ICAC Headquarters Building.

"What, what do you want to talk to me about?"

In the past few days that Shen Qiu has been in ICAC, Lu Zhilian came to chat with Shen Qiu when he had nothing to do.

It's a pity that Lu Zhilian was disappointed that no matter how he tried and induced, Shen Qiu was stunned and didn't show any flaws~.

"Let's go, I'll show you the news. "

Lu Zhilian said lightly.


Shen Qiu raised his eyebrows slightly, and then followed Lu Zhilian out of the interrogation room, this was the first time he walked out of the small and cramped interrogation room in the past few days, he stretched his body, and said to Lu Zhilian with a smile: "Director Lu, what a good program, and let me leave the interrogation room - come and see?"

"Don't worry, Sir Shen, you'll know when you look at it. "

After Lu Zhilian turned on the TV, he selected the TV channel to the news channel of TVB.

Soon, the channel began broadcasting Hong Kong Governor Yeung Swee Ying's speech that he was going to tear down the Kowloon Walled City.

"Sir Shen, this is 12 noon today, Mr. Hong Kong Governor's public speech to all the citizens of Hong Kong Island, what do you think?"

After the news finished broadcasting Yang Ruiying's speech, Lu Zhilian immediately turned off the TV, looked at Shen Qiu, and asked.

"What do I have to thank you? Director Luk, I am an employee of the British government of Hong Kong, and of course I support the Governor of Hong Kong. "

Shen Qiu replied with a smile.

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, looking at the smile on Shen Qiu's face, Lu Zhilian walked to Shen Qiu's side, sat down against Shen Qiu, and said slowly: "Shen sir, in fact, I admire you a lot, you know a little bit about everything, and you are locked up in the interrogation room 4, your mental state is still so good." "

Lu Zhilian raised his hand and pointed to the interrogation room not far away, and continued: "In this place, many big people on Hong Kong Island have been imprisoned, and those people are majestic in front of people, but when they arrived here, some collapsed on the spot, some persisted for half a day, and the longest was 3 days, they are not as good as you." "

"I said, I don't have a ghost in my heart, of course I'm not afraid. "

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"No, Shen Qiu, your psychological quality is the strongest one I have ever seen in my life. "

Speaking of this, Lu Zhilian paused slightly, then shook his head and said: "Don't talk about this, four days ago, my superiors asked me to directly release Zhang Shihao and Gao Jin, I didn't understand it at the time, why?"

"It wasn't until I saw the Governor's speech today that it dawned on me that I let them go in order to demolish the Kowloon Walled City. "

Lu Zhilian turned his head to look at Shen Qiu, and said with a sincere face: "Sir Shen, I dare to assure you that when the Kowloon Walled City is demolished in a week, Zhang Shihao or Gao Jin will definitely come to ICAC to report you, and you will be 100% guilty at that time." "

"Instead of being convicted at that time, why don't you confess to us ICAC now, and I will definitely intercede with the judge and give you a light sentence. "

After hearing Lu Zhilian's words, Shen Qiu also turned his head to look at Lu Zhilian, and said with a smile: "Director Lu, you are very smart, but you are not smart enough. "

"Sir Shen, what do you mean by this?"

Lu Zhilian's eyes froze.

"Director Lu, you are just a pure case handler, all you see is who is right and who is wrong, but many things, once it comes to politics, there is no one who is right or wrong, from your own point of view, you are all right, and the other party is wrong. "

"Take the ghost guy's demolition of the Kowloon Walled City as an example, from the perspective of the ghost guys, the demolition of the Kowloon Walled City is equivalent to knocking out a criminal den, maintaining the law and order stability of Hong Kong Island, and it can also defeat many spy organizations hidden in it, and maintain the intelligence security of the British government in Hong Kong. "

"But from the perspective of the residents of the Kowloon Walled City? The Kowloon Walled City is their home, their livelihood is in the Walled City, and if they leave the Walled City, they will lose their jobs, they will not be able to buy a house, they will not be able to rent a house, they will have to live on the streets, and from their point of view, the people who will demolish their homes are the bad guys. "

Speaking of this, Shen Qiu paused slightly, and then said slowly: "Director Lu, who do you think is right and who is wrong?"

"I ......"

Lu Zhilian was silent.

In fact, he agreed with the demolition of the Kowloon Walled City by the British Government of Hong Kong, but the education he had received for a long time told him to protect the weak, and the demolition of the Kowloon Walled City was obviously contrary to the protection of the weak.

"Director Lu, let me tell you the answer, there will always be winners and losers in politics, and whoever wins is right. "

Shen Qiu patted Lu Zhilian on the shoulder, and then walked towards the interrogation room not far away.

"Sir Shen, you haven't answered my question yet. "

Looking at the back of Shen Qiu leaving, Lu Zhilian suddenly found that he was diverted from the topic by Shen Qiu again, and hurriedly spoke.

"Director Lu, I have already answered you, I won, I am right, you ICAC shut me down4, think about how to compensate me. "

Shen Qiu turned his head to look at Lu Zhilian, revealing a gentle smile that made Lu Zhilian's back cold.


Several members of the Hop Shing Gang, red sticks, and white paper fans ran to the Kowloon City Police Station.

"Report the crime, we will report the crime!"

The fitter of the Hesheng Gang, the leader of the original English character pile, and the first to hack his eldest brother to death, Four-Eyed Ming yelled at the uniformed police officer who received the police.

"Bite your mother, what are you doing with such a loud voice when you report the crime?"

The uniformed police officer stared at the four eyes and cursed, and then said: "Report the case, what's the matter?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

"The stakes are very high, I want to find Qin Fangliang, the head of the serious crime team of your Kowloon City Police Station, and I want to talk to him face to face. "

Four-eyed Ming said loudly.

"Cut, pretending to be a ghost. "

Despite saying that, the uniformed police officer still picked up the phone microphone and dialed the phone number in Qin Fangliang's office.

"Sir Qin, a few street boys said they were looking for you, saying that it was a very important matter. "

As soon as the call was answered, the uniformed police officer spoke.

"Good, good. "

The uniformed police officer responded, then put down the microphone and said to Siyanming: "You wait here, Sir Qin will come over immediately." "

Two minutes later.

"Who's looking for me?"

Qin Fangliang looked at Siyanming and the others and asked.

"Sir Qin, I'm a four-eyed guy of the Hesheng Gang, there is something I want to report to you in person. "

As the four eyes spoke, he leaned into Qin Fangliang's ear and whispered a few words. []

After hearing Siyanming's words, Qin Fangliang's face changed suddenly, and then he immediately called the uniformed police officer of the police department and said, "Aang, you take them to the interrogation room immediately, and I'll be there later." "

After that, Qin Fangliang returned to his office as quickly as possible, and then immediately dialed the number of Li Wenbin's office.

"Sir Li, it's me, Qin Fangliang. "

After the phone was connected, Qin Fangliang immediately spoke.

Then, without waiting for Li Wenbin to speak, Qin Fangliang continued: "Sir Li, just now a few people from the Hesheng Gang came to me, saying that they were tortured and physically threatened at ICAC, and they had to give false testimony as a last resort, saying that Shen sir had a relationship with the Hesheng Gang. "


On the other end of the phone, Li Wenbin stood up suddenly.

Shen Qiu was taken away by ICAC, in the entire police force, the most worried person must be Yazi, and the second person to worry about is probably Li Wenbin, Shen Qiu is now the rising star of the local faction, and the last thing Li Wenbin wants to see is Shen Qiu.

In the past few days, Li Wenbin has also used various methods to meet with Shen Qiu, but the power of the Li family is too strong, and Li Wenbin has used various methods to meet Shen Qiu.

Until just now, he received a call from Qin Fangliang.

Without a moment's hesitation, Li Wenbin immediately said: "Give a confession to those people immediately, and I will go to the Kowloon City Police Station now." "

With that, Li Wenbin hung up the phone directly and walked briskly towards the door of his office.

But when Li Wenbin walked to the door of the office, he suddenly stopped his steps, and then a smile appeared on his perennially indifferent face: "Good boy, it turns out that everything is your calculation, and after holding it for 4 days, are you finally going to fight back?"

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