At the door of the teahouse, watching the car driven by Shen Qiu gradually disappear into the traffic, Lu Zhilian retracted his gaze, raised the information bag in his hand and looked at it, and whispered to himself: "Shen sir, I will do your knife once this time, I hope you don't let me down!"

With that, Lu Zhilian got into his car and drove in the direction of the ICAC headquarters building.

As a veteran investigator of ICAC, Lu Zhilian not only has a group of colleagues who joined the company at the same time, but also a group of subordinates, although he has always been rigid and meticulous, but it is also this trait that makes him have a lot of supporters in the ICAC department.

This can only be blamed on the ghost guy's brainwashing is too good, many young people who joined ICAC, they and Lu Zhilian really joined ICAC with the idea of making Hong Kong Island better, this belongs to the boomerang thrown out by the ghost guy himself, and finally fell back to himself~.

An hour later, Shen Qiu returned to his loyal Kowloon City Police Station.

His promotion ceremony will be held at 4 p.m.

Under the attention of Han Yili, it took only two days for the Hong Kong Police Force to issue Shen Qiu's promotion order, and from today, Shen Qiu was officially promoted to the senior superintendent of the Hong Kong Island Police Force and the deputy commissioner of the Kowloon City Police Station.

Before the Commissioner of the Kowloon City Police Station took office, Shen Qiu was the head of the Kowloon City Police Station and held the absolute power of the Kowloon City Police Station.

However, it is regrettable that due to health reasons, Commissioner of Police Han Yili was unable to come to the Kowloon City Police Station to attend Shen Qiu's promotion ceremony, and Deputy Commissioner Li Chenghua was personally supervising the kidnapping case of Li Xiaowen, and did not have time to attend Shen Qiu's promotion ceremony.

Therefore, in the end, the deputy director of police management, Yan Liguo, could only take Shen Qiu's old boss Li Wenbin to attend Shen Qiu's promotion ceremony.

"Sir Shen, Inspector Lau Po-keung of the Wan Chai Police Station, and Inspector Yau Chi-pang of the Southern New Territories District are waiting for you in your office. "

After Shen Qiu walked into the police station, the uniformed police officer Bo Tsai immediately greeted him and reported to Shen Qiu.

"Okay, Bozai, thank you. "

Shen Qiu replied to Bo Zai with a smile, and then walked towards his office.

Since he has the absolute power of the Kowloon City Police Station, Shen Qiu naturally wants to promote his own people, but now Shen Qiu's henchmen are all helping him control the special operations team, so Shen Qiu thought of his two old classmates, Liu Baoqiang and Qiu Zhipeng.

Shen Qiu was going to hand over the vacant position of the leader of the anti-gang team at the Kowloon City Police Station and the leader of the chicken killing team to the two of them, both of them were inspectors, as long as they were promoted to the next level, it was normal to serve as the team leader as a senior inspector.

The most important thing is that Shen Qiu learned from Yazi that Liu Baoqiang and Qiu Zhipeng are both non-factional, they belong to vegans, and they rely on their ability to become inspectors, which belongs to Shen Qiu's favorite talent.

Qiu Yipeng, the original leader of the chicken killing team, was Lu Minghua's person, and at Lu Minghua's request, he went to the Kowloon Walled City to serve as the person in charge of the newly built police security room.

Shen Qiu knew very well that Lu Minghua let Qiu Yipeng enter the Kowloon Walled City, so that he could better take care of the people from the mainland.

In this regard, Shen Qiu did not object, the entire Kowloon Walled City was basically under Zhang Shihao's control, as long as Shen Qiu was willing, he could make Qiu Yipeng an ornament at any time.

A few minutes later.

"Shen sir!"

"Shen sir!"

As soon as Shen Qiu walked into the office, Liu Baoqiang and Qiu Zhipeng, who were originally sitting on the sofa, stood up and greeted Shen Qiu.

Whether it was Liu Baoqiang or Qiu Zhipeng, they didn't dare to call Shen Qiuqiu anymore, let alone call Shen Qiu's name.

The two looked at Shen Qiu, who had entered the police academy at the same time as themselves, and they were also full of emotion in their hearts, they never expected that in less than 1 year, Shen Qiu had already reached a height that they could only look up to, or even reach in a lifetime.

At the same time, the two of them also made up their minds in their hearts that they must hug Shen Qiu's thigh tightly.

"Zhipeng, Baoqiang, why haven't you seen you for a few months, and you're so unfamiliar? Everyone is an old classmate, you used to call me, and now you can call me whatever you want, sit down. "

Shen Qiu smiled and pressed his hand, motioned for Liu Baoqiang and Qiu Zhipeng to sit down, and then continued: "Zhipeng, Baoqiang, I was lucky this time, and the senior management of the police force trusted me enough to give me such a big burden to carry. "

"Seriously, I couldn't sleep for the past two days. "

Of course Shen Qiu can't sleep, he's been exercising, can he sleep?

"I'm thinking about how to manage the Kowloon City Police Station well, and after thinking about it, I think I still have to ask you old classmates for help. "

Listening to Shen Qiu's words, a trace of excitement flashed in the eyes of Liu Baoqiang and Qiu Zhipeng, even if they didn't have to think about it, they could know that Shen Qiu was going to promote them.

"Brother Qiu, if you say anything superfluous, I Liu Baoqiang won't say it, in the future, Brother Qiu, you let me go east, I will definitely not go west, everything is only your order!"

Liu Baoqiang originally wanted to repay Shen Qiu's kindness, but he didn't report it, and he owed Shen Qiu a favor, so he immediately decided to follow Shen Qiu with all his heart in the future.

"Brother Qiu, I am the same as Baoqiang, and I will only obey your orders in the future. "

Qiu Zhipeng's thoughts were even simpler, he just wanted to hug Shen Qiu's thighs and climb up.

"Okay, with the help of you two, I can sleep soundly in the future. "

Shen Qiu said with a smile, and then continued: "Baoqiang, the anti-black group, I'll leave it to you to take care of, Zhipeng, the chicken killing group, I'll leave it to you." "


Liu Baoqiang and Qiu Zhipeng looked excited, stood up again, and said loudly.

"Okay, okay, I'll be my own person in the future, don't be so polite. "

Shen Qiu waved his hand and said with a smile.

At 4 pm, Shen Qiu's promotion ceremony officially began, but Yan Liguo was obviously not interested, and announced the content of Shen Qiu's promotion order to all the officers of the Kowloon City Police Station, and after handing over the promotion order to Shen Qiu, he found an excuse to leave in a hurry.

Shen Qiu was not surprised by this, after Yan Liguo left, Shen Qiu smiled and said to Li Wenbin: "Sir Li, today our Kowloon City Police Station invited the chef of Guangzhou Restaurant to come to the police station to take charge. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Of course. "

Li Wenbin's indifferent face, which had not changed for thousands of years, also showed a smile.

On the evening of the same day, not only Li Wenbin stayed at the Kowloon City Police Station, but Chen Zhijie and Lei Meng, Shen Qiu's old bosses, and Shen Qiu's old subordinates, such as Yazi, Qiu Gangao, and Ma Jun, all rushed to the Kowloon City Police Station to celebrate Shen Qiu.

After coping with the toasts of almost 200 people, no matter how strong Shen Qiu's physique was, he didn't hold it and got drunk.

When the evening came, Yazi sent Shen Qiu back to the Kowloon Tong Villa, she knew that Shen Qiu's legitimate girlfriend lived with Shen Qiu, many times, Yazi wanted to pick up this topic, but when the words came to her mouth, she couldn't say it.

This time, she mustered up the courage to see what kind of woman could let Shen Qiu share her love with her.

However, when Yazi saw Ruan Mei, she realized that it was not Ruan Mei who shared Shen Qiu's love for herself, but she shared Shen Qiu's love for Ruan Mei, can such a pure and clean woman like a baby with clear eyes really exist in this world?

"Sister Yazi, thank you for sending Brother Qiu back. "

Ruan Mei helped Shen Qiu from the bud, looked at the stunned bud, and said with a smile.

"No, you're welcome. "

The bud who has never lost in appearance and temperament since he was a child, feels like he has lost at this moment.

"Sister Yazi, Brother Qiu is so heavy, can you help me help him into the room?"

When Bud Zi looked at Ruan Mei, Ruan Mei was also looking at Bud Zi, she was just simple-minded, not stupid, Ruan Mei could see at a glance that the relationship between Bud Zi and Shen Qiu was not ordinary.

And Ruan Mei's words made Yazi's eyes light up: "Shen Qiu, this guy is indeed very heavy, let's help him in together." "

Ruan Mei and Yazi didn't see it, at this moment, the corners of Shen Qiu's mouth were slightly raised.

The next moment, Shen Qiu hugged left and right, sitting on the blessing of Qi people......

The next morning, inside the café at The Peninsula Hotel.

Hu Zhiyong sat in the innermost seat of the café, quietly waiting for the arrival of the landlords' association.

After listening to the instructions of his teacher Dong Weiguo yesterday, Hu Zhiyong found a way to make an appointment with Luo Minsheng, the spokesperson of the landlords' association (from the movie "Eavesdropping 2").

Hu Zhiyong is not afraid that Luo Min will not be born, in his opinion, 15 billion US dollars is enough to make anyone on Hong Kong Island crazy!

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