Hong Tai's uncles and leaders were also good when they were young, but after all, they were old, and in just one or two minutes, seven or eight uncles were cut to the ground.

The leopard also pulled out a machete from under the table and walked towards Uncle Fa, who was being slashed to the ground and wailing.

"Ah Leopard, don't kill me, I can support you to sit on the dragon's head, you killed our uncles, how can you explain to the brothers in the community? Let us live, we will fully support you!"

Uncle Fa was already frightened at the moment, and he just begged the money leopard to let him live.

"Uncle Fa, I didn't kill you, why should I explain to the brothers of the community? The dashing subordinates are really ruthless, not only killing our Hongtai's leading family, but also our Hongtai's uncle. "

Speaking of this, the money leopard squatted down, put the machete across Uncle Fa's neck, and said with a cruel smile: "Don't worry, Uncle Fa, I will definitely avenge you." "

"Money Leopard, you can't ...... good"

Before Uncle Fa finished speaking, he was cut off by the golden leopard in the neck artery, and he couldn't look away.

"Didn't you eat? It takes so long to cut off a few old men's heads, and it's a little faster. "

The money leopard, which was covered in Uncle Fa's blood, stood up and shouted.


At this moment, a loud noise came into the ears of the golden leopard, and then, he saw Wei Jixiang, Luo Yakuan and others rushing into his living room.

The leopard was shocked and suspicious, pointed at Wei Jixiang and the others and said loudly: "Wei Jixiang, you ......"


Wei Jixiang didn't give the money leopard a chance at all, took out his pistol, and shot at the money leopard.

It's just that Wei Jixiang's marksmanship is really not good, and this shot only hit the thigh of the leopard.

Bang bang bang bang ~

After Wei Jixiang shot, Luo Yakuan and others also directly pulled out their guns and shot.

"Fight with him!"

Seeing that the other party did not give him a way out, the subordinates of the money leopard were also ruthless, and rushed towards Wei Jixiang and the others with a knife.

And the money leopard is to target Ruby who is standing behind him, he knows very well that Ruby is afraid that he is not Wei Jixiang's concubine, and the relationship between the two is also very close, and the way to survive holding Ruby hostage is even wider.

"Ah Xiang, help!"

Looking at the money leopard covered in blood and walking towards him with a hideous face, no matter how strong Ruby was, he was frightened at this moment, and subconsciously shouted.


Wei Jixiang heard Ruby's voice, his face changed suddenly, and after seeing that the golden leopard was about to walk to Ruby's side, he didn't care about anything else, and rushed directly to the direction where Ruby was, only to be slashed in the back and arm by the golden leopard's horse.

Wei Jixiang seemed to forget the pain in his body, and directly pounced on the golden leopard's body, biting the golden leopard's ear.

"Grass, I'll take your mother!"

The money leopard's backhand was stabbed into Wei Jixiang's waist.

At this time, Ruby plucked up her courage and kicked the sensitive part of the leopard, which directly made the leopard faint on the spot.

It's just that at this time, Wei Jixiang already has less air intake and more air out.

"Ah Xiang, you hold on, you must hold on, I'll send you to the hospital right away!"

Ruby said loudly to Wei Jixiang.

"Ruby, I...... I'm dying, promise me, help me...... Help me take care of ...... Take care of Dahong. "

Wei Jixiang grabbed Ruby's hand, used all his strength, looked at Ruby and said.

"Police, all lay down their arms!"

At this moment, Shen Qiu took Qiu Gangao, Mo Yiquan, Luo Jianhua, Zhu Xuming and others to rush into the independent house.


Shen Qiu didn't give these Hongtai people time to put down their weapons at all, and before the words fell, the muzzle of the gun was raised.

Either you don't do it, or you have to do it, it took so much effort to bring these people together, Shen Qiu naturally couldn't let any of them go.

In the face of the powerful fire of the submachine guns, these Hongtai people had no room for backhand at all, and they were all killed in just a few seconds.

After killing all these Hongtai people, Shen Qiu walked quickly to Ruby and Wei Jixiang, and after looking at the injuries on Wei Jixiang's body, he immediately turned his head and said to Qiu Gangao behind him: "Ah Ao, someone is injured, call an ambulance immediately." "

Shen ...... Shen sir?"

After hearing Shen Qiu's voice, Wei Jixiang, who was already extremely weak, opened his eyes and said weakly.

"Wei Jixiang, you are very seriously injured now, try not to speak, save your strength, don't fall asleep, your son Dahong is still waiting for you to send him to school tomorrow. "

Shen Qiu squatted beside Wei Jixiang and said while taking out a first-aid bandage from his tactical vest to bandage Wei Jixiang.

"Sir Shen, can you, can you promise me a ...... A request?" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Wei Jixiang was so weak at the moment that even if he said this, he had to use all his strength.

"You say. "

"Can you tell ...... Tell Da Hong that I ...... I'll give you the police force...... Do...... As an informant, I have to leave Hong Kong Island for a few years, I ...... I promised him that I wouldn't...... No more bad things. "

Wei Jixiang looked at Shen Qiu, his eyes full of hope.

"You were already an informant in our police force, didn't I promise you that tomorrow you would be able to send your son to school. "

A gentle smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face.

"Thank you...... Thank you, Sir Shen. "

After saying this, Wei Jixiang slowly closed his eyes.

"Ah Xiang, Ah Xiang!"

At this moment, Ruby held back tears and burst into tears.


At this moment, a painful wail came into Shen Qiu's ears, Shen Qiu turned his head to look, the money leopard who had just fainted from Ruby's kick had woken up, but the bitten off ears and lower body still brought him intense pain.

I can see nothing. "

Shen Qiu handed Ruby a handful of Glock 17 and said lightly.

Without a moment's hesitation, Ruby walked over the Glock 17 in Shen Qiu's hand and quickly pulled the trigger on the Golden Leopard. []

Bang bang......

The 17 angry bullets sent the leopard straight to the sky, however, until all the bullets were gone, Ruby mechanically pulled the trigger of the pistol.

"Ruby, he's dead. "

Shen Qiu took the Glock 17 from Ruby and said softly.

Ruby mechanically turned her head to look at Shen Qiu, her face expressionless, as beautiful as a lifeless doll.


Shen Qiu raised his hand and slapped Ruby in the face, then dragged her in front of him, and whispered: "Ruby, do you know why Wei Jixiang died? Because you are too weak, from now on, put away your weaknesses and be a (king's good) woman who takes her fate into your own hands, I think, this is also what Wei Jixiang wants to see." "

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, feeling the hot pain on her face, Ruby subconsciously looked up at Shen Qiu, she saw a lot from Shen Qiu's eyes, but there was no sympathy.

Ruby turned her head to look at Wei Jixiang again, and then, she turned her head to look at Shen Qiu again, and nodded heavily: "Shen sir, thank you." "

"Tomorrow, I will introduce someone to you, and she can arrange a job for you, of course, you can choose whether to do it or not. "

After meeting Ruby, Shen Qiu felt that there was a job that suited her perfectly, the female manager of a private club.

Now that the construction of the nursing home in Deep Water Bay has basically been completed, only the interior decoration is needed, and Shen Qiu is ready to cooperate with Tang Judy to build a private club in Repulse Bay and officially expand his upper circle.

A nightclub mom Sang who can get out of the house under the hands of the big brother who has coveted her for 4 or 5 years, her level of communication, especially with men, is already the ceiling of human beings.

This is exactly the talent that Shen Qiu needs.

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