When Ruby was in the Golden Leopard, Wei Jixiang also came to the Kowloon Walled City.

It's just that Wei Jixiang was a little surprised that the Kowloon Walled City, which used to be prosperous and noisy, is exceptionally quiet today.

However, at this time, Wei Jixiang was not in the mood to care about why today's Kowloon Walled City had changed so much, he quickly came to a 15-story dilapidated building, walked to the door of a certain room 4, and knocked on the door.

"Which one?"

A gruff voice came from the room.

"Ah Kuan, it's me, Wei Jixiang. "

Wei Jixiang replied.


A few seconds later, the door opened, and a burly man with buckteeth appeared in front of Wei Jixiang's eyes, it was one of the seven red sticks who hacked to death with Wei Jixiang, with wide buckteeth.

"Wei Jixiang, didn't you say it before, everyone runs their own way, what are you doing with me?"

Luo Yakuan obviously didn't know that Wei Jixiang had been in the police station for several hours, let alone that the police special forces had caused a lot of trouble in the entire Kowloon Walled City under the banner of arresting them.

After all, Qiu Gangao and the others entered the Kowloon Walled City, but they did not inform the three associations of Hehetu, He'anle, and Changle of their purpose, and the big guy Xin, Jin Yatai, and Lao Guicong were killed by Qiu Gangao on the spot.

Even the entire Kowloon Walled City is speculating about why the police force suddenly came to the Walled City.

"Ah Kuan 20, Brother Prince is dead, and Uncle Mei is also dead, do you know this news?"

Wei Jixiang pulled Bucktooth Kuan into the room, and after closing the door, he whispered to Bucktooth Kuan.

"What? Uncle Mei and Brother Prince are dead? Wei Jixiang, you're not joking with me, are you?"

Bucktooth looked incredulous.

"Do you think I'm in the mood to joke with you right now? Ah Kuan, we've all been tricked! Someone killed both the prince and Uncle Mei in the name of avenging Xiao, and I'm sure it was definitely the hands of the people in our club who wanted to grab Uncle Mei's position as the leader. "

Wei Jixiang said in a low voice.

"What evidence do you have?"

Bucktooth Kuan stared at Wei Jixiang suspiciously, and asked.

Wei Jixiang hesitated, took out a stack of photos from his clothes pocket, and handed them to Luo Yakuan.

"These photos!"

Luo Yakuan just glanced at it, and his face changed suddenly, these photos were the photos taken by their gang when they hacked to death.

"Ah Kuan, think about it, except for our own Hongtai people, who can take these photos?"

Wei Jixiang said slowly.

"Wei Jixiang, how did these photos get into your hands?"

Obviously, although the bucktooth is wide and the limbs are developed, the mind is not simple, and he immediately discovered the Hua point.

"I didn't know, I was packing up my things at home and getting ready to run, and these photos were stuffed into my house, and they said they would call me and tell me to wait. "

Wei Jixiang replied according to the words that Shen Qiu had taught him.

"Damn, who's messing with us!"

Bucktooth scolded in a low voice.

He didn't have much doubt about Wei Jixiang, after all, Wei Jixiang was cutting people with them, and he belonged to the same boat.

"Ah Kuan, the most important thing now is to quickly inform them of this news. "

can be sent by Chen Mei and Chen Yong to kill Xiaoshi, Luo Yakuan and the other 6 red sticks are all members of the Chen family, and they have a good relationship with each other, so after hearing Wei Jixiang's words, Luo Yakuan nodded slightly, and then took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Bell bell bell ~

At this moment, the mobile phone in Wei Jixiang's pocket rang, immediately attracting Luo Yakuan's attention.

Wei Jixiang took out his mobile phone, pressed the connect button, and immediately asked, "Which one?"

"Wei Jixiang, listen up, the Golden Leopard is now summoning the leader of Hong Tai to his house for a meeting......"

As soon as he saw it, Wei Jixiang's face began to change, becoming more and more ugly.

A few minutes later, Wei Jixiang put down his phone, looked at Luo Yakuan and said, "Ah Kuan, it's the hand of the money leopard, and now the money leopard is summoning the leader of Hong Tai to his house for a meeting, and he wants to take the opportunity to sit in the position of the leader." "

"Fuck, Money Leopard, this bastard, I have long thought he is not a good person!"

Hearing Wei Jixiang's words, Bucktooth Kuan instantly became furious.

"Ah Kuan, a few of us who go to cut the dashing people, either the prince's brother's people, or Uncle Mei's people, the money leopard is now clear that he wants to usurp the throne, and there is evidence of our murder in his hand, once he becomes the leader, the first thing to deal with is a few of us, at that time, he only needs to hand over the evidence to Tiaozi, and he doesn't even need to make a move, our gang of people either run away and go abroad, or they are caught by Tiaozi and squatted for a few years. "

The power of Wei Jixiang's words is comparable to pouring oil on the fire, and he directly blew up the bucktooth wider: "Bite his mother, I'm going to kill the beast of the golden leopard!"

"Ah Kuan, I think so too, instead of sitting and waiting to be killed, it is better to contact the steel teeth and them now, directly enter the house of the golden leopard, kill all those guys, we will control Hongtai ourselves, and then push a few more dead ghosts to help us take the blame. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wei Jixiang said slowly, word by word.

"Ah Xiang, you're right, instead of letting those gangs fight us on the streets, let's cut them down first, and I'll contact them immediately!"

Bucktooth Kuan gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Ah Kuan, to be on the safe side, it's best to bring a few short dogs with you, we must let those guys die tonight!"

Looking at the buck teeth who were holding his mobile phone to make a call, Wei Jixiang's eyes flashed with a hint of joy, and he said slowly.

On the other side, Kowloon City, the home of the golden leopard.

"Money Leopard, what's the matter, calling us old guys over so late?"

One of Hongtai's uncles looked at the money leopard and said angrily.

"Yes, Money Leopard, you said that Uncle Mei is looking for us, what about Uncle Mei?"

After Uncle Fa's voice fell, another Uncle Guo of Hong Tai also asked.

"Uncle Fa, Uncle Guo, and other uncles, Uncle Mei can't come, his whole family has been killed by his dashing men. "

After the money leopard finished speaking, the audience was shocked.

"Money Leopard, you're not joking with us, are you? I only heard that Prince Taiyong was killed, and now you say that Uncle Mei's entire family has been killed, is there any evidence?"

Uncle Fa immediately questioned.

"Uncle Fa, think about it, with Uncle Mei's temper, if he is still alive until his only son is killed by a dashing person, can he sit still? And Ruby's sister, listening to her boyfriend with her own ears, said that there was a tragedy in Uncle Mei's villa, and the police force deliberately blocked the news. "

The leopard pointed to Ruby, who was standing behind him, and said slowly.

"Okay, Money Leopard, just assume that Uncle Mei was really killed, what do you mean by calling us to your house in the name of Uncle Mei?"

Uncle Guo also questioned after the words of the money leopard fell.

"Our Hongtai is a big community, the country can't be without a king for a day, the family can't be without an owner for a day, we must elect a new leader as soon as possible to avenge Uncle Mei's family. "

The golden leopard glanced at the more than ten Hong Tai's uncles and leaders present, and said slowly.

"Money Leopard, if you want to choose the dragon head, you will also choose it at your house, and you will go to the ancestral hall tomorrow. "

After Uncle Fa threw down this sentence, he was about to get up and leave.

"Uncle Fa, choose there, but you can't help it!"

The golden leopard snorted coldly, and then, more than a dozen sturdy men armed with machetes poured into the living room from various rooms and upstairs, surrounding Uncle Fa and other uncles.

"Money Leopard, what are you going to do!"

Uncle Guo stood up suddenly, pointed at the money leopard and shouted.

"What am I going to do? I'm going to be the faucet!

As soon as the money leopard gave the order, more than a dozen of his subordinates immediately moved and looked at Hongtai's uncles, screaming and begging for mercy immediately echoed in this independent house.

At this time, the two cars also stopped at the door of the Golden Leopard's house, and Wei Jixiang, Luo Yakuan, and six other men with strong physiques rushed to the Golden Leopard's home with murderous spirits.

And this scene was seen by Qiu Gangao, who was already ambushed nearby. []

"Brother Qiu, Hongtai's people are already in place, when are we going to do it?"

Qiu Gangao took out the walkie-talkie and spoke.

"Don't worry, let them finish the show first, our gang of policemen are helping them wash the floor. "

In the uninhabited alley behind Qiu Gangao, Shen Qiu, who was protected in the center by Mo Yiquan, Zhu Xuming, Luo Jianhua and other henchmen, held the walkie-talkie, looked at the stars looming in the sky, and said lightly.

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