Governor's Residence, Reception Room.

"Mr. Governor, three conditions. "

"The first condition is that the British government of Hong Kong will never demolish the Kowloon Walled City. "

Shen Qiu stretched out a finger and said lightly~ Dao.

For this request, Yang Ruiying was not surprised, and said lightly: - "Go on." "

"The second condition is that the vacant land between the Kowloon Walled City and Kai Tak Airport will also be included in the Kowloon Walled City, so that the people of the Walled City can build some new buildings and improve the living conditions of the residents of the Walled City. "

Shen Qiu stretched out his second finger.

After hearing Shen Qiu's condition, two words immediately came to Yang Ruiying's mind: cut the ground.

But Yang Ruiying neither agreed nor opposed, and continued: "Mr. Shen, what is the third condition?"

Shen Qiu smiled slightly: "The third condition is that a Walled City Autonomous Committee will be established within the Kowloon Walled City, and all matters in the Walled City will be managed by this Walled City Autonomous Committee. "

Even when she heard the condition of cutting the land, Yang Ruiying's face did not change, and after hearing Shen Qiu's words, her face changed slightly.

If he agrees to the three conditions relayed by Shen Qiu, then the Kowloon Walled City will not be an extralegal place on Hong Kong Island, but an extrajudicial place on Hong Kong Island.

"Mr. Shen, it's hard for you to make a trip and tell those people in the Kowloon Walled City that I can't agree to the second and third conditions. "

Yang Ruiying was not prepared to discuss with Tian Bopei, He Jinli, Ou Hunt and others, so she directly refused.

If he can agree to this condition, then he, the governor of Hong Kong, will do it and leave.

"Mr. Governor, in fact, I also think that these three conditions are very excessive, so I have already repaid the price to them, but they have asked me to tell you the first three conditions, so, Mr. Governor, I can't help it. "

Negotiation and negotiation are naturally asking for a sky-high price, sitting on the ground to repay the money, and Shen Qiu didn't expect Yang Ruiying to agree to the previous three conditions.

"Mr. Shen, I hope you don't waste any more time in the future. "

Yang Ruiying's eyes froze and said slowly.

"Actually, their conditions have not changed, but a few additional conditions have been added. "

"First, the Force may set up a security office in the Kowloon Walled City to manage law and order in the Kowloon Walled City."

"Second, the Kowloon Walled City is under the management of the British Government of Hong Kong, and it is hoped that a certain number of members of the Council will be sent to participate in the work of the Hong Kong Island Councillors in the form of an independent district;"

"Thirdly, the land near the Kowloon Walled City is only rented, and the residents of the Walled City will pay a certain amount of rent to the British Government of Hong Kong every year, with reference to the public housing estate. "

Shen Qiu finished speaking with the three additional conditions in one breath.

If the first three conditions are to save face and make the ghost lose face and lose face, then these three additional conditions are to save face for the ghost guy.

Whether it is the involvement of the police force, or the participation in the election of members, or the leasing of land, it is a public indication that the Kowloon Walled City is still under the management of the British government in Hong Kong, just to get more benefits, just like the British government in Hong Kong treats those aborigines in the New Territories.

Sure enough, after listening to Shen Qiu's three additional conditions, Yang Ruiying did not directly refuse, but said: "Mr. Shen, the stakes are very high, I must think about it, you first notify the people in the Kowloon Walled City, let them suspend the protest first, and at the latest tomorrow morning, our Hong Kong British government will give them an answer." "

Shen Qiu shook his head and smiled: "Mr. Hong Kong Governor, when I left the Kowloon Walled City, the people of the Kowloon Walled City specially explained to me that before 12 o'clock tonight, they must get an answer, otherwise they will ......."

"Or what?"

Yang Ruiying's eyelids jumped slightly, and she immediately asked.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Governor, they didn't tell me either. "

Shen Qiu shrugged his shoulders and replied with a smile.

Yang Ruiying looked at Shen Qiu deeply, and then said lightly: "Okay, you wait for me here." "

With that, Yang Ruiying quickly left the reception room and walked to his office.

After 10 minutes.

"Everyone, what are your opinions on 3 conditions and 3 additional conditions?"

Yang Ruiying slowly said the conditions that Shen Qiu said, and then asked.

"My opinion is that I can't agree, if I agree to them, then the Kowloon Walled City is actually independent except for the nominal management of our Hong Kong British government. "

To Yang Ruiying's surprise, He Jinli was the first to object.

And after He Jinli's words fell, O'Hunt immediately retorted: "Director He, I want to tell you that the Kowloon Walled City is the same now, but it is nominally under the management of our Hong Kong British government, but in fact we can't control it at all. "

Speaking of this, O'Hunt looked at Yang Ruiying and continued: "Mr. Hong Kong Governor, after agreeing to these conditions, we can still arrange for the police to enter the Kowloon Walled City, in fact, these conditions are generally beneficial to us. "

In the entire British government of Hong Kong, no one wants to get this matter done more than O'Hunt, and even if he suffers a loss, he can pretend not to see it.

"Director Ou, you can't say that, Shen Qiu is now the deputy commissioner of the Kowloon City Police Station, if our police force arranges for the police to go in and set up a police security room, it is actually managed by Shen Qiu, with Shen Qiu's relationship with the gang of people in the Kowloon Walled City, it is unlikely that our police force can manage this police security room. "

After hearing the nonsense that O'Hunt said with his eyes open, Han Yili couldn't help but speak.

"Don't say so much now, agree or not, vote by a show of hands. "

Yang Ruiying felt that his brain was hurting now, today was indeed a little tired for an old man like him, and he just wanted to settle this matter quickly.

"Raise your hand in support. "

After finishing speaking, Yang Ruiying did not raise her hand, but quietly looked at everyone in the office.

As a result, only O'Hunt raised his hand.

Obviously, all the high-ranking officials present knew that by agreeing to these conditions, they could save a little face for themselves, but there were definitely not many, and Britain would not let them go.

"Okay, so ...... that case"

Seeing that the result was clear, Yang Ruiying was about to open her mouth to announce it, and then let Shen Qiu suppress the conditions, but at this moment.

Bell bell bell ~

A phone rings.

"Hey, who's that?"

"Yes, I'm Yang Ruiying. "

Yang Ruiying picked up the telephone microphone on the desk and spoke.


I don't know what I heard, Yang Ruiying's face changed suddenly, and instantly attracted the attention of Tian Bopei, Ou Hunt, and He Jinli on the side.

"Okay, I got it. "

After saying this, Yang Ruiying slowly put down the one in her hand, then glanced at the people present, and said in a low voice: "Everyone, I have decided to agree to the conditions proposed by the residents of the Kowloon Walled City. "

At this moment, Yang Ruiying is like a deflated ball, at this time, he is really like an old man who has aged, decadent and without a trace of vitality.

"Mr. Governor, why!"

After hearing Yang Ruiying's words, He Jinli immediately couldn't hold back, stood up suddenly, and asked.

"I just received a call from Minister Xia Junxian of the Political Department, and hundreds of people wearing bomb vests walked out of the Kowloon Walled City. "

Yang Ruiying said slowly.

"Mr. Governor, it is possible that they are just bluffing, how can they find hundreds of people who are not afraid of death? and make such a big fuss, they win and lose!"

At this time, Chief Secretary for Administration, Tian Bopei, who had been silent for almost a night, spoke slowly.

"Director Tian, what you said makes a lot of sense, but we can't afford to gamble, the people over there are watching!"

Yang Ruiying pointed to the direction of the north and said slowly.

At this moment, the entire office fell silent in an instant.

"It's such a big gamble, so ruthless, I'm curious, what kind of person can do such a crazy thing. "

After more than ten seconds, Tian Bopei finally didn't hold back and spoke.

"Hey, no matter who did it, this time, he won the bet. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yang Ruiying let out a long sigh, her tone full of helplessness.

The high-ranking officials of the ghosts present didn't know that this move, which seemed to them to be crazy to the extreme, was not Shen Qiu's last killing move, but presumably these ghosts didn't want to see Shen Qiu's last killing move, because if that trick was used, it would really break the sky and shatter the sky.

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