In the interrogation room, Wei Jixiang's mind was very chaotic, thinking that his son Da Hong was not safe now, and then thinking about whether Hong Tai's dragon leader Chen Mei would go crazy and send someone to kill him in prison.


At this moment, the sound of the door opening interrupted Wei Jixiang's thoughts.

After seeing that it was Shen Qiu, Wei Jixiang immediately asked, "Sir Shen, did your police force send someone to protect my son?"

"Don't worry, Wei Jixiang, your son is safe now, our police force has taken him to the safe house, even if you have an accident, your son will not have an accident. "

Shen Qiu replied with a smile.

When asking Qin Fangliang to go to the Gold Coast Nightclub, Shen Qiu specially told Qin Fangliang to send Wei Jixiang's son Dahong to the safe house of the police force to protect him.

For Shen Qiu, Dahong has a very important role.

"That's good, Sir Shen, thank you. "

After hearing Shen Qiu's answer, Wei Jixiang breathed a long sigh of relief, and then thanked Shen Qiu sincerely.

In Wei Jixiang's heart, Dahong is his lifeline, and it is heavier than his own life.

"You're welcome, protecting the public is our duty as a police force. "

Shen Qiu replied with a smile, and then, he continued: "By the way, Wei Jixiang, I still have news to tell you, Hongtai's dragon leader Chen Mei was killed in his own villa, and those murderers were very cruel and killed Chen Mei's family, which is equivalent to saying that now Hongtai has no dragon head." "


Wei Jixiang's face showed a look of shock.

To tell the truth, although Wei Jixiang was surprised, he would definitely not be shocked, after all, Prince Yong was hanging outside every day, and he was ambitious and talented, and his ability to be a person and do things was very average.

And Chen Mei is completely different, an absolute old fox, and he lives in a simple place every day, and there is Hong Tai's best Mars by his side all year round, Chen Mei was killed, and it was destroyed, which made Wei Jixiang extremely shocked.

After more than ten seconds, Wei Jixiang came back to his senses, looked at Shen Qiu, and asked, "Shen sir, what do you mean by saying this to me?"

"Wei Jixiang, being coerced to kill is an accomplice, and the maximum sentence is 2 years, plus being a tainted witness, it can be reduced by 1 year, and if our police force writes to intercede for you again, it may be 8 or 9 months, and you can come out. "

Shen Qiu didn't answer Wei Jixiang's question, but slowly said this sentence that had nothing to do with Wei Jixiang's question, but made Wei Jixiang's face change suddenly.

"Sir Shen, what do you want me to do?"

Wei Jixiang was a smart person, and after talking to Shen Qiu once, this time, he immediately understood what Shen Qiu meant.

"Wei Jixiang, I'll let you leave the police station now, ...... you do this"

Shen Qiu walked up to Wei Jixiang's side and said in a low voice.


After listening to what Shen Qiu let him do, a trace of hesitation flashed in Wei Jixiang's eyes, if he did what Shen Qiu said, it would be tantamount to offending the entire Hong Tai, even if he could get out of prison in a few months, Hong Tai's gang would not let him go.

"Wei Jixiang, those photos I showed you before were given to me by my informant, and no second police officer in the entire police force has seen them, and if you help me do this, I can assure you that the police force will never have a second person to see these photos. "

Shen Qiu said quietly.

Wei Jixiang immediately understood what Shen Qiu meant, if he helped Shen Qiu do this, Shen Qiu would just let him go.

"Okay, Sir Shen, I promise you. "

Wei Jixiang gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Wei Jixiang, you set off to do things now, it's not too early, do it early, you can also accompany your son early, maybe you will have time to send your son to school tomorrow." "

With Wei Jixiang's son Da Hong in his hands, Shen Qiu was not worried that Wei Jixiang would run away at all, and said with a smile while uncuffing Wei Jixiang.

"Okay, Sir Shen. "

Wei Jixiang nodded heavily, and then walked quickly out of the interrogation room.

After Wei Jixiang left, Shen Qiu took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Ah Sheng, Wei Jixiang is out of the police station, keep an eye on it and do things according to the plan. "

After the phone was connected, Shen Qiu said lightly.

On the other side, outside a detached house in Kowloon City.

Ruby, dressed in black and draped in a red coat, knocked on the door of the house.

A few minutes.

"Damn, which one knocked on the door so late,. "

Behind the gate, the sound of scolding came to Ruby's ears from far and near, and then:

"What's the matter with Ruby coming to me so late?"

The person who spoke, nicknamed the Golden Leopard, is Hong Tai's uncle, and he is also the one that Hong Tai's uncles have the deepest friendship with Prince Yong, and he hangs out with Prince Yong in the Gold Coast nightclub all year round, so Ruby is very familiar with him.

"Brother Leopard, you should know about Brother Prince, right?" (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ruby asked, looking at the leopard.

"Nonsense, now the entire Kowloon City knows that the prince was hacked to death by the dashing Ma Zai, but Uncle Mei has not reacted yet, and I don't know what he is thinking. "

The leopard replied admiring Ruby's bulging figure.

As a frequent visitor to nightclubs, the money leopard has more desire for Ruby than Prince Yong, but the woman that Ruby Prince Yong fancy, even if the money leopard wants her again, he can only hide this desire in the bottom of his heart.

"Brother Leopard, I have news that Uncle Mei's entire family was hacked to death by the dashing little brother. "

Ruby walked over to the leopard and whispered.

"What? How do you know?"

Hearing Ruby's words, the money leopard, who originally smelled the aroma of Ruby, woke up in an instant, with a look of disbelief.

"I have a little sister who hangs a note from her boyfriend, and her boyfriend says it's leaking. "

Ruby said slowly.

"Bite his mother, no wonder his son was hacked to death, and Uncle Mei didn't react. "

Ruby knew very well that when the money leopard said this, he had already believed eight points, so Ruby continued: "Brother Leopard, Tai Ziyong and Chen Mei are dead, Hong Tai is now leaderless, and now this opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you, seize this opportunity, you are Hong Tai's new leader.. 0"

At this moment, Ruby was very worried in her heart, in fact, the task given to her by Shen Qiu did not let her come to find the money leopard, but let her choose a target by herself.

Ruby weighed it again and again, and felt that among Hongtai's uncles, she knew the most about the leopard and was the most sure to get him.

Sure enough, after listening to Ruby's very tempting words, the golden leopard did not immediately express his position, but pondered for more than ten seconds before he looked at Ruby suspiciously and said: "Ruby and Guan are still so good, right? Why are you helping me so much?"

"Brother Leopard, Prince Yong sent 8 people to kill Chic, but afterwards he just let Ah Xiang take the blame alone, it's just a brute, I hope that after you become the leader, let others take the blame and rescue Ah Xiang. "

Ruby looked at the money leopard with a pleading face, the pitiful eyes, the little leopard who looked at the money leopard instantly raised his head, he said with a smile: "No problem, I have long said that the prince is unfair and unrighteous, no wonder his whole family died." "

Speaking of this, the golden leopard reached out and was about to take Ruby into his arms, but Ruby dodged without a trace, and said a little angrily: "Ruby, it's okay to help you rescue Ah Xiang, but just such a piece of news is not enough, I want you to be my woman." "


Ruby looked entangled, bit her red lip, and was silent for more than half a minute before nodding helplessly and said, "Okay, Brother Leopard, as long as you rescue Ah Xiang, you can do anything to me." "

Looking at the lewd face of the leopard in front of her, Ruby felt disgusted, and she couldn't help but think of Shen 1.0qiu's face in her mind, and the way he looked at her, only appreciation, not a trace of obscenity.

Why is there such a big gap between people?

But immediately, Ruby suppressed this thought and continued to say to the Golden Leopard: "Brother Leopard, without further ado, you immediately gather your brothers, and then gather all the leaders of Hongtai in the name of Chen Mei, as long as you control them, you can sit firmly in the position of Hongtai's dragon head." "

"It makes sense, Ruby didn't expect you to be a female Zhuge , yes, I will take good care of you in the future. "

The leopard reached out to touch Ruby's face, but was fired by Ruby again.

The money leopard was uneasy, but when he thought that he still had something to do, he didn't bother with Ruby anymore, but he was secretly ruthless in his heart, and after sitting on the dragon's head, not only would he not save Wei Jixiang, but he would also let Ruby kneel in front of him and beg him to her.

The crazy and money leopard didn't notice, and after he turned to leave, Ruby walked out the door and made a quick gesture.

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