On Hong Kong Island, Tsim Sha Tsui, Nathan Road, a Toyota Crown sedan is slowly driving on the road.

Inside the car.

"Sir Shen seems to be very loved by his subordinates, and he is willing to stand up for you to obstruct our ICAC office. "

Lu Zhilian's words were thorny.

"Director Lu, it's not that you're obstructing your work, it's that we police like to investigate the truth, and everyone just wants to know why ICAC came to arrest people. "

Shen Qiu's words also have a deep meaning.

"Sir Shen, don't doubt the impartiality of our ICAC, since we have invited you to be investigated, there must be evidence in our hands. "

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Lu Zhilian's eyes flashed and he said slowly.

"Director Lu, don't you really think that your ICAC must be fair and just, and everything will be in accordance with procedures and laws, right?"

Shen Qiu looked at Lu Zhilian, his face was smiling.

"Sir Shen, this is not my opinion, but the consensus of the citizens of Hong Kong Island. "

Lu Zhilian said lightly.

"Hahaha, Director Lu, a department with impure motives at the beginning of its establishment, don't talk about fairness, right? "

Shen Qiu's face showed a hint of sneer.

The establishment of the ICAC Independent Commission Against Corruption was purely set up by the British to combat the money empire established by Lei Luo and others22.

Through more than ten years of operation, Lei Luo and others have built a huge network of relationships, and almost all the ghosts at the top level have been elevated, and the ghosts at that time only took money from Lei Luo and others every month, and handed over other things to the Chinese themselves.

In 1972, after the new Hong Kong Governor Mak Lihao came to power, he immediately discovered this fatal problem, for the ghost guys, he can delegate power to the Chinese, but the Chinese cannot empty their ghosts.

In the end, Mai Lihao could only tear off the mask of the ghost rule of law and set up the ICAC, all of whom were transferred from the British mainland, and were only responsible to the Governor of Hong Kong, not to speak of the law, not to follow the procedures, as long as a police officer was suspected of corruption, he could be arrested immediately without going through any procedures.

Faced with this situation, the four detectives, Lei Luo and Yan Tong, who should have stood up and taken the lead, were the first to run away, leaving a scattered police force.

But Rao is like this, the police force still fought with ICAC for 2 or 3 years, and finally under the leadership of Li Wenbin's father Li Shutang and others, they rushed into the ICAC headquarters, creating the first police integrity war and forcing the Hong Kong governor to give in.

It is also because of this that Li Shutang and Li Wenbin have their current status in the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

As an organization that does not pay attention to laws and procedures, Shen Qiu said that the motives for the establishment of ICAC are not pure, and even Lu Zhilian himself cannot refute it.

"You ......"

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Ma Yaozu, an ICAC investigator sitting in the co-pilot's seat, suddenly couldn't help it, and turned his head to anger Shen Qiu, but he was interrupted by Lu Zhilian as soon as he turned his head: "Azu, I'm chatting with Shen sir, don't interject, lest people say that our ICAC has no rules." "

Subsequently, Lu Zhilian continued: "Sir Shen, I know that your police force has a great opinion of our ICAC, earlier, when ICAC was first established, there were indeed some imperfections, but after so many years of development, ICAC has become the guarantee of the rule of law on Hong Kong Island, and it is also because of the existence of ICAC that Hong Kong Island has become the most clean region in Asia and even in the world. "

"That is, rich people and those ghostly high-ranking officials can accept bribes reasonably and legally, can they not be honest? Director Lu, tell me, the Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong Island, with a salary of 280,000 yuan a month, can he play a yacht with a starting price of 120 million Hong Kong dollars? A monthly salary of 280,000 yuan, I'm afraid that raising this yacht is enough to choke, right?"

"Tell me, what do you ICAC think of this yacht, and why did this matter not go through in the end?"

What Shen Qiu said was the Chief Secretary for Administration's Esma Yacht Gate incident that caused a stir two years ago.

At the beginning, it was revealed that the reporter who owned a luxury yacht was robbed and committed suicide, and the ICAC investigation report was that Esma's money for the purchase of the yacht came from a legitimate source, but it was inconvenient to disclose it because of personal privacy.

"Sir Shen, I don't want to argue with you about this. "

Lu Zhilian's face was slightly gloomy, Shen Qiu's words, he listened to it very unpleasantly, but he couldn't refute it, which made him very uncomfortable.

"It's okay, Director Lu, I understand you, our police force, your ICAC, are actually dogs raised by ghosts, but this dog in our police force has a more unruly personality, and from time to time he will scare the ghosts and bite the ghosts, you are obedient Teddy, holding the ghosts in his hands, you dare to scare the heavens and the earth, once you are let go by the ghosts, you can only whine. "

The smile on Shen Qiu's face became more and more sarcastic.

"Shen Qiu, don't fucking go too far!"

Hearing Shen Qiu insult ICAC like this, Ma Yaozu couldn't hold back any longer, turned his head and pointed at Shen Qiu's face, and scolded loudly.

"I've heard a saying, lies don't hurt people, the truth is a quick knife, this investigator, you have lost your temper. "

Shen Qiu leaned on the back of the car seat, held his head high, looked at Ma Yaozu with a smile on his face, and said lightly.

Bang bang bang ~ At this time, Lu Zhilian suddenly applauded, and a trace of an ugly smile appeared on the face of the original dead mother: "Sir Shen, admire, I have been in contact with some police officers, many of whom are higher in rank than you, and can even be said to be much higher, but no one has ever been as calm as you when facing our ICAC, and can even be anti-customer-oriented." "

"From Probationary Inspector to Chief Inspector in two months, he is expected to become the youngest superintendent in the history of Hong Kong Island, which is really unusual. "

Lu Zhilian did not hesitate to praise Shen Qiu, which made the angry Ma Yaozu a little stunned for a while, and he didn't know whether he should continue to spray Shen Qiu or shut up again.

"Director Lu, those police officers before faced you ICAC, it was because they had ghosts in their hearts, I have a clear conscience, and I am naturally upright, just like you ICAC, if you are above board, what I just said, you will only be a joke and laugh it off, but like this Mr. Investigator, you will be annoyed and angry. "

Shen Qiu glanced at Ma Yaozu, his face seemed to be smiling, and he said lightly.

"I ......"

"That's enough, Azu, if you say one more word, I'll transfer you to another group immediately!"

Ma Yaozu was looked at by Shen Qiu like this, and the fire that had just been suppressed surged up again, but this time, Lu Zhilian didn't give him a chance to explode, and directly pressed his anger back. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After suppressing Ma Yaozu's anger, Lu Zhilian said to Shen Qiu again: "Sir Shen, you are very 580 profitable, I hope you are really upright, so that the police force will not lose a talent, and Hong Kong Island will have an excellent police officer." "

"Director Lu, I also hope that your eyes can be a little brighter and see clearly who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. "

Shen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

Shen Qiu was very impressed by Lu Zhilian, he was indeed a qualified ICAC investigator, but that's all.

Politics always overrides the handling of cases, if Lu Zhilian does not understand this truth, then he can only do the work of others.


In the battle of words between Shen Qiu and Lu Zhilian and others, the car was parked outside the ICAC headquarters building in the eastern district of Hong Kong Island.

After the car stopped, Lu Zhilian pushed open the door of the sedan on his side, and after getting out of the car, he looked at Shen Qiu who was sitting in the car, and said lightly: "Shen sir, please." "

"Director Lu, do you remember the road we traveled when we first came?"

Shen Qiu looked at Lu Zhilian and asked.


Lu Zhilian frowned slightly, obviously he was a little puzzled by Shen Qiu's question.

"I told my subordinates that if you ICAC took me away, you will send me back. "

The smile on Shen Qiu's face narrowed, staring at Lu Zhilian, word by word, and said slowly.

"Sir Shen, I think I should remember the ICAC's way to the Hong Kong Island High Court. "[]

Lu Zhilian's eyes flashed, and he said lightly, he knew that Shen Qiu's provocation just now was just an appetizer, and from this moment on, the war between ICAC and this chief inspector really began.

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