Luo Minsheng, one of the five major Chinese-funded securities firms on Hong Kong Island, is rumored to be able to mobilize as much as 40 billion Hong Kong dollars, and he will have a deep relationship with the mysterious landlord.

And Luo Minsheng himself knows that the rumors are not wrong, he is the person in front of the landlord's association, and he is not the only one, since he was selected by Huang Shitong, the boss of the landlord's association at the age of 26, Luo Minsheng has been on the rise since then, from a little-known operator of a securities company, to the five major Chinese-funded securities firms on Hong Kong Island today.

Even after ten years, Luo Minsheng still clearly remembers Huang Shitong's words: Let me tell you, real big people have a little bit of the ability to turn stone into gold, just like me, I can make a scrap stock soar into the sky, and I can also make you, an ordinary person, shine!

Luo Minsheng's own experience in the past ten years proves that what Huang Shitong said is true, but it also makes Luo Minsheng ambitious, he also wants to be a person like Huang Shitong, a person who can turn stones into gold.

Therefore, after receiving Hu Zhiyong's invitation, almost without hesitation, Luo Minsheng agreed to the appointment.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Luo Minsheng walked into the café of the Peninsula Hotel on time according to the agreed "four-seven-seven" room, and then saw Hu Zhiyong sitting in the depths of the café.

For this barrister, Luo Minsheng knew, but not familiar, he slowly walked to Hu Zhiyong's table, looked at Hu Zhiyong, who had already stood up, and said with a smile: "Mr. Hu, hello, I've kept you waiting for a long time." "

"Mr. Luo, I've just arrived. "

Hu Zhiyong replied with a smile.

Subsequently, these two chess pieces in the hands of others were not polite, and Hu Zhiyong said directly: "Mr. Luo, let me make a long story short, I have been helping Mr. Li Xiaowen of the Li family to promote the listing of a care fund before, you should have heard of it, right?"

Luo Minsheng didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

In the Hong Kong Island stock market, any wind and grass cannot be hidden from the landlords' association.

"The purpose of this care fund is only one thing, which is to win the $15 billion poverty alleviation fund in the hands of the British government in Hong Kong, and now Mr. Li Xiaowen has been kidnapped, his life and death are uncertain, and I need to find a new partner. "

Hu Zhiyong directly stated his purpose.

After hearing Hu Zhiyong's words, especially the amount of 15 billion US dollars, Luo Minsheng's eyes shrank sharply, 15 billion US dollars, converted into Hong Kong dollars, that is more than 100 billion.

Such a large amount of money may require the sum of the money of all the members of the landlords' association to make it up.

Knock, knock, knock......

Luo Minsheng felt that his heartbeat had begun to accelerate, he quickly took a few deep breaths, suppressed his emotions, and then looked at Hu Zhiyong and said, "Mr. Hu, why are you looking for me?" Although Li Xiaowen was kidnapped, his brother Li Xiaotian is still there, Li Xiaotian's strength is only stronger than Li Xiaowen, you can continue to cooperate with the Li family. "

Luo Minsheng doesn't believe that pie will fall from the sky, just like he was selected by Huang Shitong back then, it seems that he has made money, has unlimited scenery in front of people, and has tens of billions of assets, but only Luo Minsheng himself knows how much pressure and humiliation he is under.

"Mr. Luo, I can indeed work with Li Xiaotian, provided that he is willing to give me a commission of $1.5 billion. "

Hu Zhiyong lowered his voice and said slowly.

Hearing Hu Zhiyong's words, Luo Minsheng suddenly realized, and said in his heart that this Hu Zhiyong is really greedy, and he wants a commission of 1.5 billion US dollars in one go, no wonder he refuses to cooperate with Li Xiaotian.

"Mr. Hu, since you are so honest, I will tell you that you are false, you should also know that there are some things that I can't do. "

Luo Minsheng actually wanted to eat the $15 billion himself, but he knew better that if he dared to do so, before the money fell into his pocket, the people of the landlords' association would take action and knock him down to eighteen layers of hell, and he would never be able to turn over.

"I know, Mr. Luo, you can show these materials to the big guy behind you, and he will make a wise choice. "

Hu Zhiyong took out a document bag from his briefcase, put it in front of Luo Minsheng, and said with a smile.

"Good. "

Luo Minsheng nodded slightly, but he didn't open the file bag, because Luo Minsheng knew very well what he should look at and what he shouldn't.

"Mr. Luo, I won't bother you, farewell. "

After handing over the things to Luo Minsheng, Hu Zhiyong got up and left directly, in his opinion, the bait had been put down, and now he just had to wait for the fish to take the bait.


Luo Minsheng looked at the back of Hu Zhiyong leaving, pondered for a few minutes, and then got up and left the café.

After leaving the Peninsula Hotel, Hu Zhiyong immediately got into his Mercedes-Benz car, took out his mobile phone, and dialed the mobile phone number of his teacher, Dong Weiguo.

"Teacher, the bait has been released. "

After the phone was connected, Hu Zhiyong said with a smile.

"Well, $15 billion, the old guys of the landlords' association must not be able to bear it, they will definitely be fished out, if they are still not at ease, you can play my banner, with me as a barrister as a guarantee, they will be at ease." "

Dong Weiguo said slowly.

"Okay, teacher, I see what you mean. "

Hu Zhiyong nodded in response.

The members of the landlords' association are very mysterious every time, even if Luo Minsheng is such an important person in front of the stage, if he wants to see Huang Shitong, he has to go through layers of checkpoints to ensure that Luo Minsheng does not know where Huang Shitong is.

And other people in front of the stage who are not very important, such as Fei Guoxiong of Huaye Group, except for knowing that his behind-the-scenes boss is Chen Zhan of the Landlords' Association, he has never even met Chen Zhan, and he only communicates by phone about everything.

The reason is actually very simple, the landlord will be different from the Li family, the He family is different, the Li family, the He family through decades of operation, with marriage, cross-holding, etc., each weaved a huge network of interests, under the protection of this network of interests, want to move these wealthy families, ghosts must be cautious......

But the landlords will be different, the people of the landlords' association, they started through the gambling disaster on Hong Kong Island, and they have accumulated huge wealth in the stock market, and their energy is almost all in the stock market, while their relationship in the officialdom and in the upper circles is very weak.

Without the protection of power, the people of the landlords' association are like children with a daughter in their arms, as long as their identities are exposed, they are very likely to be robbed of everything.

Therefore, for their privacy, the people of the landlord's association are very concerned, and what Dong Weiguo has to do is to fish out the old guys of the landlord's association first, and then carry out Shen Qiu's next plan.

On the other side, after Hu Zhiyong left, Luo Minsheng also got into his sports car, he took out a satellite phone from the bootbox, plugged in the battery, and dialed a number.

"I have something important, I want to see Uncle Tong now, and I will arrange it for me immediately. "

After the phone was connected, Luo Minsheng immediately spoke.

"Okay, you go to room 1108 on the 11th floor of the Victoria Hotel, there will be someone waiting for you there. "

In the earpiece, a middle-aged man's voice came out.

At the same time, Kowloon Tong Villa.

"Amei, who sent me back last night?"

Shen Qiu opened his eyes, looked at Ruan Mei, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, knitting a scarf for herself, and asked knowingly.

"Sister Yazi, thanks to Sister Yazi's help yesterday, otherwise I wouldn't know how to help you to the bed. "

Ruan Mei replied with a smile.

"Oh, did the bud say anything?"

Shen Qiu continued to ask knowingly.

"She said you're a big badass. "

Ruan Mei teased Shen Qiu in the name of the sprout.

"Oh, what do you think of the buds?"

Shen Qiu looked at Ruan Mei and asked with a smile. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When Ruan Mei heard Shen Qiu's question, the movement in her hand was 0.3, and after being silent for a few seconds, she looked at Shen Qiu and said with a serious face: "Sister Yazi is a good person. "

"Amei, you are the good person. "

Looking at Ruan Mei's eyes that were as clear as water and like stars, Shen Qiu said slowly.

"We're all good people, but you're the big bad. "

Ruan Mei smiled, then stood up and said to Shen Qiu with a smile: "Hungry, I stewed lotus seed porridge for you, come and drink it." "

"Good. "

As soon as Shen Qiu turned over, he felt that there was a hard shell in his pocket, he stretched out his hand, and after taking out this hard shell, he saw a ferry ticket, a ticket for the maiden voyage of the Fugui Maru cruise ship.

And its maiden voyage was a week later.

Without thinking about it, Shen Qiu also knew that this was a bud in his pocket, he shook his head with a smile, and whispered to himself, "It's not bad to go out for a vacation." "

I just don't know how the landlord and the Li family would feel if they knew that the mastermind behind the plot against them could still be busy, go out for a vacation, make some extra money by the way, and summon a gambling god...... would feel.

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