When Chen Xiaoming made up his mind to kill Chic, Shen Qiu was driving Zhu Wanfang home.

"Wanfang, your grades are so good, which university are you going to go to? Hong Kong Island University, or Hong Kong Island Chinese University?"

Through the chat just now, Shen Qiu knew that Zhu Wanfang was now studying in Secondary 5 and was about to take the joint entrance examination, and her grades were also among the best in Southeast Middle School.

"Brother Qiu, Southeast Middle School is a housing estate middle school, and the first place may not be able to go to Hong Kong Island University and Hong Kong Island Chinese University. "

Zhu Wanfang heard Shen Qiu praise herself like this, her pretty face was slightly red, and she said in a low voice.

Universities on Hong Kong Island perfectly inherit the British tradition, in addition to the results of the joint entrance examination, it also depends on the school where the high school is located.

Top secondary schools such as Queen's College and Wenzhi College can be admitted to HKU or CUHK as long as they score in the top 20% of the school's exams.

There are even some children from wealthy families who can be admitted to HKU without examination as long as they are recommended by the principals of these top secondary schools.

And Zhu Wanfang's estate middle school, even if she takes the first place in the exam, she may not be able to go to Hong Kong University, Hong Kong CUHK, or Hong Kong Island Vocational College, even if she is good.

Actually, I originally wanted to be admitted to Hong Kong Island University, but unfortunately my family had no money, so I had to take the police academy. "

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Brother Qiu, I also want to take the police academy. "

Zhu Wanfang looked up at Shen Qiu, and after seeing Shen Qiu's perfect jawline like a statue, she quickly lowered her head and whispered.

"It's hard work in the police academy. "

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"I'm not afraid of hardship, I also want to be like Brother Qiu, to protect ordinary citizens, the Hong Kong Island Police Force is that there are too few policemen like Brother Qiu, and those associations will be so arrogant. "

Zhu Wanfang raised her head again and said with a firm face.

"Yes, there are ambitions, I support you. "

Shen Qiu subconsciously touched Zhu Wanfang's hair, but this time, Zhu Wanfang didn't mean to dodge at all, but there was a hint of joy in her eyes.

A few minutes later, Zhu Wanfang pointed to a dilapidated tenement building in the alley not far away and said, "Brother Qiu, here, the tenement building in front is my home." "

"Good. "

Shen Qiu parked the car at the mouth of the alley and was about to get out of the car.

"Brother Qiu, you are so good, you must have a girlfriend, right?"

Just as Shen Qiu was about to get out of the car, Zhu Wanfang pretended to ask casually.

"Hmm. "

Even if Shen Qiu didn't have to look at it, he knew the girl's current expression and her thoughts.

For this kind of girl, there is no need to weave her any fairy tales of princes and princesses, tell her the truth, she will attack herself by herself, and now Zhu Wanfang is like a blank sheet of paper, she can be trained by Shen Qiu to her heart's content.

"Then she must be very happy. "

Zhu Wanfang whispered.

"Wanfang, what did you say?"

Shen Qiu deliberately pretended that he hadn't heard what Zhu Wanfang had just said.

"No, I didn't say anything, Brother Qiu, your girlfriend must be a very good person, right?"

Zhu Wanfang hurriedly said.

"Actually, Wanfang, I have several girlfriends, I know that this may be unfair to them, but each of them I love them wholeheartedly, and every one of them, I try to make her the happiest woman on Hong Kong Island......"

Under Shen Qiu's PUA, Zhu Wanfang quickly accepted the reality that Shen Qiu had several girlfriends.

This is also due to the fact that the ghost guys are still using the laws of the Qing Dynasty in many fields for convenience, and the polygamy system, which should have been abolished more than ten years ago, still exists in this world.

"Okay, Wanfang, I haven't said these words to anyone else, you must protect this secret for me. "

Shen Qiu said to Zhu Wanfang with a smile after expressing his true feelings.

"Hmm. "

After Zhu Wanfang heard Shen Qiu say that she had only said these words to herself, a strange color flashed in her eyes, and she immediately nodded in agreement.

"Let's go, I'll take you home, and talk to your parents so they can get a good night's sleep." "

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Brother Qiu, can you leave me a phone number, if he still comes to trouble me, I'll call you. "

Before getting out of the car, Zhu Wanfang made one last request.

"No problem. "

Shen Qiu took out a pen and paper, wrote down his mobile phone number, and handed the paper to Zhu Wanfang.

"Thank you, Brother Qiu. "

After Zhu Wanfang took the note handed to her by Shen Qiu, she quickly kissed Shen Qiu lightly on the cheek, and then blushed and quickly pushed open the car door and got out of the car.

Looking at the infinitely beautiful body of the girl outside the car, Shen Qiu smiled and shook his head, he knew that as long as he wanted, he could pick this little white flower at any time.

But he is not in a hurry, he wants to taste this little white flower thoroughly from the inside out, not just a simple physical exchange.

After explaining the situation to Zhu Wanfang's father, Zhu Zhixiong, and asking him to call him if he had something, Shen Qiu got into a car and left under the reluctant eyes of the girl.

At the same time, inside a villa in the Kowloon Tong villa area.

"Dad, that guy Chen Xiaoming gave me a death order, and he must hang up the dashing one on the street in the past two days. "

After receiving Chen Xiaoming's call, the dashing prince who was outside rushed back to his house non-stop and told his father Chen Xiaoming's request, Hongtai leader Chen Mei.

"Chen Xiaoming asked us to eat the chic territory, pretending to be a murder between the clubs fighting for territory, which means that we should throw the murderer out as a substitute for the dead. "

Chen Mei said lightly, then looked at his son Tai Ziyong, and said slowly: "Ah Yong, let your subordinate Wei Jixiang do it, go and kill Xiaoxiao, and then we will hand him over to the police force to deal with." "

"Dad, it's nothing to hand over Wei Jixiang's waste to the police for disposal, the key is that he, this waste material, can he kill the chic?"

Prince Yong didn't have the slightest gratitude for Wei Jixiang, the man who had saved him, and he didn't even feel at ease when he betrayed him, and he didn't feel guilty.

"It's simple, just send a few brothers who are skilled, do things with Wei Jixiang, and let him get ahead. "

Chen Mei said lightly.

"Okay, Dad, I'll arrange it right away. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Prince Yong nodded, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Wei Jixiang's number.

"Hey, Ah Xiang, I, the prince. "

After the phone was connected, Prince Ziyong immediately spoke.

"Brother Prince, what are your orders?"

0 for flowers0

On the other end of the phone, Wei Jixiang asked with a smile.

"Good thing, Changle's chic, you know?"

"Yes. "

"In the past two days, if you go and hang him up, the club will send a few capable brothers to you as assistants, which is equivalent to giving you credit for nothing, how about it, don't say that I, the eldest brother, don't take care of you. "

Prince Yong said with a smile.

Hearing that Prince Yong let him kill someone, Wei Jixiang's brows furrowed slightly, but he still said with a smile: "Wow, Brother Prince, you take such care of me, I will definitely go and hang up the dashing one on the street." "

"Okay, then it's up to you tonight. "

After that, Tai Ziyong didn't give Wei Jixiang the slightest chance to regret it, and hung up the phone directly.

Toot toot~

Listening to the busy sound coming from the earpiece, Wei Jixiang shook his head helplessly, and then said to Ruby, who was standing beside him: "Ruby has something to do in the club tonight, you can help me take care of Dahong." "[]

"Ah Xiang, what task?"

Ruby asked, looking concerned.

"Little things. "

Wei Jixiang replied with a smile, then looked at his son Da Hong and said, "Da Hong, obediently listen to Aunt Ruby, Dad will pick you up when he finishes his work." "

"Hmm. "

Da Hong nodded heavily.

On the evening of the same day, the dashing man who was beaten into a pig's head was treated in the Chinese medicine clinic in the Kowloon Walled City until 10 o'clock in the evening before leaving the walled city.

"Damn, Shen Qiu's fight on the street is waiting for Lao Tzu, don't fall into Lao Tzu's hands, otherwise ......"

With the 4 horses out of the walled city, he ran towards his own car, scolding Shen Qiu in his mouth.

At this moment, near Chic, 8 men violently pulled out their machetes and slashed towards Chic.


Seeing this scene, Chic directly smeared oil on the soles of his feet, and quickly ran towards his tiger head.

It's just that Hong Tai sent out this time, except for Wei Jixiang, a scrapped red stick, the remaining 7 people are all genuine red sticks, which is basically Hong Tai's highest combat power.

After all, Chiocchi still didn't get on his tiger head, was hacked to death next to the car, and fell in a pool of blood, dying.


After hacking to death, Wei Jixiang and the others threw the machetes in their hands to the ground, and then quickly ran into the walled city.

In the consciousness of the old boy on Hong Kong Island, as long as he enters the walled city, it is equivalent to safety, and the police force will never dare to come to the Kowloon Walled City to arrest people.

It's just that Wei Jixiang didn't notice that everything they did was filmed by Gao Jin, who was lurking on the side and holding a camera.

Originally, Gao Jin just wanted to spy on Chic, but he didn't expect that there would be an accident.

After Wei Jixiang and the others ran into the walled city, Gao Jin took out his mobile phone and dialed Shen Qiu's mobile phone number.

"Brother Qiu, Chic was hacked to death outside the Kowloon Walled City, I don't know those who cut people, but I took a photo. "

After the phone was connected, Gao Jin immediately said.

"Ah Jin, you can wash out the photo immediately, and I will be able to use it in half an hour at most. "

On the other end of the phone, the corners of Shen Qiu's mouth raised slightly, and those who were familiar with him knew that whenever Shen Qiu showed this expression, it represented a bloody storm and was about to fall.

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