As early as after Shen Qiu had done the chic, he had already arranged Chen Xiaoming's fate.

In order to get rid of the Kowloon Walled City, Shen Qiu directly took out 100 million Hong Kong dollars to Zhang Shihao and asked him to directly spend money in the Kowloon Walled City to buy people.

The two people who swept the floor in the ancient temple of Tin Hau were both killers that Zhang Shihao bought at a high price in the Kowloon Walled City, with the purpose of killing Chen Xiaoming, and then blaming the three societies of Hehetu, Heanle, and Changle.

In addition to these two killers, Zhang Shihao also bought off a large number of horses and even leaders in the three societies of Hehetu, Heanle, and Changle, and these people sold the location of the leaders of their own societies to Zhang Shihao.

The purpose of the members of the special operations team, which was divided into 10 teams, was not to catch those Hongtai's red sticks at all, but to wipe out the three leaders of Hehetu, Heanle, and Changle as soon as possible.

Hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars of money are scattered, not to mention their own boss, even if they are their fathers, many rotten boys are willing to betray.

In the case of making all preparations, Qiu Gangao and others will enter the Kowloon Walled City, and the three of Gou Da Xin, Jin Yatai, and Lao Ghost Cong will come forward, use Chen Xiaoming as bait, transfer out three big fish, and then slaughter them together.

A chief inspector died, and he was surrounded by dozens of community elements armed with sharp blades, in this case, Qiu Gangao and others were naturally reasonable and legal to shoot, and it was natural to arrest the leaders of the three associations of Hehetu, Heanle, and Changle in the future.

After the death of the leaders of the three societies of Hehetu, He'anle, and Changle, the entire Kowloon Walled City was in chaos.

When the Einsatzgruppen heard the gunshots, the Einsatzgruppen immediately moved to arrest the leaders of the three associations.

Originally, some of the old boys wanted to resist, but after seeing the people of the special forces shooting directly without hesitation, these old boys were all frightened, plus those who were bought by Zhang Shihao all kinds of persuasions: I will take a few hundred yuan a month, what kind of life.

After killing more than a dozen old boys and making an example, the Einsatzgruppen did not encounter any obstacles to the arrest.

The unprecedented scale of the arrest lasted for two hours, and by the time the Einsatzgruppen team left the Kowloon Walled City, they had taken away more than 500 leaders of the three associations, Hehetu, Heanle, and Changle, as well as their henchmen.

The middle and high-level leaders of these three clubs were almost completely arrested.

After leaving the Kowloon Walled City, Qiu Gangao dialed Shen Qiu's number again.

"Brother Qiu, the matter has been done, and I am on my way back to the police station. "

After the phone was connected, Qiu Gangao spoke.

"Okay, I got it. "

After Shen Qiu said this, he hung up the phone, and then dialed Zhang Shihao's number.

"Ah Hao, inform Ah Jin that your two societies can start doing things. "

After the phone was connected, Shen Qiu said lightly.

Ten minutes later, inside the Kowloon Walled City.

Today's walled city is not as noisy as it was before, after being swept by the people of the special task force, in the swept field, the guests are basically gone, and the eldest brother who watched the field has also been arrested, resulting in a lot of horses, for a while, they don't know what to do.

Just when they were at a loss, the two associations of Hesheng Gang and Hongxing each gathered more than 1,000 horses, one from the south gate into the Kowloon Walled City, and the other from the north gate into the Kowloon Walled City.

Originally, the horses of Hehetu, Heanle, and Changle were generally not of high quality, plus the dragon head was killed, and the leaders and good skills were taken away by the police force, in front of the elite of the Hesheng Gang and Hongxing, these people were simply vulnerable, and in just over an hour, the entire Kowloon Walled City had changed hands.

Hung Hing and the Hop Shing Gang are bounded by Lung Jin Road, the north of Lung Jin Road is the territory of the Hop Shing Gang, and the south of Lung Jin Road is the territory of Hung Hing.

From today's evening, the Kowloon Walled City is surnamed Shen.

And just when Hong Xing and the Hesheng Gang entered the Kowloon Walled City, at the Kowloon City Police Station, Shen Qiu was also chatting with a person, to be precise, a woman.

"Ruby, you said that Wei Jixiang was coerced by Prince Yong to kill Xiaoxiao?"

Shen Qiu looked at Ruby, who was a little nervous in front of him, but still couldn't hide his natural charm, and asked with a smile.

Previously, Shen Qiu instructed Qin Fangliang to bring the witnesses when Tai Ziyong was killed back to the police station, and among this group of witnesses, Shen Qiu recognized Ruby at a glance.

Without her, this woman is really a natural stunner, if Zhu Wanfang is a little white flower, then Ruby is a blue enchantress, enchanting and charming.

However, Shen Qiu chatted with her personally, not because she was charming, but because she needed her help to do some small things.

It's just that what Shen Qiu didn't expect was that after seeing him, the first thing Ruby said was that he wanted to exonerate Wei Jixiang.

"Yes, Sir Shen, Prince Yong threatened him with Ah Xiang's son Da Hong, saying that if Ah Xiang didn't do this, he would do something to Da Hong, Shen sir, please believe me, Ah Xiang was really forced. "

After hearing Shen Qiu's question, Ruby replied.

Being coerced to kill someone can only be counted as an accomplice, and the maximum sentence is only 2 years, obviously, Ruby understands these legal provisions.

0 begging for flowers

"Ruby Now that the prince is dead, whatever you say is what it is, you said that Wei Jixiang was coerced, do you have evidence?"

Shen Qiu stared at Ruby and said slowly.

"I ......"

Ruby was choked by Shen Qiu's questioning, and after biting her red lip and thinking for a moment, she continued: "Sir Shen, how can you trust me?"

"Ruby, I just said, Prince Yong is dead, whatever you say is what you say, now it's not whether I believe it or not, but how can you make me believe you. "

Shen Qiu walked up to Ruby and said lightly.

Looking at the tall and handsome Shen Qiu in front of her, a trace of struggle flashed in Ruby's eyes, and then she lowered her head and said, "Shen sir, what do you want me to do to trust me?"

Shen Qiu reached out and pinched Ruby Run's chin, raised her head to look at herself, and said lightly, "It's very simple, you help me do one thing." "

"What...... What's the matter?"

Ruby's eyes flashed with resistance, then hesitation, then struggle, and finally relief.

"It's easy, you go ...... right now"

Shen Qiu slowly said what he wanted Ruby.


After hearing that Shen Qiu let herself do this, Ruby stopped, she was ready to take off her pants, and this was the result?

"Why, do you want me to say it again?"

Shen Qiu said lightly.

Ruby is indeed charming, but not so charming that it would make Shen Qiu lose her mind and correct her on the spot, and what is the point of this coercive play? Shen Qiu wants her to climb into her bed willingly.

"No, no. "

Ruby said quickly.

"Then go and do things, my people will go with you, don't play tricks. "

Shen Qiu smiled slightly, and then let go of the hand that was holding Ruby's ba.

After Ruby took a deep look at Shen Qiu, she got up and walked quickly out of the interrogation room. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at Ruby's back as he left, a smile appeared on the corner of Shen Qiu's mouth, and then he walked quickly to the interrogation room where Wei Jixiang was.

After taking the Kowloon Walled City, Shen Qiu's next target was Hong Tai.

Wei Jixiang is indeed not a bad person, but if he wants Shen Qiu to help him, it is not just that he is not bad, he must have the value of satisfying Shen Qiu, so that he can let Shen Qiu pull it.

Next, Shen Qiu wants to give Wei Jixiang a chance to prove his worth.

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