ICAC Headquarters Building.

Looking at the TV screen, the residents of the Kowloon Walled City held hands and blocked the entrance of the Kowloon Walled City, Lu Zhilian, who has never shown much expression on his face, also had a shocked expression on his face.

At this moment, Lu Zhilian was almost certain that Shen Qiu should have nothing to do with all this, or rather, even if it did, it was just fueling the troubles.

That's a full 50,000 people, if Shen Qiu can incite so many people, then he is too terrible.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhilian turned his head to look at Shen Qiu, who was sitting not far away, closing his eyes and recuperating, this man didn't seem to be interested in the big scenes on TV that had been rare for ten years.

At this time, a very interesting question surfaced in Lu Zhilian's mind, and he immediately asked: "Sir Shen, if you were the field commander of the police force, what would you do in the face of this situation?"

"Director Lu, are you giving me interview questions for the promotion of superintendent here?"

Shen Qiu closed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Tens of thousands of people gathered together to protest, and if something went off the rails, the consequences would be unimaginable. "

Lu Zhilian ignored Shen Qiu's answer and continued.

"There are only two ways to solve the problem, either hard or soft, the hard is that the police force mobilizes thousands of people, uses high-pressure water cannons, tear gas, and directly suppresses these protesters, and soft, that is, agrees to the demands of these protesters. "

Shen Qiu opened his eyes, looked at the TV, and said quietly.

"Such a big scene, and the live broadcast of the TV station, if you force it, you can't end it, right?"

Lu Zhilian's brows furrowed slightly, and he asked.

"Hehe, do you think the ghost guys will be afraid that they won't be able to end the show? It's a big deal to push a few Chinese out to take the blame, anyway, it's always the Chinese who are at fault, and it won't be their ghosts. "

A disdainful smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face.

"Then you mean, the Hong Kong Island Police Force will come this time?"

Lu Zhilian immediately discovered the Hua point in Shen Qiu's words.

"If there is no external force to intervene, the police force will definitely come and forcibly suppress it, but if there is an external force to intervene, even if it is only a little external force......"

Speaking of this, Shen Qiu's voice stopped abruptly.

"What will happen?"

Lu Zhilian immediately asked.

"Director Lu, remember my mobile phone number, if there is anything to worry about in the future, or something I can help with, just call me, you are a very responsible person, but unfortunately joined the ICAC. "

Shen Qiu looked at Lu Zhilian and said with a smile.

"Sir Shen, what do you mean?"

Lu Zhilian looked at Shen Qiu with a puzzled expression, he was very curious why Shen Qiu suddenly said such an inexplicable sentence.

"After 5 days of cultivation at ICAC, it's time to go out, Director Lu, remember what I said, on Hong Kong Island now, it will always be the Chinese who are at fault, not the ghosts. "

With that, Shen Qiu walked straight to his interrogation room.

"Oh, by the way, Director Lu, someone will come to me later, no matter who it is, let him come to the interrogation room to see me, in addition, please help me make a cup of coffee at that time, so that they can know that I have been drinking this kind of coffee for 5 days, and it is very uncomfortable. "

When Shen Qiu walked to the door of the interrogation room, he suddenly paused, turned his head to look at Lu Zhilian, who was still pondering, and said with a smile.


Looking at Shen Qiu's back, Lu Zhilian's eyes were full of confusion, he was very curious, how could this man conclude that he could leave ICAC today?

After 40 minutes, Lu Zhilian became even more confused.

In the office of the Deputy Commissioner for the Independent Commissioner, Li Zuming.

"Commissioner Li, are you looking for me?"

After Lu Zhilian walked into the office, he first glanced at Han Yili and Li Wenbin who were sitting on the sofa, and was slightly startled, and then asked Li Zuming.

"Director Lu, it's hard for you to make a trip and bring Shen Qiu over. "

Li Zuming opened his mouth and said to Lu Zhilian.

Mouth bang~

After hearing Li Zuming's words, Lu Zhilian seemed to have a flash of lightning in his mind, which instantly reminded him of what Shen Qiu had said to him just now before he walked into the interrogation room.

At this moment, Lu Zhilian understood that in front of him, Police Commissioner Han Yili, who was sitting on the sofa, was here to take Shen Qiu out of ICAC.

However, how could Shen Qiu know everything?

With this doubt, Lu Zhilian nodded and said, "Okay, Commissioner Li." "

After that, Lu Zhilian turned around and left Li Zuming's office, but he did not go to Shen Qiu according to Li Zuming's request, but brewed two cups of ICAC in advance

Cat poop coffee, and then returned to Li Zuming's office.

"Commissioner, Shen Qiu asked the person looking for him to go to the interrogation room to see him. "

Lu Zhilian said slowly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Nonsense! Director Lu, how can you agree to such a nonsense request?"

After hearing Lu Zhilian's words, Li Zuming's face changed instantly, he glared at Lu Zhilian, and said loudly.

"Commissioner Li, my legs are long on Shen Qiu's body, I really can't help it. "

Lu Zhilian said lightly.

"You ......"

"Commissioner Li, don't be angry, Shen Qiu has been imprisoned for 5 days, and it's normal to have some resentment in my heart, and I, the police commissioner, should also take the initiative to see him. "

Li Zuming was about to go crazy when he was interrupted by Han Yili....

Then, Han Yili looked at Lu Zhilian and said with a smile: "Director Lu, please lead the way." "

"Director Han, please come with me. "

Soon, under the guidance of Lu Zhilian, Han Yili and Li Wenbin walked into the interrogation room where Shen Qiu was.

"Mr. Director, Sir Li, why are you here?"

Shen Qiu looked at Han Yili and Li Wenbin and asked with a surprised expression.

This made Lu Zhilian, who was following Han Yili and Li Wenbin, have the urge to roll his eyes: Boy, pretend, you continue to pretend!

"Sir Shen, according to the joint investigation between our police force and ICAC, it is confirmed that the previous ICAC charges against you have no evidence to support you, and from now on, you will be officially released and can return to the police force to work again at any time. "

Han Yili had a gentle smile on his face, as if he had taken the initiative to fish Shen Qiu out of ICAC. []

"This ...... This is great, Director Lu, please make two cups of coffee for my two chiefs, I have something to do, and I want to talk to the two chiefs slowly. "

Shen Qiu kept giving Lu Zhilian a look when he spoke, this kid kept pretending not to see it, and in the end, there was no way, Shen Qiu could only show his cards.

"Director Lu, it's okay to make a cup of coffee, today is Mr. Director and Shen Qiu talking, I'm just accompanying the guest. "

Li Wenbin glared at Shen Qiu as he spoke, obviously, Li Wenbin was very familiar with ICAC cat coffee.

"Sir Shen, you have been wronged in ICAC in the past few days, and the police force will definitely make up for you. "

Han Yili obviously understood what Shen Qiu meant, and directly released his kindness to Shen Qiu.

"Mr. Commissioner, let's drink the coffee, only when you drink it in your mouth, 3.1 can know what it tastes like. "

"Sir Shen, your ability is obvious to the entire police force, I am ready to recommend that you be promoted to superintendent at the next commissioner meeting, and you don't have to worry about the Department of Justice and ICAC, you can be promoted to superintendent in half a month at most. "

Han Yili obviously heard the meaning of Shen Qiu's words, and knew that this kid wanted practical benefits, not empty checks, so he immediately threw out the position of superintendent as a compensation for Shen Qiu.

"Mr. Commissioner, in fact, I only want to serve the citizens of Hong Kong Island, and I have no interest in any promotion, you are in such a hurry to come to ICAC to find me, there must be something important for me to do, right?"

Shen Qiu ignored the benefits proposed by Han Yili and asked the question with a smile.

After sitting in prison for 5 days, there was such a big scene, you Han Yili took a superintendent and wanted to get everything done, and sent Hanako? .

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