Victoria Hotel, 11th Floor, Room 1108.

After Luo Minsheng walked into this room, he was searched, then put on a black eye patch, and then he was led, and he walked upstairs and downstairs, and finally walked into a room.

After Luo Minsheng's blindfold was taken off, he immediately saw Huang Shitong sitting in front of him.

"Uncle Tong. "

Luo Minsheng immediately shouted.

"Minsheng, what's the matter, so anxious to see me?"

Huang Shitong looked at Luo Minsheng and said lightly.

"Uncle Tong, a barrister named Hu Zhiyong just found me, and he told me ......."

Luo Minsheng repeated in detail what Hu Zhiyong had told him, and at the same time handed Huang Shitong the document bag that Hu Zhiyong had given him.


After listening to Luo Minsheng's words, Huang Shitong didn't speak, but took the document bag handed to him by Luo Minsheng, took out the documents inside, and flipped through it for more than ten minutes before he looked up at Luo Minsheng and said lightly: "I will leave this matter to you to promote, can you do it?"

"Uncle Tong, that Hu Zhiyong definitely doesn't look down on me, when he gave me this information, he specially added a sentence and asked me to show you this information. "

Luo Minsheng replied immediately.

Who knows if Huang Shitong is testing himself, it is 15 billion US dollars, and Huang Shitong does not have so much money in 24 years.

"It's true that you are not the boss behind him, but Hu Zhiyong also has a boss behind him, and you told Hu Zhiyong that if you want to talk to me, let the boss behind him come forward. "

Huang Shitong said lightly.

"Okay, Uncle Tong, I'll contact Hu Zhiyong later. "

Luo Minsheng immediately nodded and said.

"Hmm. "

Huang Shitong nodded, then got up and left the room, and after Huang Shitong left, Luo Minsheng was once again put on a black blindfold and led out of the room.

By the time Luo Minsheng saw the light again, he had already returned to room 1108 of the Victoria Hotel.

Without a moment of hesitation, Luo Minsheng directly dialed Hu Zhiyong's phone and relayed Huang Shitong's request just now to Hu Zhiyong, and Hu Zhiyong naturally showed Dong Weiguo.

In the end, Dong Weiguo and Huang Shitong agreed to meet at the golf course in Fanling at noon tomorrow.

Day 2, Fanling Golf Course.

Dong Weiguo met the leader of the legendary landlords' association for the first time, Huang Shitong.

"Mr. Huang, I have admired my name for a long time. "

Dong Weiguo said this sentence sincerely.

"Mr. Dong, your name, I am the one who has been admired for a long time. "

Huang Shitong is also very familiar with Dong Weiguo, a top lawyer on Hong Kong Island.

"Mr. Wong, I've always been a straightforward person, so I don't waste each other's time, and on the Financial Secretary's side, we can handle it, as long as the care fund is listed and the stock price continues to rise, the financial secretary will work with our fund to gradually invest $15 billion in the care fund. "

Dong Weiguo said with a smile.

"Mr. Dong, I am very relieved to cooperate with you, but there is one point, I have different opinions. "

Huang Shitong said lightly.

"Mr. Huang, please speak. "

Dong Weiguo's eyes froze, but the smile on his face remained unchanged at all.

"I can give you a commission of $1.5 billion in my personal name, but the foundation is under my sole control, and I have other uses for the $15 billion poverty alleviation fund. "

Huang Shitong said slowly.

"No problem, I just need the commission, I don't care about anything else. "

Hearing Huang Shitong's words, Dong Weiguo's eyes moved slightly, and then said with a smile.

"Okay, Mr. Dong, I will help you get all the things of the care fund in the stock market, at most half a month, the care fund can be listed, all you have to do is to get the financial secretary and let them invest their money. "

Huang Shitong's face also showed a hint of a smile.

"Okay, Mr. Huang, then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Dong Weiguo stretched out his right hand.

"Happy working together!"

Huang Shitong also stretched out his right hand and shook Dong Weiguo's hand, and at this moment, the smiles on the faces of the two people were very bright.

Ten minutes later, Dong Weiguo and Hu Zhiyong got into a Mercedes-Benz car and left the Fanling Golf Course. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Teacher, isn't that Huang Shitong ready to move the $15 billion?"

In the car, Hu Zhiyong asked Huang Shitong with some curiosity.

"Huang Shitong is a smart man, he knows that what he needs now is not money, but a lawsuit with the government and the ghosts, and he wants to use the $15 billion to tie himself to the financial secretary of the British government in Hong Kong, which is more important to him than $15 billion. "

Speaking of this, Dong Weiguo sighed softly: "It's a pity ......"

"Teacher, what is the pity?"

Hu Zhiyong asked with some curiosity.

It's a pity that this old guy is unlucky, and he was counted to death by a more powerful character! Dong Weiguo thought secretly in his heart, but said on his lips, "It's a pity that Li Xiaowen has been laying out for this matter for almost a year, and finally someone else picked peaches. "

"Indeed, his luck was so bad. "

Hu Zhiyong nodded slightly and said slowly.

On the other side, after Dong Weiguo and Hu Zhiyong left, Huang Shitong said to his subordinate A Jin who was standing beside him: "Ah Jin, during this time, you have led people to keep an eye on Dong Weiguo and Hu Zhiyong, and if there is anything unusual, contact me immediately." "

Obviously, although Huang Shitong was moved by Dong Weiguo's initiative to send it to the door, he was not carried away.

"Understood. "

Ah Jin replied immediately.

In the next few days, Huang Shitong mobilized the power of the landlords' association to start the operation of the listing of the care fund, and this move was immediately discovered by the Li family, who had been paying attention.

However, Li Xiaoming and Li Xiaotian did not immediately take action against the landlord, but chose to continue to observe and prepare for the killing. []

As a pure old coercion, Li Xiaoming and Li Xiaotian both know that if they don't die if they fight the tiger, they will be counterattacked, although the strength of the Li family is higher than that of the landlords, but they will definitely not underestimate the enemy, and when everything is clear, it is determined that Li Xiaowen's kidnapping will have a relationship with the landlord, and Li Xiaoming and Li Xiaotian will launch a fatal blow.

Soon, the time came for the maiden voyage of the Nirvana Maru.

Early this morning, Shen Qiu drove his car to the door of Guangdong Road, Yazi's house.

Then, it was not Yazi who greeted Shen Qiu, but his cheap father-in-law, Huang Bingyao.

After making a card with Yazi, Shen Qiu was a little embarrassed when he saw Huang Bingyao, after all, he had worked hard to grow cabbage for more than 20 years.

After a moment of embarrassment, Shen Qiu immediately squeezed out a smile and said to Huang Bingyao: "Congratulations to Sir Huang, who has been promoted to Assistant Commissioner of Police." "

This matter is also thanks to Shen Qiu, the last Kowloon Walled City, Lu Minghua and Li Wenbin were suppressed by the ghosts, after the retirement of the regional commander of Hong Kong Island, Wong Ping-yiu, who has no faction, picked up a leak, crossed the threshold of the commissioner's level, and became the commander of the 100 Hong Kong Island Region, the assistant commissioner of police.

"Then do I want to congratulate you on your promotion to the deputy commissioner of the Kowloon City Police Station?"

Huang Bingyao said angrily.

When he saw Shen Qiu now, he felt an evil fire in his heart, especially thinking that his daughter would spend the next 6 days and 7 nights with Shen Qiu on a cruise ship, Huang Bingyao didn't have to think about it to know what a tragic battle would happen on these 7 nights.

"Sir Huang, I don't need to congratulate me on this little promotion. "

Shen Qiu said politely, and then he saw the bud who walked out of the house, and today the bud was wearing an off-the-shoulder dress, which was sexy and cute, which made Shen Qiu's eyes shine.

"Ah Qiu, you're here. "

Seeing the look of surprise in Shen Qiu's eyes when he looked at him, Yazi was overjoyed, and said to Shen Qiu with a smile.

Then, she continued to say to Huang Bingyao: "Dad, Ah Qiu and I are gone, you have to eat well by yourself these days, go to bed on time, and don't stay up late." "

"Okay, okay, I see. "

Huang Bingyao, who was majestic in front of Shen Qiu, was a living daughter slave at this time, laughing again and again, watching his daughter and Shen Qiu get into the car, with a smile on his face, but blood was dripping in his heart.

"Sir Huang, let's go. "

After getting into the car, Shen Qiu turned his head to look at Huang Bingyao and said with a smile.

"Be nice to the bud, don't make her unhappy!"

Huang Bingyao walked to the car window and quickly stuffed a set of boxes into Shen Qiu's shirt pocket.

"Huang Sir, six are not enough!"

Shen Qiu said to Huang Bingyao with a smile, and at the same time stepped on the accelerator violently.

"Bite your mother, Shen Qiu, Lao Tzu killed you!"

Huang Bingyao looked at the car that had been speeding more than ten meters away, and roared angrily! .

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