Taiping Mountain, Lijia Villa.

"Lawyer Dong, let's talk about it, what are your guesses. "

After hearing Dong Weiguo's words, the eyes of Li Xiaoming and Li Xiaotian both moved slightly, and after exchanging glances with each other, Li Xiaotian asked.

Dong Weiguo, as the royal secretary of the Li family, is more familiar with Li Xiaotian, the most successful in business, and Li Xiaoming, who is concentrating on his career, is not so familiar with Dong Weiguo.

"Mr. Xiaotian, do you remember that I reported to you that Mr. Xiaowen set up a care fund and wanted to take the $15 billion poverty alleviation fund of the British government in Hong Kong?"

Dong Weiguo said.

"Well, I talked to Xiaowen just the day before yesterday, our Li family is now Zhong Mingding's family, there is no need to do this kind of disrepute thing, what, lawyer Dong, you mean, there are other people who are also eyeing the 15 billion US dollars and have taken action against Xiaowen?"

Li Xiaotian's eyes froze, nodded slightly, and said slowly.

Dong Weiguo nodded, and then added: "This is just my guess. "

At this time, Li Xiaoming, the boss of the Li family, spoke: "According to your guess lawyer Dong, as long as whoever moves the $15 billion in the future, who will be the biggest suspect in kidnapping Xiaowen?"

"Mr. Xiaoming, that's 15 billion US dollars, and Li Bancheng, who is now ranked first on the Hong Kong Island richest list, has a net worth of only so much. "

Dong Weiguo said slowly.

"Weiguo, this conjecture of yours is very valuable, whether it is accurate or not, this favor, our Li family has written it down. "

Li Xiaotian looked at Dong Weiguo, a smile appeared on his face, obviously, Li Xiaotian already believed in Dong Weiguo's speculation.

It's just that I don't know how Li Xiaotian would feel if he knew that it was the lawyer in front of him who shot his third brother.

"Mr. Xiaotian doesn't have to be so polite, I have received your Li family's salary, so naturally I have to use my brains more for the Li family. "

Dong Weiguo said with a smile.

"Okay, Wei Guo, after that, please keep an eye on the care fund and the $15 billion of the British government in Hong Kong, and report to me immediately. "

Li Xiaotian said to Dong Weiguo with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Leigh. "

Dong Weiguo nodded in response.

"Weiguo, I won't keep you, if there is nothing else, you can go and get busy. "

After listening to Dong Weiguo's conjecture, Li Xiaotian issued an expulsion order to Dong Weiguo.

After Dong Weiguo left, the smile on Li Xiaotian's face narrowed, and he looked at his eldest brother Li Xiaoming and asked, "Big brother, do you think Dong Weiguo's conjecture is credible?"

"Now we don't have any other clues than that. "

Li Xiaoming said slowly.

Even the smartest person needs intelligence to dissect, get what he wants, and then make a plan.

Shen Qiu's kidnapping of Li Xiaowen came too suddenly, too quickly, without any warning in advance, and without any news afterwards, even if the two brothers Li Xiaoming and Li Xiaotian are the most intelligent people on Hong Kong Island, now they are in front of them in a fog, and they can't see anything clearly.

Therefore, Li Xiaoming's meaning is also very simple, they can only believe Dong Weiguo now, follow his conjecture, and see if they can find any new clues.

"I have long told Xiaowen that he should be normal, don't go through those crooked ways, although the money comes quickly, but the risk is also big, it's all gambling, just like our grandfather, selling opium to make so much money, so what, it's not that he was shot and killed on the street. "

Li Xiaotian said slowly.

"Xiaotian, don't mention grandpa's affairs again, blame Xiaowen now, there's no need, let's find a way first, take Xiaowen home, and then talk about other things. "

Li Xiaoming sighed softly and said slowly.

"Big brother, I will say this in front of you, Xiaowen always felt that his father was partial and handed over the Li family to you and me, thinking that the two of us rejected him, like a child, who always wanted to prove himself. "

"It's also my fault, I've always wanted to let Xiaowen fall and let him suffer a little setback, so that he can grow up quickly, so that I can rest assured that the property left by my father will be handed over to him to take care of, but he has fallen too much. "

Li Xiaowen shook his head and smiled bitterly, as if he was really a confidant brother.

"Xiaowen, it's almost over, it's just our two brothers here, who are you going to show this play for? Xiaowen must be rescued, and when he comes back this time, send him to live in Amelica, so as not to cause any trouble on Hong Kong Island. "

Li Xiaoming said slowly.

"It's fine. "

Li Xiaotian's face was indifferent, and he said lightly.

On the other side, after Dong Weiguo left the Li family villa, he got into a Mercedes-Benz sedan and drove towards Central.

His Bentley had been sent to the repair shop to rest, and his unlucky driver was also told by Dong Weiguo that he was going back to his hometown in the mainland to visit relatives.

After getting into the car, Dong Weiguo took out the mobile phone in his pocket and dialed a number.

"Zhiyong, it's me. "

After the phone was connected, Dong Weiguo immediately spoke.

"Teacher, do you have any instructions?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

In the earpiece, Hu Zhiyong's voice came out.

"Zhiyong, come to my office now, I have something important to tell you. "

Dong Weiguo said slowly.

On the other end of the phone, after hearing Dong Weiguo's words, Hu Zhiyong's face changed slightly, in his impression, the teacher Dong Weiguo rarely said serious things, so, without a moment of hesitation, Hu Zhiyong replied directly: "Okay, teacher, I'll rush over immediately." "

Half an hour later.


Hu Zhiyong walked into Dong Weiguo's office and greeted Dong Weiguo with a smile.

"Zhiyong is here, sit. "

Dong Weiguo motioned for Hu Zhiyong to sit down, and then, without waiting for Hu Zhiyong to speak, Dong Weiguo said directly: "Zhiyong, we are going to change to a new partner." "

"~Teacher, what do you mean, Mr. Leigh?"

After hearing Dong Weiguo's words, Hu Zhiyong's face changed suddenly, and he immediately asked.

The words to change to a new partner made Hu Zhiyong immediately think of a possibility.

"It has nothing to do with Li Xiaowen, Li Xiaotian already knows about it, I just went to see him, Li Xiaotian said that the Li family is Zhong Mingding's family, and he can't do these things like stealing chickens and touching dogs, so don't say that Li Xiaowen is kidnapped now, even if he is not kidnapped, it is estimated that we will have to change the partner for this project. "

Dong Weiguo said slowly.

"Teacher, do you have the right person?"

Hu Zhiyong asked cautiously.

"Landlords' Association, have you heard of it?"

Seeing that Hu Zhiyong took the initiative to send it to the door, Dong Weiguo smiled slightly and asked.

"Yes. "

Hu Zhiyong nodded.

"In the stock market, the landlords' association is the most professional, and I am ready to cooperate with the landlords' association. "

Dong Weiguo said with a smile.

After thinking for a moment, Hu Zhiyong also showed a smile on his face: "Teacher, you have chosen a good partner to work with, and you can basically connect with us seamlessly." "

"That's why I chose them. "

Dong Weiguo nodded with a smile, then walked to Hu Zhiyong's side, and said in a low voice: "Zhiyong, I have so many students and subordinates, I only trust you alone, I will still leave this matter to you to do, but you remember, you must keep it secret, don't reveal me and the Li family, otherwise when Li Xiaowen comes back, then we will have a big head." "

"Don't worry, teacher, I understand what you mean. "

Hu Zhiyong only served as Dong Weiguo for fear of offending his old club.

"Go ahead and do something, Zhiyong, I'm going to work hard for you next. "

Dong Weiguo said with a smile.

A few minutes later, looking at the back of Hu Zhiyong leaving, Dong Weiguo muttered to himself: "Zhiyong, don't blame the teacher for being ruthless, the teacher is also forced to do it, if people don't do it for themselves, the heavens and the earth will be destroyed!"

Dong Weiguo wants to fool the landlords and the Li family, so it is naturally impossible to expose himself, and these two families, Dong Weiguo knows very well, they are really murderous.

Therefore, Hu Zhiyong is his best substitute for the ghost.

Meanwhile, in a teahouse in Wan Chai District, Shen Qiu is also meeting his old friend.

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