Wan Chai District, in a tea house.

"Director Lu, it seems that you haven't had a good time in the past two days. "

Shen Qiu looked at Lu Zhilian, who was haggard in front of him, and said with a smile.

Lu Zhilian glanced at Shen Qiu with a smile on his face, and a sentence that Shen Qiu once said to him came to mind: On Hong Kong Island, ghosts will never be wrong, and only Chinese will be wrong.

Sure enough, just like Shen Qiu said, after Li Zuming humiliated Shen Qiu back to the Kowloon City Police Station, as soon as he returned to ICAC, he vented all his anger on him Lu Zhilian, and put all the responsibility on him Lu Zhilian, directly demoting him from the chief investigator to the ordinary investigator.

That is, after so many years in ICAC, Lu Zhilian has made a lot of contributions, and if he is expelled, the impact will be too great, otherwise he would have been kicked out of ICAC by now.

Therefore, after receiving a call from Shen Qiu inviting him to meet, Lu Zhilian did not simply refuse like he had treated others before, but agreed to Shen Qiu's invitation after hesitating for a moment.

"You've already arrived, haven't you?"

Lu Zhilian could taste the bitterness of his words.

"Obviously, they all obeyed the orders of their superiors and handled the case according to the regular process, everything was reasonable and legal, but in the end, you took the blame, don't you feel very wronged?"

Shen Qiu looked at Lu Zhilian, the look on his face seemed to be smiling.

"Shen Qiu, what do you want to say?"

Lu Zhilian's dead mother's face, which has not changed for thousands of years, showed a trace of anger and a trace of humiliation.

"Director Lu, I told you, handle the case, you are this. 253 Shen Qiu gave his thumbs up, and then, Shen Qiu turned his thumbs upside down: "Politics, you are this." "


Listening to Shen Qiu's words and looking at Shen Qiu's gestures, Lu Zhilian wanted to speak and stopped, and finally remained silent, because he couldn't refute it at all.

"Director Lu, I don't want to mock you by saying this, but I want to tell you a fact, a fact that you have always known but dare not face. "

"The current ICAC is just a tool used by the ghosts to maintain their rule, and you Chinese investigators are just guns in their hands, usually using you to kill people, and when something happens, they will use you to defend themselves. "

Every word that Shen Qiu said was like a nail, piercing into the deepest part of Lu Zhilian's heart, and every word was heartfelt.

After being silent for a long time, Lu Zhilian looked up at Shen Qiu, and said in a bitter tone: "Sir Shen, according to what you say, ICAC shouldn't exist, and we people shouldn't ......."


Before Lu Zhilian finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shen Qiu, he stared at Lu Zhilian, and said slowly: "Director Lu, ICAC is not wrong, what is wrong is the ghost, if ICAC can really be absolutely fair and open, check the governor of Hong Kong, check ordinary civil servants, and become the sword of Damocles on the heads of all civil servants of the British government in Hong Kong, it is definitely a great blessing for all the citizens of Hong Kong Island." "

"Sir Shen, your words sound very exciting, but it is impossible to be absolutely fair. "

Lu Zhilian seems to have lost his ideals and beliefs at this moment, and his whole person exudes a decadent atmosphere.

"Director Lu, it seems that you have enlightened, politics is the art of compromise, it is a game of balance, in the current Hong Kong Island, it is of course impossible to be absolutely fair, but it is not difficult to be relatively fair......"

Speaking of this, Shen Qiu's voice stopped abruptly, but it successfully aroused Lu Zhilian's interest, he stood up suddenly, bowed deeply to Shen Qiu, and said with a sincere face: "Shen sir, please teach me." "

"Director Lu, do you have any feeling that the ICAC is actually very similar to the police force? "

Shen Qiu said quietly.

"Yes. "

Lu Zhilian nodded in response.

"Then think about it, why do the Chinese in the police force have a certain degree of autonomy, but the Chinese in the ICAC can only obey the orders of the ghosts?"

Shen Qiu continued.

"There should be a lot of Chinese in the police force, there are more than 20,000 Chinese in the police force, and the ghosts can't completely control it, and we have less than 900 investigators in ICAC......"


Lu Zhilian's words were interrupted by Shen Qiu again.

"This has nothing to do with the number of people, it has something to do with irreplaceability, ghosts can't do without the police force, so even if the Chinese in the police force are disobedient, they can only endure it, unless it is too much, they will suppress it, which forms a political balance. "

"And the Chinese investigators in your ICAC are willing to be dogs for the ghosts, and the ghosts will change if they want to change one, so you naturally have no disobedient capital. "

"Director Lu, what you have to do now is to establish your personal image as a Chinese investigator and use your credibility to kidnap the ghost boss of ICAC, and when your credibility surpasses the signboard of ICAC, the ghost guy will naturally sit down and talk to you. "

"I'll give you an example, for example, if you are investigating a case and you find a high-ranking official, the high-level ICAC boss will definitely order you to stop the transfer, and if you are disobedient, then change a group of obedient investigators to investigate. "

"If your credibility is higher than that of ICAC, then removing you will arouse the suspicion of the citizens of Hong Kong Island, ICAC is a sign that the ghosts have worked hard to build, and they will not be willing to give up this signboard easily, and when the time comes, the ghosts will have to compromise with you. "

"In the long run, unless the ghosts die with you and the ICAC department is abolished, your voice will only grow. "

Shen Qiu looked at Lu Zhilian, who was thoughtful in front of him, and said slowly, word by word.


This time, Lu Zhilian pondered for nearly 10 minutes before he came back to his senses, stood up again, and bowed to Shen Qiu: "Thank you, Sir Shen." "

"Director Lu, don't thank me, I also have something to ask you for. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

While speaking, Shen Qiu took out a stack of materials that Zhang Hua had taken from Dong Weiguo not long ago and handed it to Lu Zhilian.


Lu Zhilian's brows furrowed slightly, took this information, and after reading it for more than ten minutes, he looked at Shen Qiu and said slowly: "Shen sir, who are you?"

"The $15 billion poverty alleviation fund involves hundreds of thousands of citizens on Hong Kong Island who are living in difficulty, and involves a large number of ghost high-ranking officials, high-ranking Chinese officials, wealthy Chinese businessmen, etc., Director Lu, this is your best start. "

Shen Qiutu saw the dagger and said with a smile.

He said so much to Lu Zhilian, one is to use Lu Zhilian, a group of ambitious investigators, to challenge, and even overturn the ghost high-level of ICAC, even if Lu Zhilian is not successful, the legitimacy of ICAC will be greatly weakened, and there is only benefit to Shen Qiu, no harm;

The second is to let Lu Zhilian enter the game, borrow the power of ICAC to investigate the $15 billion, and completely muddy the water, so that he can get into the fire between the two behemoths of the landlords' association and the Li family.

"Sir Shen, I want to know what your purpose is, if the $15 billion is just from a group of selfish people to another group of selfish people, then everything I do will be meaningless. "

Lu Zhilian stared at Shen Qiu tightly and asked slowly.

He didn't believe that Shen Qiu had no purpose, it was all for the citizens of Hong Kong Island.

"Director Lu, you hope that ICAC can let you take the lead and set up a supervisory committee to oversee the whereabouts of the $15 billion, so that every dime of the $15 billion can be used on the citizens of Hong Kong Island. "

Shen Qiu looked at Lu Zhilian with a sincere face and said slowly.

Shen Qiu is bound to get this $15 billion, but it's not like Li Xiaowen swallowing it in his stomach, it's too wasteful, with this $15 billion, Shen Qiu can do too much, such as letting Lu Zhilian take the lead in the supervisory committee, so that the people in the committee will naturally have credibility and have the right to speak in the ICAC, so that Shen Qiu can carry out the second step plan to subvert the ICAC.

In the final analysis, what Shen Qiu wants now is fairness and break the privileges of the ghost guys.

Shen Qiu knows very well that on Hong Kong Island now, the ghost guy is both a referee and an athlete, no matter how desperate he is and how perfect he is, the ghost guy will flip the table and make everything start again.

And what Shen Qiu has to do is to pull the ghosts into the chess game and break their undefeated golden bodies, so that he can truly defeat them and replace them!

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