Hong Kong Island, Albert Road on Mid-Levels Central

The Governor's Residence.

After receiving the news from Li Chenghua, Hong Kong Governor Yeung Swee Ying, Financial Secretary O'Hunt, Secretary for Justice Ho Kam-li, Commissioner of Police Hon Yee Lee, Political Minister Ha Kwan-yin, Chief Secretary for Administration Tin Pok Pei, and Commissioner for Independent Corruption Quat Ho-man, who hurried back to Hong Kong Island from Malaysia, gathered at the Governor's Office to discuss countermeasures.

"What are you kidding, this little matter should be discussed by Mr. Governor himself? How is it possible, the untouchables in the Kowloon Walled City are also worthy?"

The Secretary for Justice, Mr Ho Kam Lei, first expressed his opposition.

Like Xia Junxian, he was born in a British aristocratic family, and has a natural sense of superiority over the Chinese on Hong Kong Island, before Ho Kam-li became the Secretary for Justice, more than 3 Chinese lawyers were promoted to barristers every year, but after Ho Kam-li took office, only one Chinese lawyer was promoted to barrister at most a year, and that person must also be studying law in the UK.

"Secretary He, Mr. Governor can't go, so why don't you go, the Secretary for Justice, and talk to those Chinese people about the law, maybe they will be honest and obedient." "

After He Jinli's words fell, O'Hunt immediately said yin and yang.

As a locally cultivated bureaucrat of the British government in Hong Kong, O'Hunt is often yin and yang by He Jinli, and the relationship between the two is very bad, not to mention, if the protest of the Kowloon Walled City is not handled well, he O-Hunt is the first person responsible, so He Jinli prevents the Hong Kong Governor from going to 043 to negotiate, which is to stand on the opposite side of his O-Hunt, and O-Hunt will naturally not be polite to him.

"Director Ou, do you have any good suggestions to say directly, do you want to be so yin and yang?"

He Jinli's temper immediately came up.

"Okay, when is it, you're still fighting here?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little wrong, Yang Ruiying immediately opened his mouth to stop, and then, he looked at Xia Junxian and asked: "Minister Xia, what news did your Political Department find out in the Kowloon Walled City, did that Shen Qiu of the police force really negotiate with the people in the Kowloon Walled City?"

The Political Department has been operating on Hong Kong Island for many years, and naturally there are informants in the Kowloon Walled City.

After hearing Yang Ruiying's question, Xia Junxian immediately replied: "Mr. Hong Kong Governor, the informant of our Political Department did see Shen Qiu enter the Tin Hau Ancient Temple in the Kowloon Walled City and sit in it for 2 hours. "

As the leader of the intelligence department, Xia Junxian spoke very carefully, what he can be sure is what he can determine, and what he can't determine is not certain.

After listening to Xia Junxian's words, Yang Ruiying lowered her head and fell into deep thought.

Everyone in the Hong Kong Governor's Office had different looks, but their eyes were on Yang Ruiying, waiting for the final decision of the first person on Hong Kong Island.

Nearly a minute later, Yang Ruiying raised his head, looked at Han Yili, who was sitting diagonally opposite him, and said, "Director Han, I have worked hard for you to inform that Shen Qiuren and let him come to the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion for a trip, and I will meet him in person." "

"Mr. Governor......"

After hearing Yang Ruiying's words, He Jinli immediately opened his mouth and once again persuaded this Hong Kong Island brother to maintain the system of the British Empire, you represent the Queen of England, how can you see everyone?

It's a pity that this time, Yang Ruiying didn't give He Jinli a chance to finish speaking, and directly interrupted: "Director He, I have already decided." "

Seeing that Yang Ruiying was so resolute, He Jinli could only give up.

It was also at this time that Han Yili took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Chenghua's mobile phone number.

"Director Li, you ask Shen Qiu to come to the Governor's Mansion immediately, and Mr. Governor wants to see him. "

After the phone was connected, Han Yili immediately spoke.

"Good...... Okay, Mr. Director, I'll inform Shen Qiu right away. "

On the other end of the phone, after hearing Han Yili's words, Li Chenghua was stunned for a moment, and then reacted and replied.

"Tell Shen Qiu to come over as fast as you can. "

After saying this, Han Yili hung up the phone.

"Director Tian, Director Ou, Director He, and Director Han, I will meet Shen Qiu in the reception room later, wait for me in your conference room, and after I listen to Shen Qiu's conditions, we will discuss it together, and the rest of us will go and get busy, Minister Xia, your Political Department continues to keep an eye on the Kowloon Walled City, and report to me immediately if there is any news." "

As a recognized mediocre governor of Hong Kong, Yang Ruiying rarely makes decisions alone, and usually has to convene a considerable number of departments, and after all the negotiations are completed, he decides the direction of things by voting.

It's nice to say, Yang Ruiying is called democracy, it's not good, he is indecisive, but Tian Bopei and others can only cooperate with the style of the first person on Hong Kong Island, "Okay, Mr. Hong Kong Governor." "

On the other side, Shen Qiu was going to drive his own car to the governor's mansion after he knew (cdfj) that the governor wanted to see him.

But Li Chenghua thought Shen Qiu's car was slow, so he directly asked people to drive a police car to send Shen Qiu all the way to the red light and rushed to the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion.

"Is it Sir Shen?"

As soon as Shen Qiu got out of the car, he saw a middle-aged ghost guy with a greasy back hair, greeted him politely, and said to himself with a smile.

"Yes. "

"Sir Shen, Mr. Hong Kong Governor is already waiting for you in the reception room, please come with me. "

A few minutes later, under the leadership of the middle-aged ghost, Shen Qiu soon came to the door of the reception room, and after pushing open the door of the reception room, Shen Qiu saw the real person of Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying for the first time.

Yang Ruiying, who is 71 years old, looks older than on TV, her eyes are a little cloudy, and she doesn't have the essence in the eyes of those political strongmen, but more like an ordinary old man than the first person on Hong Kong Island.

But even so, Shen Qiu didn't dare to despise this old man, an old man of this age had such an appearance, either he was pretending to be or he was really old.

Shen Qiu didn't think that Yang Ruiying was really old, so there was only one possibility, the old man in front of him was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"Hello, Mr. Governor. "

Shen Qiu looked at Yang Ruiying and said neither humbly nor arrogantly.

"Shen Qiu, huh? (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yang Ruiying looked at Shen Qiu and said with a smile, and then he said to the middle-aged ghost standing behind Shen Qiu, the secretary of the Hong Kong Governor, Steyr, "Mr. Steyr, please pour a cup of coffee for my guest, he should be very tired now." "

"Just pour me a cup of green tea, I'm not used to coffee. "

As soon as Yang Ruiying's words fell, Shen Qiu immediately spoke.

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Steyr paused slightly and looked at Yang Ruiying, while Yang Ruiying glanced at Shen Qiu carefully before nodding at Steyr and saying, "Mr. Shen is a guest, listen to him." "

"Yes, Mr. Governor. "

After Steyr left, Shen Qiu and Yang Ruiying didn't speak, and they were both quietly looking at each other until:

"Mr. Shen, your green tea. "

Steyr put a cup of green tea in front of Shen Qiu and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Steyr. "

Shen Qiu nodded at Steyr, and then waited for Steyr to leave the reception room, Shen Qiu lowered his head and took a sip of tea, then looked up at Yang Ruiying and said with a smile: "Mr. Hong Kong Governor, the tea in the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion is good." "

"If you like, I'll ask Mr. Styr to prepare a can for you later. "

Yang Ruiying is very polite, and she does not have the arrogance of the first person on Hong Kong Island at all.

"Then there is no need, Mr. Governor, there are some things, just taste a product, just keep a memory, if you really have it, it is not beautiful. "

Shen Qiu smiled and refused.

"Mr. Shen, what you said is right, many things, you don't know how to cherish them when you have them, and you will regret them when you lose them, especially peace. "

Yang Ruiying meant something.

"Mr. Governor, in fact, the people in the Kowloon Walled City, they don't want much. "

Shen Qiu looked at Yang Ruiying and said slowly.

"Tell me about it. "

Yang Ruiying smiled and said lightly.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the reception room seemed to be very harmonious, but only Shen Qiu and Yang Ruiying knew that the two had just finished the first round of confrontation.

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