Repulse Bay, Li Xiaowen Villa.

The royal lawyer of the Li family, who was the assistant to the Secretary for Justice, has even higher qualifications than Lai Yonglian, and is a top lawyer among the top lawyers.

"Mr. Leigh, what's the matter with being in such a hurry to ask me to meet?"

In front of Li Xiaowen, Dong Weiguo did not have the arrogance of others at all, and his smile was very gentle.

"Lawyer Dong, a little thing shouldn't have bothered you, but after thinking about it, I can only rest assured that this matter will be left to you to do. "

Li Xiaowen also had a vague smile on his face.

"Mr. Leigh is polite, I receive a salary, and the employer's business is important to me, no matter how big or small. "

Dong Weiguo said with a smile.

"In the past two days, some information will be sent to your office, you study it carefully, there is a bad guy named Shen Qiu in the police force, I want you to pull off the tiger skin on his body, in addition, the two associations that are talking about the Kowloon Walled City now, Hesheng Gang and Hong Xing, you can find a way to meet with the people who can be the masters of "717" in these two communities, and tell them that our Li family can give them a chance. "

Li Xiaowen's tone was flat, as if he had to dispose of some garbage and adopt two dogs with ease.

"Yes, Mr. Leigh. "

Dong Weiguo did not hesitate for a moment, and directly agreed.

In his opinion, it is indeed not a difficult thing to strip off the clothes of a bad guy and get rid of two dwarf mules.

"In addition, I would like to inform your apprentice Hu Zhiyong (from the movie "Anti-Corruption Storm 1") that the care fund will be operated and listed as soon as possible, Director Luo spoke to me on the phone yesterday, and the financial secretary's $15 billion poverty alleviation fund has begun to look for a trust, and we have to speed up a little bit. "

Li Xiaowen said slowly.

After listening to Li Xiaowen's words, Dong Weiguo nodded slightly, and then continued: "Mr. Li, do you need to discuss this matter with Mr. Li Xiaotian first, the matter of Huaye Group last time made Mr. Li Xiaotian very unhappy. "

After hearing Dong Weiguo's words, Li Xiaowen's eyes changed suddenly, and he stared at Dong Weiguo indifferently for nearly half a minute before he said lightly: "I will tell my second brother about this matter in person, so I won't worry about Lawyer Dong." "

"Don't be angry, Mr. Leigh, I'm also thinking about Mr. Leigh. "

Facing Li Xiaowen, who looked cold, Dong Weiguo was not afraid at all, and said without humility or arrogance.

"Well, hard work Lawyer Dong, you must do the two things I told you well. "

Li Xiaowen waved his hand and signaled that Dong Weiguo could leave.


After Dong Weiguo left, Li Xiaowen kicked the coffee table in front of him to the ground, and the coffee on the coffee table suddenly splashed on Li Xiaowen's shoes.

"Akai, sometimes, I have also complained that my father passed on the status of the Li family to the eldest brother, and passed on the business of the Li family to the second brother, and I, except for the name of the third brother of the Li family, have nothing. "

Li Xiaowen looked down at Lian Kai, the secretary who was polishing his shoes, and said lightly.

"Mr. Li, it is precisely because of this that you can be made what you are now. "

Lian Kai raised his head and looked at Li Xiaowen's eyes, full of admiration.

Li Xiaowen pinched Lian Kai's chin and raised his head, so that he could appreciate the worship in Lian Kai's eyes more clearly, and at the same time, Li Xiaowen said lightly: "Last time about Huaye Group, the second brother scolded me severely, saying that with the current status of the Li family, there is no need to do those illegal things of stealing chickens and dogs. "

"Akai, do you think my second brother said this, it's not funny, our Li family originally started by my great-grandfather Lixi Sheng selling opium, and now he told me, don't do those illegal things, hahahaha. "

Li Xiaowen laughed, and then the smile on his face suddenly fell: "Actually, what the second brother said is right, the status of the Eli family really doesn't need to do things like stealing chickens and dogs, but the Li family is the Li family of Li Xiaoze and Li Xiaotian, not the Li family of my Li Xiaowen." "

"Mr. Leigh, you ......"

Before Lian Kai finished speaking, he was covered by Li Xiaowen's mouth.

"Akai, Judy Tong and Guo Jinfeng taught me something, and taking out $15 billion to do something is more beneficial than putting all this money in my own purse. "

"When the time comes, I want to see if my second brother praises me or scolds me. "

Li Xiaowen hooked Lian Kai's chin, supported him and stood up, and then in the courtyard of this villa, man on man.


In the next few days, Kowloon City was calm, and with the supply of Shen Qiu's sufficient banknotes, Zhang Shihao and Gao Jin quickly dealt with the diehards in the Kowloon Walled City, and even some of the released Hehetu, He'anle, and Changle's red sticks, white paper fans, and straw sandals were reinvested in the Hesheng Gang and Hongxingshe.

The reign of Hehetu, He'anle, and Changle in the Kowloon Walled City for more than ten years or even decades completely collapsed within a few days.

On the fourth day after taking the Kowloon Walled City, Shen Qiu received a call from Zhang Shihao.

"Brother Qiu, I have already negotiated with Lu Minghua's people, and the conditions are the same as before. "

Shen Qiu explained to Zhang Shihao that the cooperation with Lu Minghua would be discussed in accordance with the conditions of Lu Minghua and the big man Xin before.

Patriotism naturally means patriotism, but patriotism also requires eating, and if Zhang Shihao really doesn't want anything, Lu Minghua will doubt the sincerity of Zhang Shihao and Shen Qiu.

"Good. "

Shen Qiu responded with a smile, and then continued: "In the past few days, there should be people who can't help but come to you to talk to Gao Jin, and you will do what I told you before." "

"Understood, Brother Qiu. "

Zhang Shihao immediately responded. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Knock knock~

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in. "

After Shen Qiu hung up the phone, he spoke.


As the office door was pushed open, 4 men in gray and blue suits appeared in front of Shen Qiu, the man led by him was dark-skinned and looked ordinary, he looked at Shen Qiu and said lightly: "Chief Inspector Shen Qiu, Chief of the Operations Section of the Kowloon City Police Station, I am Lu Zhilian, the chief investigation officer of ICAC, and now we ICAC suspect that you have illegal activities with the underworld, please come back to ICAC with us for investigation...."

"Director Lu, please let me have a cup of coffee, just call me and let me know, are you going to have such a big battle?"

Shen Qiu looked at Lu Zhilian and said with a smile.

"Sir Shen, your police force has a precedent of violent confrontation with ICAC law enforcement, and we ICAC people will be careful when they come to your police station to do things. "

Lu Zhilian said slowly.

Luk was referring to the police war that shocked Hong Kong that year, when thousands of police officers stormed into ICAC's office building, killing and wounding dozens of ICAC employees, forcing the Hong Kong governor to give in and announce that the deadline for that year would not be prosecuted for corruption that had not been discovered before.

"Okay, Director Lu, let's go, I've long wanted to taste your ICAC coffee, isn't it really that bad." "

Shen Qiu stood up and walked towards Lu Zhilian, the smile on his face did not change in the slightest.

"Sir Shen, thank you for your cooperation. "

Seeing Shen Qiu so cooperative, Zhilian's heart was also relieved. []

It's just that when Shen Qiu and Lu Zhilian walked to the first floor of the Kowloon City Police Station, Qin Fangliang, who heard the news, took more than a dozen police officers from the Serious Crime Unit to block the way for Lu Zhilian and others.

In addition, more than a dozen uniformed police officers who admired Shen Qiu also took the initiative to join the team to block Lu Zhilian.

"What, Sir Shen, are you saluting first and then soldiering?"

Facing dozens of policemen blocking the road, Lu Zhilian's face did not panic at all, but showed a smile, turned his head to look at Shen Qiu and asked.

"Our police force is like a big family, and we will definitely be excited to see our family members being taken away by 3.1 people. "

Shen Qiu replied with a smile, then looked at Qin Fangliang and said: "Qin sir, everyone is a person who comes out to do things, there is no need to embarrass other people's ICAC commissioners, I believe that ICAC will definitely give me justice, and how they will take me away at that time, they will definitely send me back." "

Speaking of this, Shen Qiu looked at Lu Zhilian, and the smile on his face became brighter: "Director Lu, do you think what I said is right?"

Looking at the bright smile on Shen Qiu's face, I don't know why, Lu Zhilian felt a chill all over his body, and he always felt that the smile of the man in front of him was very dangerous.

But Lu Zhilian still replied very professionally: "Sir Shen, our ICAC is a place to talk about evidence, and we will never wronged any good person." "

"Hear it, everyone get out of the way, don't make it difficult for Director Lu. "

The corners of Shen Qiu's mouth raised a hint of a smile.

For Lu Zhilian's arrival, Shen Qiu didn't panic at all, and even felt a little relieved, because he finally waited for the other side to make a move.

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