ICAC Headquarters.

Lu Zhilian pushed open the door of Shen Qiu's interrogation room.

At this time, Shen Qiu was leaning against the wall and humming a Peking Opera that Lu Zhilian had never heard of: "Hugh sees me with iron chains and iron locks, locking my hands and feet, and not locking my ambition to the sky!"

"Sir Shen, you're so interested. "

Lu Zhilian stared at Shen Qiu and said lightly.

"I'm really in a good mood, but Director Lu, your interest doesn't seem to be high. "

Shen Qiu looked at Lu Zhilian and replied with a smile.

"Those people in the Hesheng Gang are all arranged by you in advance, right, let them deceive us ICAC first, and then retract their confessions, but why do you do this, don't let them deceive us, our ICAC can only detain you for 48 hours at most. "

Lu Zhilian walked in front of Shen Qiu, stared at Shen Qiu, word by word, and said slowly.

"Director Lu, I don't even know what you're talking about. "

Shen Qiu glanced at the exhaust channel above his head and said with a smile.

Shen Qiu's small actions made Lu Zhilian instantly understand that his careful thoughts had been discovered by Shen Qiu, because there was a bugging device hidden in the exhaust channel, the purpose of which was to secretly record the unconscious words of the people in the 22 interrogation room and find evidence from it.

"Shen Qiu, I can tell you clearly, even if those people from the Hesheng Gang retract their confessions, we ICAC will not let you leave easily, your trick is useless. "

Seeing that the inducement had no effect, Lu Zhilian immediately changed his method.

"Director Lu, I know that you ICAC have never taught law, but it doesn't matter, I will let you talk about law. "

The smile on Shen Qiu's face narrowed, and he said lightly.

"What do you want to do?"

Lu Zhilian seemed to have discovered Huadian and immediately asked.

"Don't worry, Director Lu, you will naturally know when the time comes. "

Shen Qiu's face showed a look that made Lu Zhilian unpredictable, and at the same time, looking at Lu Zhilian, word by word, he said slowly.

At the same time, inside a house on Lung Tin Road in the Kowloon Walled City.

Zhang Hua, Zhang Shihao, and Gao Jin stood in front of the five gray-faced men, and Zhang Hua said: "I will say it again at the end, what I want you to do tomorrow will definitely make you die or live, I can only promise you that I will definitely let you die a happy death." "

"If any of you want to quit, say now, sleep here tonight, and go home tomorrow. "

After Zhang Hua's words fell, none of the five men opened their mouths to quit.

"Okay, since you are all willing to fight with your lives, then I will tell you the plan, you listen, after listening to my plan, whether you want to or not, you have to do it, if you don't go, I will kill him at the venue." "

Speaking of this, Zhang Hua paused slightly, and then said slowly: "Listen, tomorrow, I want you to ......"

Hearing Zhang Hua's plan, the five men who were originally gray and lifeless all showed shocked expressions on their faces.

They thought that Zhang Hua might let them take the blame, kill people, etc., but they never expected that Zhang Hua would let them do this kind of thing.

"Rest here tonight, and tomorrow my men will send you to the appointed place. "

After talking about the plan, Zhang Hua continued.

At this time, one of the five men spoke: "If I do what you say tomorrow, will my family get 1 million Hong Kong dollars?"

Zhang Hua didn't speak, just turned around and picked up a suitcase from the table behind him, put it in front of the five men, and then opened it, showing the golden dragon inside in front of the five men.

"That's 5 million, and when you're done tomorrow, the money will be sent to your family. "

Zhang Hua said lightly.

"Okay, the doctor said that I only have 2 months to live, and I can use 2 months of life to exchange 1 million Hong Kong dollars for my family, it's worth it, thank you. "

The man who had just asked Zhang Hua bowed to Zhang Hua, and then retreated behind everyone.

"Damn, I can't earn 1 million after working hard all my life, but I didn't expect that I only had a few months left to live in the end, and I earned 1 million Hong Kong dollars in one go, grass. "

The other man whispered as well.

Although the other three men did not speak, it could be seen from the expressions on their faces that they were very satisfied with the conditions proposed by Zhang Hua.

After all, these 5 people are all people selected by Zhang Hua through tens of thousands of members of the Hesheng Gang and Hongxing on Hong Kong Island.

These people are all short-lived, but they are people who survive by selling their lives, and only such people are willing to exchange their lives for a few months in exchange for money.

"Do you still have a good time playing with women? Tell me if you need to, and I'll arrange it for you." "

Zhang Hua said slowly.

After hearing Zhang Hua's words, the eyes of the five men all lit up, at this time, no matter how you play, if you don't play, even if you just touch the pimple, it's good, after all, it's a ghost under the peony flower.

Late that night.

Inside the Kowloon Walled City. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fu Guang, Guo Xuejun, Cao Nan and other bomb experts are concentrating on stuffing liquid bombs into five vests, and at the same time making remote control devices for these five bomb vests.


At this time, Zhang Hua pushed the door in, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

"How's the preparation going?"

Zhang Hua looked at Guo Xuejun, Fu Guang, Cao Nan and others and asked.

"Rest assured, the power of a liquid bomb is equal to the power of 1 kilogram of C4 medicine, we put a full 10 liquid bombs on each vest, and everyone within a radius of 30 meters will be blown into the eighteen layers of hell. "

Guo Xuejun said with a smile.

"You don't need that much power, just put 2 pieces, Brother Qiu wants deterrence, not lethality. "

Zhang Hua said immediately.

"Okay, we'll change it right away. "

Hearing that it was Shen Qiu's request, Guo Xuejun, Fu Guang and the others did not hesitate for a moment and directly began to change.

"Remember, tomorrow when you get those five people to the place, wait for them to do their tricks, and then detonate the bombs. "

Zhang Hua continued to instruct.


Guo Xuejun and the others nodded in unison. []

On the morning of the next day, five grey sedans set off from the road next to the Kowloon Walled City and headed for Central, Mid-Levels, 230 Southern and Wan Chai.

At the same time, inside the TVB.

Bell bell bell ~

Le Huizhen, who was reviewing the manuscript, heard the mobile phone in her pocket ringing.

In the past few days, Le Huizhen has also been extremely busy, after hearing that Shen Qiu was taken away by ICAC, she has repeatedly found opportunities to interview ICAC people and set up a set of information, but unfortunately, ICAC has done too well for Shen Qiu's secrecy measures, except for Li Zuming and Lu Zhilian, others know very little about Shen Qiu's case.

"Hey, who's that?"

After Le Huizhen took out her mobile phone, she asked.

"Miss Le, you will bring someone to the British Government Office Building in Hong Kong immediately, there is big news. "

A man's voice came from the earpiece.

"Who are you? What's the big news?"

Le Huizhen immediately asked.

Toot toot~

The answer to Le Huizhen was a busy sound.

"Pretending to be a ghost. "

Le Huizhen muttered, and then she suddenly remembered that there were several big news before, and someone had told her in this form.

Thinking of this, Le Huizhen immediately stood up, looked at the photographer Fat Boy who was fishing not far away, and said loudly: "Fat Boy, immediately prepare the equipment for going out and go out of the field." "

It's just that Le Huizhen didn't know that she was not the only one who received the call today, but that there were one or even several reporters in dozens of media on Hong Kong Island who received this kind of call.

Obviously, Shen Qiu either doesn't make a move, or if he wants to make a move, it will be fatal, or the sky will fall apart! .

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