Kowloon City Police Station.

"Li sir. "

"Sir Chen!"

Qin Fangliang, who knew that Li Wenbin was about to arrive, waited at the door of the police station early, and after seeing Li Wenbin get out of the car, he immediately greeted Li Wenbin and Chen Zhijie who was following him.

"Are the transcripts ready?"

Li Wenbin didn't have a polite conversation with Qin Fangliang, and asked directly.

"It's all done, I let 10 brothers, divided into 5 groups, do it at the same time. "

Qin Fangliang was also prepared, and directly took out 5 copies of the transcript and handed it to Li Wenbin.

Li Wenbin took these records, and after reading them all carefully, he turned his head to look at Chen Zhijie, and rarely showed a smile, and said: "Ah Qiu, this kid has a good mouth, and he didn't say a word to me in advance about such a big matter, so I used a lot of people to see him in the past few days." "

While speaking, Li Wenbin handed the transcript to Chen Zhijie.

As a veteran policeman who has served for decades, Chen Zhijie only watched for more than ten seconds, and knew that these dwarf mules must have been prepared for a long time, and these answers were obviously prepared in advance, and can only be described as logical and seamless. "Zero Ninety-Seven"

"Sir Li, Ah Qiu has already handed us the gun, is it time to shoot. "

After a cursory glance at these records, Chen Zhijie's face also showed a hint of a smile.

"Our shot may just be a false shot. "

Li Wenbin looked in the direction of the eastern district of Hong Kong Island and said lightly.

"What do you mean?"

Chen Zhijie asked a little puzzled.

"I used so many favors, I couldn't even see Ah Qiu, just relying on these records, if I want to get Ah Qiu out, I don't think it's very likely. "

Li Wenbin said lightly.

"What about us?"

Chen Zhijie was a little stunned.

"Go to ICAC. "

Li Wenbin said slowly.


Chen Zhijie was even more confused, saying that it was you Li Wenbin who made a false shot, and it was you Li Wenbin who said that he was going to ICAC.

"Sir Chen, we have all seen Ah Qiu's skills, since he arranged this play, it means that this play must be useful, our old guys will accompany him to play this scene and see what tricks he can play. "

Li Wenbin seemed to know the doubts in Chen Zhijie's heart, turned his head to look at Chen Zhijie, and a smile appeared on the face of his dead mother, who had not changed for thousands of years.

Half an hour later.

A black crown sedan stopped at the entrance of the ICAC headquarters, and after Li Wenbin and Chen Zhijie got out of the car, they walked quickly into the ICAC headquarters building.

"Sir, may I ask ......?"

Seeing Li Wenbin and Chen Zhijie walking in, an ICAC staff member immediately greeted him, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Li Wenbin: "Assistant Commissioner of Police of the Hong Kong Island Police Force Li Wenbin, I want to see Mr. Commissioner." "

"Director Lee, I'm sorry, Mr. Commissioner accompanied Mr. Envoy to Malaysia. "

The ICAC staff member replied immediately.

The Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong Island, also known as the Presidential Envoy.

"Then find the deputy commissioner, Li Zuming, he won't and won't be there, right?"

Li Wenbin stopped his steps, stared at the ICAC staff, and said lightly.

"Yes, Commissioner Li is here, please let me make a phone call to report to Commissioner Li. "

Under Li Wenbin's gaze, the ICAC staff member felt that his heartbeat was much faster, and hurriedly replied.

Li Wenbin didn't speak, but just made a gesture of please.

The ICAC staff member immediately ran to the reception room, picked up the telephone microphone, and dialed the phone number of Li Zuming's office.

"Commissioner Li, Assistant Commissioner of the Police Li Wenbin has asked to see you. "

As soon as the call was connected, the ICAC staff member spoke.

"Li Wenbin wants to see me?"

When Li Zuming heard the name Li Wenbin, he immediately knew what he meant, and after a moment of silence, he replied, "Okay, you bring him to my office." "

A few minutes later, Li Zuming's office.

"Commissioner Li, it's been a long time. "

After Li Wenbin walked into Li Zuming's office, he looked at the deputy commissioner of clean government, neither humble nor arrogant, and said lightly.

"Sir Li, it's been a long time, I left the banquet at Mr. Political Envoy's house last time, otherwise we can have a good chat. "

ICAC's level is the same as that of the Secretary for Administration, the Financial Secretary, and the Department of Justice, and according to the rank, Li Zuming's level is comparable to that of Police Commissioner Han Yili, but he is very polite to Li Wenbin.

The Li family's power in the police force is well known to the high-level circles of the entire Hong Kong Island, and it is not up to Li Wenbin to see that he is only the assistant commissioner of police, the deputy commissioner of police, or even the commissioner, sooner or later it will be his.

"Commissioner Li, you are busy with affairs, I won't waste your time, you can take a look at these records. "

Although Li Zuming threw out a topic, it was a pity that Li Wenbin did not give Li Zuming face, did not pick up the stubble, but directly introduced the topic into the theme.


Li Zuming glanced at Li Wenbin with a little doubt, and then took the transcript handed to him by Li Wenbin.

Ten minutes later.

"Sir Li, say that we are ICAC tortured to extract confessions, is this what you mean, or what your police force means?"

After reading a few transcripts, Li Zuming's face became a little ugly, stared at Li Wenbin, and asked.

"It's not anyone's intention, but it's a fact, ICAC law enforcement officers used torture to extract confessions, obtained evidence against our Chief Inspector Shen Qiu, and detained him in ICAC for 4 days. "

Li Wenbin looked at Li Zuming and said lightly.

"Sir Li, first of all, our ICAC law enforcement officers will not extort confessions by torture, and secondly, the relevant evidence of Shen Qiu's case has been obtained by our ICAC through reasonable and legal means, and if Li sir feels that there is a problem, he can complain to the Department of Justice about us. "

In the face of Li Wenbin's strength, Li Zuming did not give in for half a step, and responded in a blunt tone. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Okay, since Commissioner Li said so, I won't argue with you, but please remember, today I can put these 5 transcripts in front of you and give you a chance...."

In the face of Li Zuming's tough answer, Li Wenbin still had the same dead mother's face, and while sorting out the transcript on Li Zuming's desk, he said lightly to Li Zuming.

"Sir Li, what you said, can I understand that you, the assistant commissioner of police, threatened me, the deputy commissioner of integrity?"

Li Zuming is obviously full of firepower now, and he didn't save any face for Li Wenbin.

"Commissioner Li, don't be so angry, it's not a threat, it's advice, since you don't listen, then I have no choice, take your leave. "

After Li Wenbin sorted out the transcript, he directly took Chen Zhijie and left Li Zuming's office.


Li Zuming looked at the back of Li Wenbin leaving, and scolded in a low voice.

A few transcripts want to scare him away, how is it possible?

Let's not mention that Shen Qiu is the person who the Li family asked him to take care of Zuming, even if no one asks him to take care of Shen Qiu, he will not be able to bow his head in front of Li Wenbin, an assistant commissioner of police.

Thinking of this, Li Zuming picked up the microphone and dialed the phone number of Lu Zhilian's office.

"Director Lu, come to my office. "

After the phone was connected, Li Zuming said lightly.

Ten minutes later.

"Commissioner. "[]

After being educated by Shen Qiu, Lu Zhilian was in a trance for more than an hour, and he kept thinking about what Shen Qiu said to himself.

"Director Lu, the Hesheng gang who testified against Shen Qiu before turned against the water, they went to the police force to report the case, saying that we ICAC tortured to extract confessions, you can tell me, what should we do now?"

Li Zuming stared at Lu Zhilian in front of him, and said in an indifferent tone.

"They say we have 0.3 ICAC torture to extract confessions?"

Hearing Li Zuming's words, Lu Zhilian was a little confused, and he didn't know why, but Shen Qiu's expression that seemed to be smiling appeared in his mind.

"Director Lu, Shen Qiu's case is yours, you are here to handle this matter, do you hear?"

Li Zuming obviously didn't have the mood to explain to Lu Zhilian in detail, and directly gave orders.

"Okay, Commissioner. "

Lu Zhilian nodded in response, and then left Li Zuming's office and walked quickly to Shen Qiu's interrogation room, Lu Zhilian was now eager to know what Shen Qiu was doing at this time.

At the same time, inside the Kowloon Walled City.

Hong Xing and Hesheng helped thousands of horses to carry out propaganda in the entire Kowloon Walled City, and to put it mildly, it means that the ghosts don't want them to live, so they will fight to the end and never back down.

On Longjin Road, the Kowloon Walled City, several men with gray faces followed Zhang Hua into a building.

At this moment, everyone didn't know that in this building, Shen Qiu's real trump card was hidden, and the fatal shot in Li Wenbin's mouth was hidden here, ready to .......

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