ICAC Headquarters Building, another interrogation room.

"Mr. Zhang Shihao, my name is Dong Weiguo, and I am a lawyer. "

Dong Weiguo looked at the short mule in front of him with an arrogant face, and said lightly.

"Hold your mother, the lawyer is amazing, does Lao Tzu owe you money? "

Zhang Shihao was unhappy when he saw Dong Weiguo, so he sprayed directly.

"Mr. Zhang Shihao, if I want, I can arrange for you to be suspected of organizing underworld activities, hurting people and other more than a dozen crimes, and I will ensure that you will be in a hard prison for more than 15 years. "

In the face of Zhang Shihao's insults, Dong Weiguo's face was calm and said lightly.

"Grass, let me squat for fifteen years, you think you are the governor of Hong Kong. "

After hearing Dong Weiguo's words, Zhang Shihao's face changed slightly, and he instantly realized that this Dong Weiguo was most likely the lobbyist that Shen Qiutong said to himself.

If Zhang Shihao in the previous sentence is acting in his true colors, then from this sentence, Zhang Shihao began his performance.

"Zhang Shihao, the courts on Hong Kong Island are jury systems, I only need to let the jury convict a person, and that person is guilty even if he is not guilty, and a short mule like you, with all due respect, I have 10,000 ways to get the jury to convict you. "

Dong Weiguo smiled and said this threatening sentence.

"Cut, bluff me?"

Zhang Shihao said with a disdainful expression.

"Mr. Zhang Shihao, I advise you not to try. "

Dong Weiguo said lightly.

"Barrister, since you are so closed-minded, how can you have time to see me, a dwarf mule? "

Zhang Shihao held the back of his head with both hands, leaned against the wall, and said lightly.

"2 things. "

"The 490th thing, the British government of Hong Kong will soon begin to demolish the Kowloon Walled City, and your Hop Shing Gang must cooperate with the demolition of the British government of Hong Kong. "

"Second thing......"

"Hey, good!"

Dong Weiguo didn't finish his words and was interrupted by Zhang Shihao.

"You can do things under the sign of the Li family in the future. "

Dong Weiguo said lightly.

"Grass, what kind of thing is the Li family, doing things under his sign, is it useful?"

After hearing the word Li family, Zhang Shihao's eyes moved slightly, but on the surface, he pretended not to know the Li family at all.

"Let's put it this way, as long as you don't kill people in front of the police, the Li family can keep you safe. "

Dong Weiguo has a lot of evidence in his mind that the Li family is awesome, but after thinking about it, he feels that this matter may be the easiest for Zhang Shihao in front of him to understand.

"The Li family is so closed, but that's not enough, I have an income of hundreds of thousands just by pumping water in the Kowloon Walled City overnight. "

Zhang Shihao's face showed a hint of hesitation at the right time.

"As long as you cooperate with the British government in Hong Kong to demolish the Kowloon Walled City, the Li family can give you 1 billion Hong Kong dollars in compensation. "

Dong Weiguo said slowly.

"Wow, lawyer Dong, you said it earlier, I knew that there was 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, what am I doing with you talking so much, don't worry, I will fully cooperate with the gang of ghosts of the British government in Hong Kong to demolish the Kowloon Walled City, damn, 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, Lao Tzu will not be able to use it up for the rest of his life." "

Looking at the money fan in front of him, a trace of disdain flashed in Dong Weiguo's eyes, but he disappeared, and then, he continued: "The second thing, I want you to come forward to testify against Shen Qiu, the crime is to collude with your Hesheng Gang interests and assist your Hesheng Gang to develop and grow. "

"Lawyer Dong, don't you really think I'm stupid, I testify against Shen Qiu, so don't I have to be planted myself?"

Zhang Shihao immediately refused.

"Don't worry, you listen to me, you first arrange a few men to accuse Shen Qiu, let the ICAC detain Shen Qiu all the time, and after the Kowloon Walled City is demolished, you will come forward to accuse Shen Qiu, and then I will defend you and ensure that you don't have to sit in prison for a day." "

Dong Weiguo said lightly.

"Hmm...... It's not impossible, but you have to pay more!"

After Zhang Shihao pondered for a moment, he looked at Dong Weiguo and said.

"How much do you want?"

Dong Weiguo asked.

"Two things, 1.1 billion Hong Kong dollars, you give me 500 million Hong Kong dollars as a deposit. "

Zhang Shihao replied with a smile.

"It's impossible, I'll give you a deposit of 100 million at most. "

Dong Weiguo refused.

"No problem. "

Zhang Shihao agreed.

Anyway, it's a fool, and if you can fool to 100 million Hong Kong dollars, isn't that pure earning?

"Okay, the money will be in your account in the afternoon,"

Dong Weiguo nodded with satisfaction, then got up and left the interrogation room where Zhang Shihao was, and walked to the interrogation room where Gao Jin was.

Then, just like Zhang Shihao, Gao Jin immediately agreed to Dong Weiguo's request after hearing about 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, and at the same time asked for a deposit of 150 million Hong Kong dollars.

Half an hour later.

Independent Commission Against Corruption, in the office of Deputy Commissioner for the Integrity of the Commissioner, Li Zuming.

Dong Weiguo, who got Zhang Shihao and Gao Jin, was very happy, and said to Li Zuming with a smile: "Commissioner Li, thank you for your help, Mr. Li specially asked me to tell you that he has a top racing horse in the Jockey Club, if you are interested, he can transfer it to you." "

Li Zuming is a person who doesn't love yachts or women, but loves horse racing, and it is obvious that Dong Weiguo understands his hobby very well.

"Lawyer Dong, I appreciate Mr. Li's kindness, but we have rules in ICAC. "

Li Zuming's eyes moved, and then he said with a smile.

"In that case, Commissioner Li is a master of horse training, and Mr. Lee asked Commissioner Li to help him watch the horse races, and you don't give money to Mr. Leigh, and Mr. Li doesn't give money to (ccaa) you, so it shouldn't violate the rules of the ICAC, right?"

Dong Weiguo is obviously very clear about the doorways in the British government in Hong Kong, and he can find a bunch of reasonable ways to circumvent the rules in minutes. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Mr. Leigh is a good friend of mine, and I can help him with this. "

Li Zuming had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Then it's hard work to set up a commissioner. "

After Dong Weiguo said this with a smile, he lowered his voice and continued: "Commissioner Li, next, Shen Qiu's case still needs you to pay more attention, I have already taken care of those two short mules, there will be no problem." "

"Okay, Lawyer Dong, Mr. Li believes you, I naturally believe you, rest assured, I will personally grasp this case. "

Li Zuming smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Thank you, Commissioner Li, I won't bother and take my leave. "

After explaining the matter, Dong Weiguo did not drag his feet in the slightest, and left directly.

After Dong Weiguo left, Li Zuming pondered for a moment, then picked up the phone and dialed a number: "Let Lu Zhilian come to my office." "

A few minutes later.

"What, Commissioner Li, you're not joking with me, are you? Before we even start interrogating, you're going to let go of Zhang Shihao and Gao Jin?

Lu Zhilian looked at Li Zuming in front of him with a puzzled expression.

He never expected that Li Zuming would give such an order.

"Director Lu, there are many things involved, and it is inconvenient for me to tell you, I can only tell you that this is a decision that is most in line with the British government in Hong Kong and the interests of the people of Hong Kong Island. "

Li Zuming's eyes flashed with a hint of innocence, and he said lightly. []

"Commissioner Li, what about Shen Qiu? The evidence in our hands can't nail him to death at all, according to what you say, let's just let him go together." "

Lu Zhilian said with an unhappy face.

"Director Lu, don't be emotional, don't forget the purpose of our ICAC, Shen Qiu's side, there will be evidence, you can rest assured. "

Li Zuming said slowly.

"But ......"

"Director Lu, this is an order!"

Lu Zhilian wanted to fight for it again, but unfortunately, Li Zuming didn't give him a chance at all, and directly threw out this sentence strongly.

"Yes, Mr. Commissioner. "

At this moment, even if Lu Zhilian is unhappy, he can only bow his head and accept it and release Zhang Shihao and Gao Jin.

In the next few days, just like the script arranged by Dong Weiguo, several leaders of the Hesheng Gang pointed out that Shen Qiu had an improper relationship with the Hesheng Gang, but no specific evidence could be obtained.

Because Li Zuming did not allow Lu Zhilian to move Zhang Shihao, Lu Zhilian had no choice, except for extending the time for detaining Shen Qiu, there was no progress in the case.

And just 4 days after Shen Qiu was detained by ICAC, the British government in Hong Kong issued a bombshell news, which caused discussion on the entire Hong Kong Island.

For the sake of law and order on Hong Kong Island, for the stability of Hong Kong Island, and for the sake of improving the living environment of the residents in the Kowloon Walled City, the British Government of Hong Kong decided to demolish the Kowloon Walled City after a week, because they generously left the nearly 50,000 residents of the Kowloon Walled City a week to let them move out of their homes where they had lived for several years, more than ten years, or even dozens of families.

As for where to move? I don't know if there is no arrangement, or if I forgot about it, in short, Yang Ruiying didn't say.

Kowloon City District, in a detached house.

"Ah Jin, the time for Brother Qiu to say has come. "

Looking at the picture of Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying speaking on the TV screen, Zhang Shihao opened his mouth and said to Gao Jin who was standing beside him.

"Well, let's do it. "

Gao Jin nodded slowly and said lightly.

At this moment, whether it is the ghost guy, the Li family, Dong Weiguo, or even all the citizens of Hong Kong Island, they do not know that what happens next will be engraved in the history of Hong Kong Island and will not ......be forgotten for a long time.

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