When Shen Qiu and Lu Zhilian were watching the news in the ICAC headquarters building, the office of Lu Minghua, the head of the Police Headquarters and the Ministry of Supervision.

Knock knock~

At this time, Lu Minghua was also watching TV, and at this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in. "

Lu Minghua said lightly.

As Lu Minghua's words fell, the bud pushed open the door of Lu Minghua's office.

"Minister Lu, hello, I'm ......"

"I know you, Director Huang's daughter, is there something wrong?"

The self-introduction of the bud has not been finished, and it was interrupted by Lu Minghua with a smile~.

"Minister Lu, Shen Qiu asked me to send you a pack of Longjing tea-leaves. "

Yazi put the bag of Longjing tea leaves in his hand on the coffee table.

Looking at this bag of tea, Lu Minghua's eyes changed suddenly, he looked at the buds deeply, and then said with a smile: "Sprouts, does Shen Qiu have anything else for you to bring to me?"

Bud shook her head and replied, "It's useless." "

Yazi herself is confused now, she also received a call from Zhang Hua in the morning, and the other party sent her a sentence of Shen Qiu, asking her to buy a pack of Longjing tea and give it to Lu Minghua, and she didn't say anything else.


Hearing Yazi's answer, Lu Minghua pondered for a few seconds before he said with a smile: "Okay, Yazi, I accepted this bag of tea, if you can contact Shen Qiu, tell him that I like this bag of tea very much." "

"Okay, Minister Lu, then I'll leave first. "

After saying this, Yazi turned around and left Lu Minghua's office.

After the buds left, Lu Minghua stared at the bag of Longjing tea leaves on the coffee table, and looked at it quietly for 3 minutes before picking up his mobile phone and dialing a number.

"Director Hong, I'm Lu Minghua, there's something I want to ask you to help ......."

A few minutes later, Lu Minghua hung up the phone, looked at the bag of Longjing tea and whispered to himself: "Shen Qiu, I will help you do things if I confiscate the remuneration, and the remuneration you gave afterwards is not enough, but don't blame me for being polite." "


On the other hand, after Han Yili's public speech, the first group to arrive at the Kowloon Walled City to carry out tasks were the PTU EU in the Kowloon area, a total of 5 brigades, with a total of more than 400 people.

When these PTUs . When the EU officers arrived at the Kowloon Walled City, they were shocked by what they saw.

The entrance to the entire Kowloon Walled City was blocked by the crowd, and these people held hands to form a human wall, and as far as the eye could see, the crowd seemed endless.

Above these walls, there were several huge banners, painted with blood, that read: "Protect my homeland."

Zhang Shihao stood at the front of the crowd and looked coldly at these PTU .EU in front of him

In the face of this kind of scene, not to mention 300 PTUs, even 3,000 PTUs may not be able to rush in if they do not use violent means.

", Brother Zhan, what are we going to do?"

Ah Wen leaned over to He Wenzhan's side and asked in a low voice.

"The reporter from the TV station came, and asked the brothers not to act rashly and not to make a mess until a clear order was given from the top. "

He Wenzhan has been promoted to probationary inspector at this time, and his subordinates are followed by a brigade, dozens of people larger, he knows very well that in this kind of scene, if there is chaos, it will be a big thing, and even if they do a good job in the aftermath of the PTU, they will be pulled out by the high-level to take the blame.

Even He Wenzhan was a little confused at this time, he had been a police officer for more than ten years and had never seen such a scene.

As time went on, more and more police officers came to the Kowloon Walled City, and finally almost all the mobile units of the police force, including the PTU, EU Flying Tigers and the Special Operations Team, were gathered in the entire vicinity of the Kowloon Walled City, with a total of 3,000 people.

And Li Chenghua, who was appointed as the commander-in-chief of this operation, also hurried to the scene.

He has served in the Hong Kong Island Police Force since he was in his twenties, and has experienced the Double Ten riots and the June Seven riots that gave the Hong Kong Island Police Force the word royal in its name.

Even in the two most famous riots on Hong Kong Island, Li Chenghua felt that the number of people involved was not as large as the people in front of him, and he even wondered if the 50,000 people in the Kowloon Walled City were all standing in front of him.

Faced with this situation, Li Chenghua did not dare to assert himself, he immediately picked up the phone and dialed Han Yili's mobile phone number.

"Mr. Commissioner, now Kowloon Walled City ......"

Li Chenghua first reported the current situation of the Kowloon Walled City to Han Yili in detail, and then continued: "Mr. Commissioner, what should our police force do now?"

On the other end of the phone, Han Yili was also silent for a long time after listening to Li Chenghua's words.

Today's Hong Kong Island is not the Hong Kong Island of the past, and today's Great Britain is not the Great Britain of the past, and a few decades ago, Han Yili must have ordered Li Chenghua to be forcibly expelled without hesitation.

But now it's different, tens of thousands of people get together, something really happens, and public opinion can crush him, the first brother of the police department, to death.

After pondering for a long time, Han Yili spoke: "Director Li, maintain the security of the scene, and I will give you an answer in half an hour." "

After saying this, Han Yili immediately hung up his mobile phone, picked up the microphone at the same time, and dialed his secretary's phone number: "Immediately notify the police officer above the director level of the police force, and rush to the conference room for a meeting within 10 minutes." "

10 minutes later, the meeting room of the Force Headquarters.

Except for Lu Minghua and Li Wenbin's calm faces, the rest of the people, including Cai Yuanqi, had very ugly faces.

"Ladies and gentlemen, to make a long story short, Deputy Director Li Chenghua and I just talked on the phone......

Han Yili introduced the situation on the Kowloon Walled City, and then continued: "The current situation is very serious, and if it is not handled well, it is very likely to have a huge impact on the police force, the British government of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Governor and even the ancestral family. "

"As Commissioner of Police, I propose to immediately announce to the entire population of Hong Kong Island that Hong Kong Island has entered Level 2 Alert, and that all reserve forces of the Hong Kong Island Police Force be dispatched to Kowloon Walled City to ensure that it does not get out of control. "

As the Commissioner of Police, Han Yili can bypass the commissioner-level meeting and directly declare a state of emergency on Hong Kong Island, but it is obvious that Han Yili wants to let all the senior members of the police force take the blame.

"I'm against it!"

After Han Yili's words fell, a voice immediately sounded.

"Sir Li, tell me, why are you opposed?"

Han Yili stared at Li Wenbin and said in an unkind tone.

"Mr. Commissioner, you also said that the most important thing now is to maintain the stability of the Kowloon Walled City, and I think what we need to do now is to transfer all the men who are arranged next to the Kowloon Walled City and negotiate with the people in the Kowloon Walled City to resolve this matter peacefully. "

Li Wenbin also stared at Han Yili, and his momentum was not weak at all.

"I support Li sir's point of view, the Kowloon Walled City of 50,000 people, can be organized so quickly, it shows that there must be a force in the Kowloon Walled City, they are behind the whole incident, even the few explosions that have just occurred, it should be their handiwork, we mobilized a large number of police to the scene, it will only make this force nervous, if they do something because of nervousness, the consequences will be unimaginable, this consequence, our police force can not bear it. "

After Li Wenbin's words fell, Lu Minghua also spoke, which also made Han Yili's face even more ugly.

Li Wenbin is still Lu Minghua, although their positions are not high, they have a lot of power in the police force, if they oppose themselves as the commissioner and stumble on themselves, it will make Han Yili passive. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Bell bell bell ~

Just when Han Yili was in a dilemma, a mobile phone rang.

Han Yili picked up the mobile phone he put on the table and pressed the answer button.

"Director Han, I'm Yang Ruiying. "

In the earpiece, the voice of Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying came out.

"Mr. Governor, what are your orders?"

Han Yili immediately asked.

"Director Han, your police force should immediately stop the search of the Kowloon Walled City, and find a way to contact the people who can call the shots in the Kowloon Walled City, and tell them that our British government in Hong Kong can sit down with them and have a good talk. "

Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying's words made Han Yili's face stagnate, and he didn't react a little, and only a few seconds later did Han Yili speak: "Mr. Hong Kong Governor, what happened, why do you suddenly want to talk to the people in the Kowloon Walled City?"

"Minister Xia of the Political Department reported to me that they found that media from Amelica, France and other countries appeared near the Kowloon Walled City, and if something happened, it was very likely that the next day, all major mainstream media around the world would have news of riots on Hong Kong Island. "

Speaking of this, Yang Ruiying on the other end of the phone lowered his voice: "Director Han, I just received a call from Director Hong of the Hong Kong Affairs Office, and he told me that the Hong Kong Office is highly concerned about this matter, and they do not want a riot like Double 10 and June 7 on Hong Kong Island. "

"Yes, yes, Mr. Governor, I see what you mean. "

After listening to Yang Ruiying's two sentences, Han Yili completely understood why the Hong Kong governor should be soft.

International public opinion is one thing, and the mainland's attitude is the last straw that breaks the camel's back. []

"Director Han, the speed must be fast, the longer the time drags on, the more likely it is to have accidents. "

After saying this, Yang Ruiying hung up the phone.

Toot toot~

After hearing the busy sound coming from the earpiece, Han Yili first looked at Lu Minghua deeply, then put down the mobile phone, and said slowly: "Everyone, Mr. Hong Kong's latest directive, make every effort to maintain the stability of the Kowloon Walled City, find a way to contact the people in the Kowloon Walled City, and start negotiations with them. "


After Han Yili's words fell, everyone present, except for Li Wenbin and Lu Minghua, all showed a look of surprise on their faces.

And at this time, a voice sounded, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"Director Han, I think there is someone who may be able to contact the people in the Kowloon Walled City. "

Li Wenbin looked at Han Yili, word by word, and said slowly.


Without a moment's hesitation, Han Yili immediately asked.


Li Wenbin's voice fell, and the high-ranking police officers present were surprised, dazed, or surprised, while Han Yili was staring, and then slowly said: "Then go and invite Shen Qiunai!"

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