
The faint sound of the door opening broke the silence of the chamber.

But just such a trace of voice made Dong Weiguo, whose eyes were already a little dull, immediately come back to his senses and said loudly: "Who are you? What do you want?"

"Dong Weiguo, the royal lawyer of the Li family, among the lawyers on Hong Kong Island, you are all the top, am I right?"

In the darkness, a voice drifted into Dong Weiguo's ears.

"What do you want?"

Dong Weiguo's eyes froze and said slowly.

"You have served the Li family for 9 years, they must have used your dog very easily, I can give you a chance now to let you be my dog. "

In Dong Weiguo's sight, the secret room was pitch black, but in Shen Qiu's sight, Dong Weiguo could see it at a glance, and even the expression on his face changed, Shen Qiu could see it clearly.


Hearing Shen Qiu's words of "zero eighty", Dong Weiguo's face changed slightly, and a trace of anger flashed from his eyes, but he did not open his mouth to respond to Shen Qiu's words.

"Hey, Dong Weiguo, I know that good words and persuasion are useless. "

Shen Qiu sighed softly, Dong Weiguo played a great role, and Shen Qiu still tried his best to make him healthier.

After saying this, Shen Qiu walked out of the secret room and said to Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi, who had been waiting for a long time: "Don't leave any injuries on your face and hands. "

Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi nodded slightly, and then walked into the secret room.


Then, a scream came from the secret room.

20 minutes later, Tian Yangsheng walked out of the secretary and said to Shen Qiu, "Brother Qiu, it's done." "

"That's why these lawyers are all cheap bones, and they don't shed tears when they don't see the coffin. "

Shen Qiu shook his head with a smile, then walked into the secret room and said lightly, "Dong Weiguo, have you thought clearly?"

"Think clearly, as long as you stop torturing me, let me do whatever I want. "

Dong Weiguo may indeed be a top talent in business, but in terms of willpower, he is just an ordinary person.

"Be my dog, but you have to give your name. "

Shen Qiu said quietly.

"Deliver, deliver, deliver, I will deliver everything. "

Dong Weiguo felt chills all over his body when he thought of the torture just now, and he didn't want to bear that kind of pain again in this life.

"Ah Hua, I'll work hard for you next. "

Shen Qiu walked out of the secret room and said to Ah Hua with a smile.

Soon, Li Xiaowen, who was still in a coma, was moved into the secret room by Tian Yangli, Tian Yangwu and others, and then Zhang Hua took a Glock 17 and followed him into the secret room.


With the sound of the switch being pressed, the incandescent light on the ceiling of the secret room suddenly lit up, which made Dong Weiguo, who was already a little accustomed to the dark, squint his eyes, and after a few minutes, he got used to it.

But when Dong Weiguo saw the scene in front of him clearly, a shocked look appeared directly on Dong Weiguo's face.

Because he saw that his employer, Li Xiaowen, the third elder of the Li family, was lying in front of him.

"What did you do with Mr. Leigh?"

Dong Weiguo looked at Zhang Hua who was standing next to Li Xiaowen and asked subconsciously.

"He's your vote. "

Zhang Hua walked to Dong Weiguo's side, cut the rope that bound his hands, and then stuffed the Glock 17 pistol in his hand into Dong Weiguo's hand, and said lightly: "Use this gun to kill him." "

Zhang Hua's words fell, and Tianyangli walked into the secret room with a bucket of water, directly waking up the unconscious Li Xiaowen.

Woo woo woo~

Li Xiaowen, who came to his senses, quickly came back to his senses after a short period of confusion, looking at Dong Weiguo with a pistol in his hand, he wanted to speak, but the mouth sealed by the tape made Li Xiaowen only make a whining sound.

Looking at Li Xiaowen, who was panicked, and Tianyangli, who was standing next to Li Xiaowen and holding a video camera, Dong Weiguo understood what the other party meant by the vote.

Dong Weiguo doesn't have to think about it to know that if he shoots and kills Li Xiaowen and is recorded, then this tape is his life-saving talisman, even if the people of the Li family know that he Dong Weiguo was forced, they will not let him go.

At that time, he really had no other choice but to be a dog.

"My big guy said, either be his dog or be a dead dog, I'll give you 10 seconds, you choose. "

Zhang Hua looked down at Dong Weiguo, who had a dull face, and said lightly, but immediately, he added: "By the way, I guarantee that your dead dog will definitely die before he dies, and when the time comes, you will beg us to kill you." "

Subsequently: "10!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)




Bang bang......

Zhang Hua only counted three, Dong Weiguo pointed a gun at Li Xiaowen and pulled the trigger, and all 17 bullets in the magazine were used up before stopping.

Bang bang bang ~ At this time, a burst of applause came into Dong Weiguo's ears, and then, a man with the mask of Monkey King walked into the secret room, looked at Dong Weiguo and said with a smile: "Yes, it's a good dog....."

"Sir, what do you want me to do?"

I have to say that there is a reason why Dong Weiguo can be the top of the pyramid of the lawyer's house, his mentality changed so quickly that even Shen Qiu was a little surprised, and he paused for a few seconds before he spoke: "Dong Weiguo, it's not what I want you to do now, but what you can do for me?"

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Dong Weiguo's mind turned, and he immediately said: "Sir, before Li Xiaowen died, I was put in charge of the listing project of a care fund, the purpose of which was to defraud the British government of Hong Kong of $15 billion in poverty alleviation funds, and now that the project is basically in the final stage, I can help Mr. get the $15 billion." "

"Dong Weiguo, why are you and Li Xiaowen so bad? The $15 billion poverty alleviation fund can help how many poor people on Hong Kong Island, and you really want to cheat this money away, you really damn it. "


Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Dong Weiguo was stupid, I cheated 15 billion US dollars damned, then you rushed to someone else's house, killed more than a dozen people, kidnapped people, and forced a good citizen to kill people, wouldn't this be going to eighteen layers of hell.

"In order to prevent the $15 billion from being cheated out by you people who have no conscience, I should indeed take over the money, but, Dong Weiguo, the other two members of the Li family should also know about this project, right?"

Shen Qiu looked at Dong Weiguo and said quietly. []

"Know...... Know. "

0.8 Dong Weiguo's face was panicked, and he replied in a low voice.

"So I said that you are not honest, and you want me to be exposed in front of the Li family and kill me by the hands of the Li family?"

Shen Qiu walked in front of Dong Weiguo, looked down at Dong Weiguo, and said with a smile.

"First...... Don't get me wrong, sir, I really didn't realize this just now. "

Although Shen Qiu was smiling, Dong Weiguo didn't feel the slightest warmth, only a biting chill that made his spine chill and creepy.

"Don't be so nervous, I won't eat you again. "

Shen Qiu patted Dong Weiguo's shoulder and said with a smile.

It's just that every time Shen Qiu patted it, Dong Weiguo's whole body shuddered, and fear had already taken over his entire body.

At this moment, Shen Qiu was no longer a human being in Dong Weiguo's heart, but a demon, a demon who could eat people.

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