With the start of live broadcasting on TVB, Asia TV and Xinli TV also started live broadcasting.

Moreover, all three television stations started live broadcasts at the Governor's Mansion, the British Government Headquarters Building, the Stanley Barracks, and the Police Headquarters Building at the same time.

In order to maximize the ratings, the three TV stations even stopped their own channels dedicated to TV dramas and began broadcasting live broadcasts.

In just half an hour, more than 5 million people on Hong Kong Island, almost 60 or 70 percent of the people, know that in order to protest the demolition and relocation of the Kowloon Walled City by ghosts, the people of the Kowloon Walled City have regarded themselves as bombs and want to find a way out for their families and the people of the Kowloon Walled City.

Although I usually don't have a good impression of the Kowloon Walled City, after seeing these people, even if they sacrifice themselves, they have the courage to fight for their families, and many ordinary citizens on Hong Kong Island have begun to support these people in their hearts.

At this moment, the Governor's Mansion.

Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying's face was gloomy, he looked at the Financial Secretary O'Hunt who was sitting in front of him, and said coldly: "Mr. O'Hunt, didn't you pack a ticket to me, have you already taken care of all the people in the Kowloon Walled City? Now you can explain to me why the man carrying explosives at the gate of the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion ran here from the Kowloon Walled City!"

The division of labour between the three departments and the 13 bureaux on Hong Kong Island is slightly different, with the Development Bureau, which manages the estate, not under the management of the Chief Secretary for Administration, but under the management of the Financial Secretary. 297

"Mr. Governor, this is indeed a dereliction of duty on the part of our Financial Secretary, and our Financial Secretary will not shirk this responsibility, but the most important thing now is how to put this matter to rest. "

Financial Secretary O'Hunt replied while scolding in his heart for the Lee Hsiao-man who had made a promise to him.

Hearing that O'Hunt was so simply put on the pot, Yang Ruiying's face improved a little, and after a moment of silence, he said slowly: "I have already notified Commissioner Han Yili of the police force to use the strength of the police force to solve this matter. "

"Mr. Governor, if the police force takes action, then simply be decisive, define these people carrying explosives as terrorists, and directly use a large number of police forces to directly expel all the residents in the Kowloon Walled City in the name of searching for terrorists today!"

A chill flashed in O'Hunt's eyes.

For the Chinese on Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong Island is their home, but for the ghosts, it is just a place for them to work.

At home, it is natural to take care of the things at home, but in the place of work, the priority is how to do the work well.

"The forcible expulsion of tens of thousands of people, if this matter spreads, will cause a big storm of public opinion. "

Yang Ruiying said slowly.

"We can set up some temporary checkpoints in the open space next to Kai Tak Airport, and in the name of getting the people in the Kowloon Walled City (CCCA) to be checked, we can drive them out, and when they leave the Kowloon Walled City, we can immediately seal off the whole walled city and then dismantle it directly. "

O'Hunt said slowly.

"Okay, Mr. O'Hunt, I will ask Commissioner Han Yili of the Police Force to cooperate with you in this matter, so as not to cause any more accidents. "

Yang Ruiying pondered for a moment and nodded in response.

In the final analysis, these ghosts don't care about the lives of the Chinese, they just need a name and a reason.

In the previous demolition, Yang Ruiying spoke publicly and gave the residents of the Kowloon Walled City a week to move out, which is the name given to him by the ghost guy himself.

The current forced evictions are the same, but they are only in the name of hunting down terrorists.

"Mr. Governor, please rest assured. "

O'Hunt replied with a smile.

At the same time, outside the Governor's Mansion.

"Mr. Fu, you take off the bomb vest first, your appeal, the British government of Hong Kong will definitely consider it, don't do anything to hurt yourself or others. "

The negotiator said loudly to Fu Xinpeng, who was standing at the door of the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion.

The Ah San soldiers, who were supposed to be guarding the door of the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion, had already hid far away, and in the whole scene, only the negotiators persuaded Fu Xinpeng from a distance of 20 meters, and in addition, everyone else had already been cleared, including the TV reporters who broadcast live, they were just filming from a distance of more than 100 meters.

More than 20 meters behind the negotiators, Chen Jiaqiao, the chief of the Serious Accident Section who was the commander of the scene, stared at Fu Xinpeng with a nervous expression.


At this time, Cai Yuanqi's voice came from the walkie-talkie in his hand: "Section Chief Chen, Mr. Commissioner ordered to kill the terrorists at the door of the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion on the spot." "


After hearing Cai Yuanqi's words, Chen Jiaqiao's face changed slightly, he didn't expect that the ghost guy was even more ruthless than he thought, and he didn't even mean to talk to these people in the Kowloon Walled City, and directly defined them as terrorists and killed them on the spot.

"Section Chief Chen?"

Cai Yuanqi, who had waited for a few seconds and had not waited for Chen Jiaqiao's reply, shouted loudly.

"Yes, sir, I'll let the sniper hand hand right away. "

Chen Jiaqiao, who had returned to his senses, opened his mouth and replied.

Then, Chen Jiaqiao changed the channel and said: "Snipers perform sniper missions, and when they find an opportunity, they can shoot directly without reporting." "

A few seconds later.

With a crisp bang~, Fu Xinpeng fell in response.


Seeing this scene, the reporters more than 100 meters away let out an exclamation.

However, just when Chenjiaqiao had already come to an end.

Mouth bang!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A loud bang was heard, and the impact of the explosion directly shook the nearest negotiator away.

When the dust cleared, looking at the dilapidated gate of the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion, Chen Jiaqiao's eyes were unusually solemn.

In the office of the Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying, Yang Ruiying and O'Hunt were also slightly shocked by the explosion, and Yang Ruiying immediately walked to the window and looked at the dust raised by the explosion at the door of the Hong Kong Governor's mansion.

An ominous premonition then emerged from Yang Ruiying's heart.

At the same time that the police snipers on the side of the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion killed Fu Xinpeng, the police snipers at the British Government Headquarters Building, Stanley Prison, and the Hong Kong Island Police Headquarters Building all carried out sniper missions and killed Zhao Zhichao and others.

Of course, after the death of Zhao Zhichao and others, the liquid bomb on their bodies was also detonated.

After these four explosions were broadcast live on television, they were like cold water poured into hot oil, causing a sensation throughout Hong Kong Island.

Many Hong Kong Island citizens never expected that those ghosts of the British government in Hong Kong, in the face of this situation, would not even bother to talk about it in full view of everyone, and they would not pretend to be any longer, and directly shot these residents of the Kowloon Walled City to death......

But soon, all TV broadcasts were cut off and replaced with a public speech by Commissioner of Police John Hon Yee-li, in which he defined Chiu Chi-chiu and others as terrorists, and said that the Hong Kong Island Police Force would search the entire Kowloon Walled City for potential terrorists, and that all residents of the Kowloon Walled City must go to the checkpoint next to Kai Tak Airport for inspection.

At the moment, inside the ICAC headquarters building.

"Sir Shen, this shouldn't be your handiwork, right?"

Looking at Han Yili, who was talking eloquently on the TV screen, Lu Zhilian turned his head to look at Shen Qiu, who was sitting next to him with a calm face, and asked.

After the TV station began to broadcast the human bomb incident live, Lu Zhilian immediately thought about whether this incident would have anything to do with Shen Qiu, and immediately pulled him out of the interrogation room.

But after calming down, Lu Zhilian felt that this was unlikely, after all, Shen Qiu had been locked up in ICAC for 5 days, and he had no contact with the outside world, unless he was Zhuge reincarnated, otherwise it was impossible to arrange everything so long in advance.

"Director Lu, there are many paths in front of the ghosts, but they chose the worst way to die, do you say they are stupid, or bad, or stupid and bad!"

After hearing Lu Zhilian's question, Shen Qiu looked at Han Yili on the TV screen, smiled slightly, and said slowly.

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