Central and Western District of Hong Kong Island, Tim Mei Road, British Government Headquarters, Hong Kong.

A gray sedan slowly pulled up at Lennon Square in front of the Hong Kong Island Government Headquarters, and then a man in an army green coat and carrying a handbag, with a hint of fear and determination on his face, quickly got out of the car.

Sitting in the driver's seat, wearing sunglasses and a mask, Tian Yangsheng looked at the back of the man gradually moving away, his face was unusually indifferent, he still held a remote control in his hand, as long as he pressed the button, the man named Zhao Zhichao in front of him, the liquid bomb on his body would explode instantly.

Soon, Zhao Zhichao walked to the hall of the British Government Headquarters in Hong Kong.

After seeing more and more people around him, Zhao Zhichao took out a small megaphone from his handbag and pressed the play button.

"The British government of Hong Kong forcibly demolished the Kowloon Walled City without any compensation, and our people in the Walled City absolutely disagreed, and swore to defend our homeland to the death!"

The loud sound instantly attracted the attention of everyone around.

Two security guards from the government headquarters immediately ran towards Zhao Zhichao, trying to take the crazy man away.

At this moment, Zhao Zhichao took out a small C4 bomb from his handbag, threw it into the corner of the hall, and pressed the detonation button at the same time.

There was a loud bang~.


The people in the hall of the government headquarters were suddenly in a mess, panicked, and hurriedly ran towards the outside of the hall.

Then, Zhao Zhichao took off the military coat he was wearing, revealing a vest with liquid bombs installed, and shouted loudly: "There are two liquid bombs on this vest on my body, if any of you dare to approach me, I will detonate the bomb and die with him!"

While Zhao Zhichao was speaking, the loudspeaker was still loyal to his duties, playing: "The British government of Hong Kong forcibly demolished the Kowloon Walled City without any compensation, and the people of our Walled City absolutely disagreed, and swore to defend our homeland to the death!"

At this time, Le Huizhen hurried to the government headquarters building with the fat boy, and when Le Huizhen saw everyone running towards them, she immediately reached out to stop a young man who was fleeing for her life, and asked loudly: "What happened in the government headquarters building?"

When the young man saw that someone stopped him and ran for his life, he wanted to be angry, but after seeing that it was a big beautiful woman who stopped him, his anger instantly came down, and he said: "Beauty, someone in the building has detonated a bomb, run quickly......."

Before the young man finished speaking, he saw Le Huizhen running towards the British Government Headquarters building in Hong Kong at a speed of 100 meters.

"It's a pity that she's so beautiful, it's a neurosis. "

The young man muttered, then continued to run for his life.

At this time, the British Government Headquarters building in Hong Kong had become a mess, and Le Huizhen was not hindered in any way, so she ran into the hall with the fat boy, and saw Zhao Zhichao wearing a bomb vest, and the sentence that was playing on the loudspeaker.

"Big news!"

At this moment, Le Huizhen had these three words in her heart.

Without a moment of hesitation, Le Huizhen directly took out her mobile phone and dialed Li Lici's number.

"Manager Li, hurry up and go to the communications department to connect the signal on my side, I want to broadcast live!"

At this time, the communication signal was not so developed, and there were many restrictions on live broadcasting, so it was necessary to open a special channel at the main station to receive the digital signal transmitted back from the scene.

In this way, whether it is the picture or the sound, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, unless it is very urgent news, it is generally not broadcast in the form of live broadcast.

"What kind of news, and live broadcast?"

Li Lici asked subconsciously.

"The people in the Kowloon Walled City are carrying explosives and have come to bomb the British Government Headquarters building in Hong Kong, do you want to broadcast it live!"

Le Huizhen said hurriedly.

"You're going to start sending signals right away, I'll go to the communications department right away!"

Li Lici didn't even have time to hang up the phone, and ran directly in the direction of the Ministry of Communications.

At the same time, the Force Headquarters, Lee Man-bin's office.

Bell bell bell ~

A phone rings.


After Li Wenbin picked up the microphone, he asked.

"Sir Li, it's me, Chen Jiaqiao. "

A man's voice came from the earpiece.

After Shen Qiu helped Li Wenbin take over the Security Department and the Serious Crime Accident Section, Chen Jiaqiao was promoted to the head of the Serious Crime Accident Section.

"Sir Chen, what's the matter?"

Li Wenbin didn't sleep well all night last night, and he kept thinking about what Shen Qiu's real killing move was, and even he, the assistant commissioner of the police department, could only make a false shot.

"Li sir, I just received an alarm that someone is carrying a liquid bomb and is in the British Government Headquarters building in Hong Kong, threatening to detonate the bomb!"

Chen Jiaqiao's words made Li Wenbin stand up suddenly, and he immediately realized that perhaps, this was Shen Qiu's killing move!

Thinking of this, Li Wenbin immediately said: "Sir Chen, this matter is not trivial, immediately arrange for negotiators to go to the scene to talk, in addition, notify the Operations Department to arrange for the explosives to send the bomb disposal department to the scene!" (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Chen Jiaqiao's Serious Crime and Accident Section is in charge of a counter-terrorism activities and internal security team, and it is clear that the police officer defined the case as a terrorist attack, but this is also a mistake and gives Li Wenbin a head start.

After pondering for a moment, Li Wenbin continued: "This time the matter is not trivial, you should immediately go and ask Minister Cai Yuanqi." "

Since Shen Qiu made such a fierce move, Li Wenbin must help his right-hand man add some firewood and add fire.

"Okay, Sir Lee. "

After hearing Chen Jiaqiao's words, Li Wenbin hung up the phone, and then whispered to himself: "It's just that the British Government Headquarters Building in Hong Kong is so little, it shouldn't be enough, right?"

Soon, Li Wenbin received a call from Chen Jiaqiao again, this time there were bombers at the Stanley Barracks in the Southern District, the Governor's Mansion in Mid-Levels, and Wan Chai, at the entrance of the police headquarters building.

"Ah Qiu, what a ruthless move!"

Li Wenbin walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the explosion-proof police who had begun to gather at the entrance of the police headquarters building, and said slowly.

Then, Li Wenbin seemed to think of something, and immediately turned on the TV station, and when he saw the news picture broadcast by TVB, Li Wenbin's dead mother's face showed a hint of smile.

At this moment, the British Government Headquarters Building in Hong Kong.

"Sir, what is your appeal, why did you carry explosives to blow up the government headquarters building?"

Le Huizhen took the risk and walked to a place less than 5 meters away from Zhao Zhichao, stretched out the microphone, and asked loudly.

"I've lived in the Kowloon Walled City all my life, and my whole family has relied on the business in the Walled City to make a living, and now the ghost guys say that they will demolish it, and my whole family has no livelihood, isn't this letting us die? I just want those ghost guys to know that our people in the walled city are bloody, and if you don't let us live, then we will die together!"

Zhao Zhichao replied loudly. []

"Sir, what should you do with your family (money) when you die? Don't give up your life easily......

"Beauty, you don't have to persuade me, unless the ghost guy promises not to demolish the Kowloon Walled City, otherwise I will definitely die here, so that everyone on Hong Kong Island will remember this day!"

Le Huizhen didn't finish her words before she was interrupted by Zhao Zhichao.

"Sir, for this, you don't even want your own life, is it worth it?"

Le Huizhen said slowly.

Hearing Le Huizhen's words, Zhao Zhichao seemed to think of his 10-year-old daughter, 7-year-old son, and his old mother who had worked hard all his life, and the wife who had been with him for more than ten years, but had not enjoyed a single day of happiness.

At this moment, Zhao Zhichao's face was half nostalgic and half resolute, he looked at Le Huizhen and said slowly: "The walled city is just a term for you, but for us people, it is our home, and it is worth it to defend our home with our own lives!"

Force Headquarters.

When Li Wenbin heard Zhao Zhichao's words, his eyes were deep, he turned his head to look at the direction of the Eastern District, the ICAC headquarters, and said slowly: "The ghost guy lost straight!"

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