Tread, trample, trample......

A sound of neat footsteps suppressed the original hustle and bustle of the Kowloon Walled City.

Then, amid the stunned eyes of the residents in the walled city, a team of heavily armed policemen quickly ran into the Kowloon Walled City.

"Shen Sir instructed that every floor and room of every building should be searched, and no fish should be allowed to slip through the net. "

As soon as Qiu Gangao gave the order, the 150 members of the special task force immediately divided into 10 squads and scattered to all corners of the Kowloon Walled City and began a large-scale search.

Although the Kowloon Walled City has tens of thousands of residents, it is actually very small, less than the size of a 4-standard football field, which is equivalent to a piece of land 200 meters long and 130 meters wide.

Of course, even if the area is small, the 150 members of the Special Task Force don't really want to search all the Kowloon Walled City.

However, Shen Qiu's goal was not to really search the Kowloon Walled City, his purpose was only one, to muddy the water in the entire Kowloon City.

Qiu Gangao's orders made Chen Xiaoming, the real commander of this night, a little embarrassed, and he hurriedly said to Qiu Gangao: "Qiu Sir, tens of thousands of people live here in the Kowloon Walled City, and we have made the scene so big, if something goes wrong, the consequences will be unimaginable." "

"Don't worry, Sir Chen, each of our special operations team members has undergone strict 000 training, and this time we are all fully armed, with enough ammunition, there will be no accidents. "

Qiu Gangao replied with a smile.

Hold your mother, is Lao Tzu afraid that your gang of special action team members will have an accident? Lao Tzu is afraid that these guys living in the Kowloon Walled City will riot! Chen Xiaoming was complaining in his heart, and at the same time, he was about to open his mouth and persuade Qiu Gangao again.

However, before he could speak, he was blocked back by Qiu Gangao's words: "Sir Chen, the news of our entry into the city should have reached the ears of the bigwigs of the three associations of Hehetu, Heanle, and Changle, you should have crossed paths with them, let's go, go and talk to these big faces face to face, if they are willing to take the initiative to hand over Hongtai's murderous people on the street, we are relaxed, and they don't have to suffer." "

Hearing Qiu Gangao's words, Chen Xiaoming nodded slightly, it turned out that this guy was not planning to forcibly turn over the Kowloon Walled City, but to force the leaders of several associations to hand over people, so it was reasonable.

Sure enough, Shen Qiu didn't dare to mess around! Chen Xiaoming thought secretly in his heart.

After pondering for a few seconds, Chen Xiaoming spoke: "Sir Qiu, let's go to the Tin Hau Ancient Temple in the middle of the Kowloon Walled City, and the big guy Xin of Hetu, the golden tooth Tai of Hele, and the old ghost of Changle, they will come to meet us soon after they know that we have passed." "

The Tin Hau Temple is located in the open space in the center of the Kowloon Walled City, and it is also the only low building in the entire walled city.

After the death of Ding Ye, there was civil strife in Hehetu, and He'an Le and Chang Le, who were still big associations on Hong Kong Island at that time, took advantage of the situation, and the three associations stood in the Kowloon Walled City.

It's just that time has passed, and Hehetu, Heanle, and Changle, the three original big associations, have repeatedly weakened, in addition to Heanle backing the United Soda Factory, stained with the façade of the Li family, and it can be regarded as a big community on Hong Kong Island, Hehetu and Changle The two clubs are basically shrunk in the Kowloon Walled City, but there are still some turf in Kowloon City, Kwun Tong and other places.

Soon, Chen Xiaoming took Qiu Gangao and more than a dozen members of the special task force to the Tianhou Ancient Temple.

When they arrived, there was no one except for the two offspring who were sweeping the floor, and it was not until ten minutes later that the three old men walked into the Tin Hau Temple with dozens of men wearing short hangers and sturdy figures.

"Qiu sir, the three old men at the front are Big Guy Xin, Golden Tooth Tai, and Old Ghost Cong. "

Chen Xiaoming whispered to Qiu Gangao.

Now he doesn't look like a conductor, but more like Qiu Gangao's subordinate.

"Hey, Sir Chen, what the hell are you doing in the police force, you don't give a word in advance when you do things, you make the city a mess, if something goes wrong, are you guys responsible?"

The person who spoke was the leading boss Xin of Hehetu, who had been operating in the Kowloon Walled City for decades and was the strongest, so the big guy Xin had the most confidence.

"Xin Ye, I can't help it, Hongtai's people killed Xiao and hid in the walled city, and now the people above let us arrest people, what do you let us do? I see, or you hand over the people, and the people of our police force will immediately withdraw from the walled city, so that you can rest assured, and our police force will also have peace of mind." "

Chen Xiaoming almost retold what Qiu Gangao said just now.

After hearing Chen Xiaoming's words, the big guy Xin, the golden tooth Tai (CAFJ), and the old ghost cong got together, and after discussing it in a low voice, the big guy Xin looked at Chen Xiaoming again and said: "People, our three associations can help you find it, but the people of your police force must withdraw from the city immediately." "

"If we don't see anyone, we're going to keep searching. "

After Big Guy Xin's words fell, without waiting for Chen Xiaoming to speak, Qiu Gangao said coldly.

"This sir has a good eye, I haven't seen you at the Kowloon City Police Station before, new here, right? You don't understand the rules of the Kowloon Walled City, I'll tell you now, here, it's useless for the Hong Kong Governor to speak, no matter who it is, including your police force, as long as you are in the walled city, you must abide by the rules of our three families!"

When the big guy Xin heard Qiu Gangao not giving himself face like this, his face sank, and he stared at Qiu Gangao and shouted.

Qiu Gangao walked towards the big guy Xin step by step, and Ma Zai, who was so frightened that he hurriedly blocked the big guy Xin and blocked Qiu Gangao's way.

"Listen, I don't care what bullshit evidence you talked about before, now that our Sir Shen is here, here is only the rules of Sir Shen, he said that he will search your walled city tonight and scrape out the suspect, and it is useless for the Governor of Hong Kong to speak!"

Qiu Gangao stared at the big guy Xin, word by word, and said slowly.

Even if it was a few meters away, the big guy Xin felt Qiu Gangao's murderous aura, which made him slightly startled at first, and then furious, no police officer dared to provoke him so much in the Kowloon Walled City.

"Okay, good, good, even if you search enough, I want to see if the Shen sir you are talking about has three heads and six arms, can it cover you!"

Big guy Xin shouted angrily, and suddenly, the atmosphere in the ancient temple of Tianhou immediately became tense.

At this moment, a fury rang out.

"Sir Chen, be careful!"

Everyone followed this voice, and a scene that made the big guy Xin, Jin Yatai, and the old ghost cong look at them with tears in their eyes.

I saw two men who were still sweeping the floor just now, one of them stabbed Chen Xiaoming in the stomach with a dagger, and the other stabbed Chen Xiaoming's waist with a dagger.

At this moment, the big guy Xin, who was still arrogant just now, instantly showed a shocked and panicked expression on his face, and he immediately opened his mouth and said to Qiu Gangao who was standing in front of him: "Officers, listen to me......"

Da Da ~

Before Big Guy Xin's words were finished, Qiu Gangao raised the muzzle of the MP5 submachine gun and fired wildly in the direction of Big Guy Xin, Jin Yatai, and Old Ghost Cong.

At the same time as Qiu Gangao shot, Mo Yiquan, Zhu Xuming, and Luo Jianhua also raised their guns one after another and shot at Hehetu, He'anle, and Changle.

Da Da ~

A burst of violent gunfire instantly broke the tranquility of the Tin Hau Ancient Temple.

A few minutes later.

Among the corpses on the ground, Qiu Gangao dialed Shen Qiu's number.

"Brother Qiu, all the people have been killed. "

After the phone was connected, Qiu Gangao immediately spoke.

"Okay, arrest all the high-level leaders in Hehetu, Heanle, and Changle in the walled city, and shoot those who dare to resist!"

On the other end of the phone, Shen Qiu said lightly.

After saying this, Shen Qiu hung up the phone, and then dialed Zhang Shihao's phone: "Ah Hao, inform Ah Jin, get ready, after receiving my order, immediately call into the Kowloon Walled City!"

From the very beginning, Chen Xiaoming was the bait, the purpose was to hook out the big guy Xin, Jin Yatai, and Lao Ghost Cong, and then let the entire Kowloon Walled City change the world! .

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