sounded.

"The thief of the hook will be punished, the thief of the country, the British government of Hong Kong is about to demolish the Kowloon Walled City, and issued a lord-level task, option one: assist the British government of Hong Kong to demolish the Kowloon Walled City, task reward: 30 billion Hong Kong dollars, a land title deed located in the central and western district of Hong Kong Island (the area is equal to that of the Kowloon Walled City). "

"Option 2: Assist the residents of the Kowloon Walled City against the British government of Hong Kong, and the task reward: unlock the lord's authority and obtain an exclusive territory (Kowloon Walled City). "

"Lord's permissions: 1. The lord will automatically receive 20% of the transaction volume income of the exclusive territory;

2. The lord will have an exclusive space of the same size as the exclusive territory;

3. Lords can unlock exclusive military buildings in exclusive spaces. "

After hearing this task released by the system, Shen Qiu was stunned on the spot.

Compared with this task, the system tasks that Shen Qiu completed before are no different from those of the playing family, let's talk about option one, a piece of land in the Central and Western District with the same area as the Kowloon Walled City will be sold for at least 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is equivalent to if this choice is made, Shen Qiu can get 40 billion Hong Kong dollars as long as he completes the task.

However, Shen Qiu did not hesitate for a moment, and directly chose the second task, the exclusive territory, not to mention how much is 20% of the daily transaction volume of the Kowloon Walled City, just the two rewards of exclusive space and unlocking exclusive military buildings, Shen Qiu will choose this task without hesitation.

With the current stage of Shen Qiu's development, money is no longer the most important thing for him, strength, especially the strength that can make the enemy fear, this is what Shen Qiu needs most.

Not to mention, the first task is to help the ghost guys deal with the Chinese, this kind of task, Shen Qiu feels disgusted when he thinks about it, or the second task, to help the Chinese deal with the ghosts, and Shen Qiu is also a professional counterpart.

And after hearing this task, Shen Qiu immediately understood why the ghost guys wanted to control the Kowloon City District and those associations in the Kowloon Walled City, it turned out to be to facilitate them to demolish the Kowloon Walled City.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu immediately dialed Gao Jin's mobile phone number.

"Ah Jin, you immediately put down everything in your hands and take Yu Xiulai to Kowloon City, I want you Hongxing to go all out to develop your power in Kowloon City. "

After the phone was connected, Shen Qiu immediately spoke.

Let the Hesheng Gang and Hong Xing take down the underground world in Kowloon City first, and then play slowly with the ghost guys, this is Shen Qiu's temporary plan.

Ten minutes later.

"Shen sir, this is 150,000 Hong Kong dollars, can you order a little?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao handed a few stacks of Hong Kong banknotes to Shen Qiu and said with a sneer.

"Wanfang, you take this money, I'll send you home. "

Shen Qiu directly ignored Chic, let Zhu Wanfang take the money, and then left the Kowloon City Police Station with this little white flower.

"Chic, come here. "

After Shen Qiu left, Chen Xiaoming walked behind him and said lightly.

After taking Xiao Sa to an unmanned office, Chen Xiaoming stared at Xiao Sage and asked, "Xiao Scar, what did Shen Qiu just ask you in the interrogation room?"

"It's about Zhu Wanfang. "

Chic replied immediately.

"Just about Zhu Wanfang?"

Chen Xiaoming obviously didn't believe in the chic words.

"Really, Sir Chen, if I lied to you, the whole family would die. "

Chic immediately struck a curse on the sky.

Of course, it was impossible for him to tell Chen Xiaoming that he Chen Xiaoming's bottom had been sold to Shen Qiu by himself.

"Okay, you take care of your injuries these days, keep a low profile, Shen Qiu, this guy just came, he must do something, don't bump into his muzzle." "

Chen Xiaoming glanced at the chic and said lightly. []

"Okay, Sir Chen. "

Without Chen Xiaoming's explanation, he didn't dare to provoke Shen Qiu.

"Well, go ahead. "

Chen Xiaoming waved his hand, signaling that he could leave.

It's just that after the dashing left, Chen Xiaoming's face instantly became extremely cold, and he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Tai Ziyong, it's me, find someone in your Hongtai to kill the chic one who hit the street, and then eat the chic territory, disguised as a murder case that happened between the clubs fighting for territory, do you understand what I mean?"

Chen Xiaoming didn't believe in Chic's words at all, he even suspected that Chica had already reached a cooperation with Shen Qiu, otherwise how could Shen Qiu let Chic go so easily?

Therefore, he immediately made a decision and immediately asked Chen Yong, the son of Hongtai leader Chen Mei, to do it and do it chic!

It's just that Chen Xiaoming doesn't know that even if he doesn't do it, Shen Qiu will help him do it, so that it will be convenient for him to turn the Kowloon City ......upside down.

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