Inside the secret room.

"First...... Sir, I will do whatever you want me to do. "

Dong Weiguo didn't dare to regenerate at all, and said tremblingly.

"I want $15 billion, but I don't want the Li family to know that I did it, what do you think I should do?"

Shen Qiu looked down at Dong Weiguo and asked with interest.

"Sir, I'm ...... I don't know, I really don't know. "

Dong Weiguo's feeling now is even more uncomfortable than being tortured by Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi before, in front of Shen Qiu, he feels that he is a toy, a toy that is manipulated by Shen Qiu, his fate, body and even everything are controlled by Shen Qiu.

"Don't be so nervous, I don't know, I can teach you, will the landlord have heard of it?"

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Listen...... Heard. "

Hearing Shen Qiu talk about the landlords' association, Dong Weiguo's face changed slightly, this mysterious organization has only been heard of by the upper circles on Hong Kong Island, obviously, the person who kidnapped him also belongs, at least is familiar with the upper circles on Hong Kong Island.

"$15 billion, those old guys from the landlords' association will definitely be tempted, what do you do next......"

Shen Qiu slowly said his plan.


After listening to Shen Qiu's plan, Dong Weiguo was stunned24, he never expected that there were such vicious people in the world, which could no longer be described as a sandpiper and a clam competing for the benefit of fishermen, this is simply a loss to the extreme.

The landlord will come to block the gun, so that the landlord will fight to the death with the Li family, and then he will not only take 15 billion US dollars, but also eat the body of the loser and bite off a piece of meat from the winner, which ......

At this moment, Dong Weiguo completely succumbed to Shen Qiu and willingly became Shen Qiu's lackey, because he knew that in the face of someone like Shen Qiu, he had no choice but to surrender.

Thinking of this, Dong Weiguo immediately said, "Sir, I will definitely do my best." "

"Then it's hard for you, I'll let Ahua treat you, spray some Yunnan Baiyao, send you away, and if you have anything in the future, contact Ahua directly." "

Shen Qiu patted Dong Weiguo on the shoulder, and then left the secret room.

For Dong Weiguo, Shen Qiu's real plan is to use Dong Weiguo's mixed-race identity and his contacts accumulated in the upper circles of Hong Kong Island for so many years to establish a private club.

This club has only one purpose, which is to corrupt the senior officials of the British government in Hong Kong, especially those in the police force, and use them for Shen Qiu's use.

This matter can only be done by Dong Weiguo, a wealthy royal lawyer and a power broker in the upper circle, this is the real purpose of Shen Qiu's kidnapping of Dong Weiguo, as for the 15 billion US dollars, it is just an accident.

Shen Qiu is looking forward to what kind of wonderful expressions will be on the faces of Han Yili, Li Chenghua, and Yan Liguo when the scene of the ghost boss's senior officials defecting to support him at the police commissioner's meeting will happen.

Shen Qiu named this plan to use ghosts to fight ghosts as the Sky Stealing Project.

It was also on the morning of the kidnapping of Lee Hyo-moon.

Taiping Mountain, Lijia Villa.

A Mercedes-Benz sedan slowly drove into the courtyard, and then, Deputy Commissioner of Police Li Chenghua got out of the car and walked into the Li family villa under the leadership of the Li family's servants.

"Mr. Li Xiaoming, Mr. Li Xiaotian, hello. "

After walking into the living room of the villa, Li Chenghua immediately greeted the two middle-aged men sitting on the sofa with a smile.

Although the Li family did not start cleanly, no one on the entire Hong Kong Island dared to deny the Li family's status as a top wealthy family.

Since the 40s, the four major families on Hong Kong Island in each era must have 2 fixed seats, one is the He family, and the other is the Li family.

"Director Li, I'm really sorry to let you take time out of your busy schedule to go to the cold house in person. "

The person who spoke was the boss of the Li family, Li Xiaoming, the current Hong Kong British government participating in politics, the official member of the Legislative Yuan, and the guest of honor of Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying.

"Mr. Xiaoming is too polite, serving the public is originally the purpose of our police force, in fact, it should be me who should apologize, our police force is still not enough to protect the Repulse Bay villa area, resulting in ......"

"Director Li, the incident has happened, so there is no need to say these words again. "

Li Chenghua originally wanted to be polite, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Xiaotian.

If Li Xiaoming is the top figure in the Chinese officialdom on Hong Kong Island, then Li Xiaotian is the top figure in the Chinese business community on Hong Kong Island.

Xisheng Property, which owns half of Causeway Bay and half of North Point, has an annual rent of more than 3 billion Hong Kong dollars, and its profits even exceed that of many listed companies.

Not to mention Li Xiaotian's United Soda Factory, United Shipping and other industries, although Li Xiaotian's name is not included in the annual Hong Kong Island Rich List, people in the upper circles of Hong Kong Island know that Li Xiaotian's wealth is definitely better than Li Bancheng, who ranks first on the rich list, and Li Zhaoji, who ranks second.

Even Li Chenghua himself is a security consultant of Xisheng Property, with a salary of millions of Hong Kong dollars per white-collar worker, otherwise with his official position and identity as a ghost, he would not need to be so polite to the two brothers of the Li family.

"Director Li, let's talk about the current progress of your police investigation. "

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little awkward, Li Xiaoming gave Li Chenghua a step.

"Mr. Xiaoming, Mr. Xiaotian, it is now certain that the kidnappers who kidnapped Mr. Xiaowen must have stepped on it in advance, and they crossed the security guard of the villa area from Violet Mountain and came directly to Mr. Xiaowen's villa. "

"In addition, even if Mr. Xiaowen was hiding in the safe house, he was captured by the kidnappers with a bomb to blow open the gate alive, after the kidnapping was successful, the robbers took Mr. Xiaowen over the Violet Mountain, but because the area of the Violet Mountain is relatively vast, where did the robbers go down the mountain, our police force is still investigating. "

Li Chenghua told Li Xiaoming and Li Xiaowen in detail about the information currently in the hands of the police. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Can I think so, your police force has been checking for a morning, and basically nothing has been found. "

After listening to Li Chenghua's words, Li Xiaowen said lightly.


An embarrassed smile appeared on Li Chenghua's face, but soon, he returned to normal and continued: "Mr. Xiaoming, Mr. Xiaowen, since the other party has spent so much effort to arrest Mr. Xiaowen, it must have a purpose, I think maybe this gang of robbers will contact you soon and make their requests." "

Pedal Pedal Pedal ~

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps.

"Two gentlemen, Lawyer Dong is here. "

A servant walked into the living room and said to Li Xiaoming and Li Xiaotian.

"Dong Weiguo is here?"

Li Xiaotian pondered for a moment before he spoke, "Let him come over." "

"Yes, sir. "

After hearing Li Xiaotian's order, the servant immediately turned around and left.

"Mr. Xiaoming, Mr. Xiaotian, you have guests, I won't bother, if there is an update on the case, I will inform the two gentlemen immediately. "

Li Chenghua immediately chose to anoint the soles of his feet.

"Then it's troublesome for Director Li. "[]

Li Xiaoming said very politely.

"Mr. Xiaoming is polite. "

Li Chenghua said that, and got up to leave.

"Big brother, it seems that it is basically impossible for the Hong Kong Island Police Force to rescue the third child. "

After Li Chenghua left, Li Xiaotian said quietly.

"Our Li family donates tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars to the police force every year, and if we don't give our Li family an explanation this time, I will let the police force spit out these benefits with interest. "

At this moment, Li Xiaoming's face, how can there be the gentleness and politeness just now, it is all cold as frost.

"Mr. Xiaoming, Mr. Xiaotian, hello. "

At this time, Dong Weiguo walked into the living room of the Li family's villa, and said hello to Li Xiaoming and Li Xiaotian with a smile.

Looking at the familiar Li Xiaoming and Li Xiaotian in front of him, thinking about everything he had just experienced, Dong Weiguo felt like a world away.

It's only been more than 2 hours, Hong Kong Island is still the same Hong Kong Island, and the Li family is still the Li family, but for him Dong Weiguo, it seems to be a different world.

"Weiguo, you're here, sit. "

After seeing Dong Weiguo, Li Xiaoming's face instantly put on a gentle smile again, like a handsome gentleman.

"Thank you, Mr. Hyo-myeong, in fact, I came to the two gentlemen, I have a guess I want to tell you, about Mr. Hyo-mun was kidnapped. "

Dong Weiguo looked at Li Xiaoming and Li Xiaotian, word by word, and said slowly.

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