Force Headquarters, Counselling Room.

After Shen Qiu's words fell, Yan Liguo opened his mouth and asked, "Shen sir, that's all for your statement?"

"No, I don't. "

Shen Qiu replied with a smile.

“OK。 "

Yan Liguo nodded slightly, and then said: "Everyone, Shen Qiu has finished his defense, let's vote now, if you think you want to open a formal investigation against Shen Qiu, please raise your hand." "

After Yan Liguo's words fell, the two ghost guys sitting next to him raised their hands, while Lu Minghua and the other ghost guys, including Yan Liguo, did not raise their hands.

This made Lu Minghua and the two ghosts who raised their hands all look at Yan Liguo with some surprise.

Yan Liguo's face remained unchanged at all, and he continued: "If you think that Shen Qiu's plea has passed~, please raise your hand." "

After saying this, Yan Liguo was the first to raise his hand.

The final result is self-evident, Shen Qiu successfully passed the test this time, this result not only surprised Lu Minghua, but even Shen Qiu himself.

Originally, Shen Qiu had already prepared to meet the investigation of the Police Force Supervision Department, and this was the result?

However, Shen Qiu didn't feel lucky, but was even more vigilant, the ghost guy let himself go so easily, he must not have held back any good fart.

"Thank you for your trust, and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to listen to my defense. "

After Shen Qiu got up and said this, he turned around and left the consultation room.

After Shen Qiu left, Yan Liguo also got up and left the consultation room without giving half an explanation to the assistant directors beside him.

Looking at the back of Yan Liguo leaving, Lu Minghua was thoughtful, and then he also left the consultation room quickly and caught up with Shen Qiu, who was standing at the elevator door waiting for the elevator.

"Sir Shen, are you free, let's talk?"

Lu Minghua said to Shen Qiu with a smile.

"Okay, I've wanted to get to know Minister Lu for a long time. "

Shen Qiu looked at Lu Minghua and replied with a smile.

Shen Qiu is actually very familiar with this Minister of Supervision, and in fact, in the future, he will climb much higher than Li Wenbin.

First failed to compete with Choi Yuen-ki for the Commissioner of Police, but as a result, he was transferred to the Security Bureau as a deputy secretary, and then rose all the way up, first becoming the Secretary for Security, then promoted to Chief Secretary for Administration, and finally became the first person on Hong Kong Island.

Even when he was the director of security, he helped his henchman Liu Jiehui defeat Li Wenbin, overtake in the corner, and become the commissioner of police.

And the reason why Lu Minghua can be promoted all the way is because he is a hardcore mainland faction and extremely capable.

Before returning, he was suppressed by the ghosts, and he could compete with Cai Yuanqi, and after returning, he soared directly into the sky.

Although Shen Qiu belongs to the localist faction, the current interests of the localist faction are the same as those of the mainland faction, and they all want to maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong Island.

"Go to my office, I just asked someone to buy a little West Lake Longjing from the mainland, and it tastes very good. "

In Lu Minghua's words, he seemed to be hinting at something to Shen Qiu.

"The name of West Lake Longjing, I have heard of it for a long time, but I didn't have the conditions to drink it at home before, but today I began to feast on the light of Tolu sir. "

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, a gleam flashed in Lu Minghua's eyes.

Ten minutes later.

"How is it, Sir Shen, how does this tea taste?"

Looking at Shen Qiu, who was holding a teacup in front of him, Lu Minghua asked with a smile.

"Good. "

Shen Qiu nodded with a smile.

"If you like it, take a pack home and taste it slowly, drinking tea is good for your body. "

Lu Minghua pointed out.

"Then how can I be embarrassed to let Lu Sir cut his love, or in the future, Lu Sir is free, I will come to your office and drink a few cups of tea. "

Shen Qiu refused, not completely.

"It's fine. "

Lu Minghua nodded with a smile, and then continued: "Sir Shen, the big guy Xin of Hehetu, helped me. "

Shen Qiu's defense and action report are indeed providential and seamless, even the sharpest lawyers on Hong Kong Island may not be able to find flaws, but many times, a person does not need evidence to make a judgment.

As a really smart person, Lu Minghua can easily see that Shen Qiu was not so innocent last night, but he was still unsure of Shen Qiu's purpose.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Minghua invited Shen Qiu to drink this cup of tea.

"Is he patriotic?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

When Shen Qiu heard Lu Minghua's words, his eyes moved slightly, and he asked.

When Lu Minghua heard Shen Qiu's words, a smile appeared on his face, it was easy to deal with smart people, and then, he shook his head and said, "It's not worth being patriotic, everyone just takes what they need." "

"Sir Lu, what do you mean?"

Lu Minghua's words did not surprise Shen Qiu at all, if the big guy Xin was really patriotic, Lu Minghua would not have invited himself to tea.

"The Kowloon Walled City is very important, and I hope that the community in it, even if it is not patriotic, will not be Muyang dogs. "

Lu Minghua looked at Shen Qiu with blazing eyes, waiting for his answer.

"Lu sir, Zhang Shihao of the Hesheng Gang, I have been in contact with him, he is very patriotic, if you are interested, you can talk to him. "

Shen Qiu pondered for a moment and pushed Zhang Shihao out.

After all, even his younger uncle Ma Yongying could see that the relationship between Shen Qiu and the Hesheng Gang was not ordinary, and a smart person like Lu Minghua could naturally see it even more, and there was no need for Shen Qiu to hide.

"Okay, Sir Shen, as long as you love the country and Hong Kong Island, you are my friend. "

Lu Minghua didn't know whether to say this to Zhang Shihao or to Shen Qiu in front of him.

"Sir Lu, I'm the same as you think, everyone is Chinese, a family whose blood is thicker than water, and ghosts are outsiders. "

Shen Qiu also looked at Lu Minghua, word by word, and said slowly. []

"Not bad. "

Lu Minghua nodded, and then continued: "Sir Shen, the ghost guy put you down gently this time, there must be a purpose, you have to be careful, if you have any difficulties in the future, you can contact me, if you can help, I will definitely help you." "

"Thank you Sir Lu. "

Shen Qiu did not refuse, he knew that there was a prerequisite for Lu Minghua's help, that is, Zhang Shihao had to be patriotic and help cover the mainland agents hiding in the Kowloon Walled City.

Meanwhile, in the office of Police Commissioner Han Yili.

Commissioner of Police Han Yili and Deputy Commissioner Yan Liguo were also talking.

"Mr. Director, according to your instructions, let Shen Qiu pass this time. "

Yan Liguo said lightly.

"Director Yan, are you curious why I want to let Shen Qiu go this time. "

Han Yili's tone was very calm.

"Mr. Commissioner, you don't need to explain to me. "

Yan Liguo's eyes moved slightly, and he spoke.

"Director Yan, you're still so slippery. "

Han Yili pointed at Yan Liguo and said with a smile, and then, the smile on his face narrowed, and he said lightly: "The community and Anle in the Kowloon Walled City are the dogs of the Li family, and the Li family is counting on selling their dog at a good price when the Kowloon Walled City is demolished this time, but it has not been sold, and the dog was killed, do you think the people of the Li family will give up?"

"It is indeed a genius idea for the Chinese to fight for the layman, to fight for the inside, and to control China with China. "

Hearing Han Yili's words, Yan Liguo's eyes flashed, and he said quietly.

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