"Ah Qiu, why are you angry with my dad?"

Listening to the faint roar of Huang Bingyao coming from outside the car, Yazi rolled her eyes at Shen Qiu and said coquettishly.

"We are obviously honest with each other, but Sir Huang actually used this kind of thing to insult our pure friendship."

Shen Qiu took out the box of condoms that Huang Bingyao had stuffed in his pocket, and said with a smile.

That means Huang Bingyao didn't hear this, otherwise he might really pull out a gun and shoot, forget about driving, you fucking Are you not wearing your seat belt?


After seeing this box of condoms, Meako's pretty face instantly turned red. She was so embarrassed and angry that she simply lowered her head and pretended to be autistic.

But within ten seconds, Yazi still looked up at Shen Qiu and said,"Aqiu, those international thieves on Fuguiwan, how are you going to deal with them?"

"Don't worry, I have informed Ao to lead a special operations team and follow the Fuki Maru about 30 nautical miles in a Marine Police boat. As long as they receive our signal, they can arrive in an hour. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Um. Yazi nodded slightly.

But she didn’t know that Shen Qiu not only arranged for Qiu Gangao to follow Fuguiwan, but also arranged for Fu Guang, Apa, Cao Nan and Tian Yangsheng to board the Fuguiwan..Because

Shen Qiu has his own space, Tian Yangsheng and others don't even have to think of ways to bring weapons on board. Now Shen Qiu's arsenal has accumulated thousands of guns of various types and hundreds of thousands of bullets. Speaking of killing the gang of international thieves and robbing the Fuki Maru, even attacking the Hong Kong Governor's mansion would be more than enough.

However, Shen Qiu was not completely unprepared, such as obtaining the passenger list from the shipping company in the name of the police force. , locked the room number where international thief leaders such as McDonald's and Kim Chen Dawen lived.

As soon as the Fugui Maru sailed to the high seas, Tian Yangsheng, Fuguang and others would immediately take action to kill all these international robbers, and then Take over the Fugui Maru.

In addition, Shen Qiu also arranged a yacht on the route of the Fugui Maru to assist Tian Yangsheng and others in their retreat.

Qiu Gangao was also arranged by Shen Qiu. After receiving the signal, he would lead People rushed over, and the hour on the road was a harvest moment left for Shen Qiu.

In addition, through the list on the Fuki Maru, Shen Qiu did not find Nakamura Shizuka's name. Obviously, in this world, there is no There was no presence of Meng Bo and others.

This also made Shen Qiu more sure of his conjecture that this world is an independent parallel world.

Soon, Shen Qiu drove Meiko to the Star Pier, and the Fugui Maru would leave from Departing from here, sailing to Yokohama in Japan, and then returning to Hong Kong Island.

After going through a series of security checks, Shen Qiu and Meako finally entered the room

"Ah Qiu, why don't we walk around the ship to see if there is anything suspicious? Maybe we will find some clues and we can catch those international thieves here."

As soon as she put the suitcase away, Meazi couldn't wait to find clues. She was indeed dedicated enough.

"Miss Meako, the others are international thieves. How can you find them so easily? Since they are all on the cruise ship, let’s enjoy it first. Shen

Qiu said to Yazi with a smile.

"What to enjoy?"

Ya Zi's face turned red, and she had obviously lost her mind.

"Of course there are entertainment facilities on the ship. A ticket is HKD 69,000. If you don’t have more fun and eat more, how can you get your money back?"

Shen Qiu deliberately teased Meazi.

Sure enough, after hearing Shen Qiu's words, Meazi found that her already blushing face became even more embarrassed. She fell directly on the bed in the room and buried herself in it. She fell into the quilt.

Then, Meazi felt suppressed by a ball of fire. Shen Qiu lay on Meazi, smiled in her ear and said:"Miss Meazi, let's go. I formally invite you to accompany me." Take a tour of the ship."

The bursts of hot air coming from her ears made Meiko a little distraught. She quickly said:"Okay, I promise you, you come down first. If you are heavy, you will crush me to death."

"OK, I’ll let you be on top next time. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Who wants to be on top, you hate it so much, go away."

Meazi blushed and pulled Shen Qiu out of the room. The two of them spent an hour touring the entire Fuki Maru. Afterwards, Shen Qiu and Meazi stood on the deck, blowing the sea breeze. , looking at the blue sky, blue sea, and Hong Kong Island gradually disappearing

"Ah Qiu, actually sometimes I wonder whether I should work so hard and leave more time for myself, like now, to be with the people I like, to enjoy the sea breeze and to see the scenery."

Ya Zi nestled in Shen Qiu's arms, with a happy smile on her face.

"Meiko, no matter what you want to do, I will support you."

Chen Qiu hugged Meazi with a doting look on her face.

"Ah Qiu, God really favors me and allows me to meet you."

Meazi hugged Shen Qiu's neck and gave her a kiss...

That night, Shen Qiu spent a lot of effort to finally make Meazi exhausted and fell asleep. After Meazi fell asleep, Shen Qiu immediately Came to the room where Tian Yangsheng and others were.

"Brother Qiu!"Brother Qiu!""……

After seeing Shen Qiu, Tian Yangsheng and others in the room all stood up and asked Shen Qiu. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Can you confirm the position of the first officer of the Fuki Maru now?"

Before Tian Yangsheng and others boarded the ship, Shen Qiu told them to send someone to follow the first mate of the Fugui Maru. This ghost guy is McDonald's internal agent. For Shen Qiu, he plays a great role.

"Awu is following him and can take action at any time."

Tian Yangsheng replied immediately

"good. Shen

Qiu nodded slightly, and then:


With a thought, dozens of MP5s and tens of thousands of bullets appeared in the room.

Then, Shen Qiu said:"At 12 o'clock tonight, then Help the international thieves to act. Your mission is..., remember, you must kill these people before they act, then take away the money from everyone in the casino and leave by boat."


After listening to Shen Qiu's order, Tian Yangsheng and others nodded. Then, Shen Qiu walked into the casino hall of Fugui Maru like a tourist. On the other side, Tian Yangsheng and others divided into two groups. The adoptive brothers went all the way to the room where McDonald was staying, while Fuguang took more than a dozen people including Cao Nan, Ah Pa and the newly kidnapped first mate of the Fuki Maru to the boiler room of the Fuki Maru. At this time, McDonald In slave room

"`.Everyone, after tonight, everyone will be a rich man."

McDonald laid out all the plans, and then drew a cake.[]

Ta da da~

As a result, this cake made one of his men a little excited and pulled the trigger of the submachine gun in his hand.

This sound was heard by Tian Yangsheng, who was almost at the door of McDonald's room. He immediately stretched out his fist and signaled Tian Yangyi, Tian Yangwu and others behind him to stop.

Then, Tian Yangsheng deliberately said loudly:"It sounded like a gunshot just now."

In the room, McDonald's face changed slightly when he heard Tian Yangsheng's voice, and then he said to Kim:"Go and deal with that person outside, don't do it anymore." There's a commotion."

Kim nodded slightly and then opened the room.

The moment Kim opened the door, he was greeted by several Glock 17s equipped with silencers, which directly beat McDonald's number one master into a sieve.

After killing Kim, Tian Yangsheng and others rushed directly (with good money) into McDonald's room and killed all the leaders of international thieves including McDonald in the room.

At the same time, in the boiler room

"Everyone, plans have changed, Mr. McDonald asked me to take you to other places."

The first mate of the Fuki Maru, who had a bomb on his body, walked into the boiler room nervously and said loudly

"Why weren't we notified?"

A McDonald's man stood up and looked at the first mate and said



Before the ghost guy finished speaking, the bomb on his body was detonated. Then, Fu Guang, Ah Pa, Cao Nan and others rushed into the boiler room holding MP5s and went crazy against McDonald's men. Straf.

Da da da da da da~

In less than a minute, more than thirty of McDonald's men were shot dead in the boiler room.


After cautiously giving each of McDonald's men a shot, Fu Guang said:"Let's go to the casino." In less than 10 minutes, he traveled across ten countries in the world. The McDonald's gang that had been running for many years was completely destroyed. Next, it was Shen Qiu's harvest time!.

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