ICAC, Interrogation Room.

Unlike the Force's interrogation rooms, ICAC's interrogation rooms do not have interrogation rooms, only ordinary chairs, and a small square table, which is more like a dining room than an interrogation room.

On top of that, ICAC's interrogation rooms are very small and give people a feeling of oppression as soon as they walk in, which is obviously also carefully designed.

"Wow, Director Lu, it seems that my level as the chief inspector is really not enough, and I am only worthy of using such a small interrogation room?"

After walking into the interrogation room, Shen Qiu said to Lu Zhilian with a smile.

"Sir Shen, sit down. "

Lu Zhilian directly ignored Shen Qiu's words and said lightly.

"Your ICAC chair is very good, it is very comfortable to sit on, and I will also make a suggestion to the police force senior management in the future to replace all the chairs in the police interrogation room with the same style as your ICAC, after all, we are now paying attention to human rights." "

Shen Qiu sat on the chair and said with a smile.

"Shen Qiu, police officer number 1972, 5 years ago was admitted to the police academy, in the ......"

Lu Zhilian ignored Shen Qiu's nonsense, went straight to the point, and began to read Shen Qiu's resume, but Shen Qiu immediately interrupted Lu Zhilian's words: "Director Lu, don't talk about these things that everyone knows, let's talk about some fierce information." "

Lu Zhilian looked at Shen Qiu deeply, and then said slowly: "Shen Qiu, 9 months ago, when you were a probationary inspector of Kowloon West Region, you ...... when you were serving as a probationary inspector in Kowloon West Region."

"Sir Shen, how do you explain what I said above?"

Not out of Shen Qiu's expectations, ICAC targeted his relationship with the Hesheng Gang.

Although Shen Qiu had deliberately downplayed the coincidence between himself and the Hesheng Gang in the back, there were indeed some flaws in the front for rapid development.

However, Shen Qiu didn't panic at all, Ma Yongying looked for him Shen Qiu to take revenge, he only needed to guess, no evidence was needed, but ICAC was different, they needed evidence.

"Coincidence. "

Shen Qiu's answer was just two words, concise and to the point.

"It's just a coincidence. "

Lu Zhilian stared at Shen Qiu and said lightly.

"Director Lu, in 1957, the number gang was in full swing, and the then governor of Hong Kong, Ge Hongliang, expelled the 14k leader Ge Zhaohuang from the country, this move led to the split of the number gang, and Xinji, Hongxing, and Dongxing rose from this, according to you, can I say that Ge Hongliang and Xinji, Hongxing, and Dongxing also have improper interests relationship?"

Shen Qiu also looked at Lu Zhilian and said lightly.

"Shen Qiu, you're simply a strong argument~!"

Hearing Shen Qiu's nonsense, Ma Yaozu, who was sitting next to Lu Zhilian, couldn't hold back, pointed at Shen Qiu and said loudly.

"I was just doing my duty as an O-Keng police officer to crack down on the growing community activities in Yau Ma Tei, and the facts have proven that my fight has been effective, and the crime rate in Yau Ma Tei has dropped by 70 per cent when I left Yau Tsim Police Station, and it may be even lower now. "

"Associations are like leeks, if they cut a stubble, they will grow a stubble, if it is a crime to make profits from other associations because of the crackdown on the association, then I suggest that you apply directly to the Governor of Hong Kong and the police department to abolish the O Ji department, so as not to let more police officers embark on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes. "

Facing the excited Ma Yaozu, Shen Qiu's face was calm, and he slowly said his arguments.

"Shen Qiu, then how do you explain that the Hesheng Gang has cooperated with your actions many times and attacked other associations, for example, a few days ago, the Hesheng Gang entered the Kowloon Walled City, just after you killed the leaders of the three associations, Hehetu, He'anle, and Changle, and arrested the backbone of these three associations. "

Unlike Ma Yaozu, Lu Zhilian's face was very calm, and he continued to ask without hesitation.

"Coincidence. "

Shen Qiu shrugged his shoulders and said lightly.

"OK, Sir Shen, you ......"

Knock knock~

Just as Lu Zhilian was about to continue speaking, a knock on the door interrupted him.


Lu Zhilian opened the door, and a female investigator standing at the door attached to Lu Zhilian's ear and said softly: "Director Lu, Zhang Shihao of the Hesheng Gang and Gao Jin of the Hongxing Society have all been brought back. "

This female investigator thought that her voice was so small, and it was so far away from Shen Qiu, Shen Qiu couldn't hear it at all, but she couldn't dream that Shen Qiu was hanging, not to mention what she said, even her heartbeat was two beats faster, and she was clearly heard by Shen Qiu, who had spider induction.

Shen Qiu understood that it seemed that ICAC came prepared this time, and maybe, it wasn't just ICAC who made a move.

Lu Zhilian didn't speak, just nodded to the female investigator, then closed the door of the interrogation room and continued to sit back in front of Shen Qiu.

"Sir Shen, you pushed everything to coincidence, I really have nothing to say, but there is one thing, after you read it, you will definitely not say that it is a coincidence. "

After that, Lu Zhilian put a few photos in front of Shen Qiu.

The content of the photo is very simple, it is three bills, the first is the bill for Ruan Mei's hospitalization for surgery, which cost 1.79 million Hong Kong dollars, and the second and third are the legal fees of Li Yonglian, one is 2.1 million Hong Kong dollars, and the other is 1.7 million Hong Kong dollars.

Lu Zhilian's meaning is obvious, you Shen Qiu is a chief inspector, with a salary of more than 10,000 yuan a month, how can you pay the bill of more than 5 million?

After Shen Qiu glanced at these photos, he said with a smile: "Director Lu, I found out that if you went to the fruit newspaper to apply for a job as a paparazzi, you would have been the paparazzi king by now, okay, I admit that Tang Judy is my girlfriend." "

"It seems that neither the police nor the anti-corruption law stipulate that public officials are not allowed to spend their girlfriends' money, right?"

"Grass, Shen Qiu, do you think that your handfuls are made of gold, and if you poke Tang Judy a few times, she will be willing to spend more than 5 million Hong Kong dollars for you?"

Ma Yaozu was instantly unhappy.

"First, don't insult my girlfriend, second, you put my sister, you have to spend money, I give my sister, sister to me to spend money. "

Shen Qiu turned his head to look at Ma Yaozu, word by word, and said slowly.

Then, without waiting for Ma Yaozu to speak, Shen Qiu continued: "I advise you to save some money and go to Thailand for a trip, be a man, let a woman spend money for you, it is estimated that it is impossible, be a woman, maybe some men with strong tastes will like you." "

"You ......"

"Ma Yaozu, you go out!"

Lu Zhilian had lost patience with his subordinate, who could easily be provoked by Shen Qiu, and drove him out directly, and then, he looked at Shen Qiu and said slowly: "Sir Shen, you can push everything to Judy Soup, to coincidence, to any reason you want to push, but you remember, as long as you do it, there will always be flaws." "

Let's say, Lu Zhilian turned around and walked out of this interrogation room.

"Director Lu, I also send you a word, the presumption of guilt is a taboo for our case handlers, and you have already committed a taboo. "

Shen Qiu said lightly.

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Lu Zhilian's footsteps paused, and after being silent for a few seconds, in the end, he still didn't speak, opened the door of the interrogation room and left.

"Director Lu!"

"Director Lu!"

As soon as Lu Zhilian walked out of the interrogation room, two of his investigators greeted him.

"Which interrogation room is Zhang Shihao (Deli Zhao) and Gao Jin locked up in now, take me there immediately. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lu Zhilian immediately said to his subordinates.

"Director Lu, Director Li Zuming has just specially instructed that someone wants to visit Zhang Shihao and Gao Jin, let us wait until the visit is over before starting the interrogation. "

The female investigator of the two investigators whispered.

ICAC is divided into three departments: the Enforcement Division, the Corruption Prevention Division, and the Community Relations Division, of which the Enforcement Division is the department responsible for handling cases, which is the largest and has the greatest power.

"What the hell is Director Li, we haven't even tried it at ICAC, and he allows outsiders to visit?"

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Lu Zhilian's eyes.

"Director Lu, I don't know. "

The female investigator whispered.


Lu Zhilian showed a trace of helplessness in his eyes, and in his mind, I don't know why, Shen Qiu's words poured out, are you ICAC absolutely fair and just, and everything is done according to the rules?

Obviously, not .......

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