Fuki Maru, in the casino lobby, almost all the passengers on the Fuki Maru, except Meiko, who was too tired and fell asleep, gathered here.

Amid the huge crowd, Shen Qiu watched the performance on the singing stage with great interest.

Beside him, more than a dozen gambling tables were already in full swing.

People who can spend 70,000 Hong Kong dollars on a boat trip, even if they are not rich, still have little assets. It is very happy for them to have some fun with some money.

But none of these people noticed that dozens of gangsters holding MP5 players had quietly surrounded them.

"Everyone, a round of applause to welcome our captain, Mr. Edward!"

At 12 o'clock in the evening, the song and dance performance ended on time. A ghost guy wearing a captain's uniform walked onto the stage, took the host's microphone, and was about to speak: da da da da da da da... a burst of violent gunfire. rang out, causing the entire casino hall to become chaotic. Fu Guang, wearing a mask, walked straight onto the stage, snatched the microphone from the hand of Captain Edward, and fired several shots next to the microphone.

"Bang bang bang~"

Then, Fu Guang said loudly:"Gentlemen and ladies, we only want money. As long as you cooperate honestly, we will not hurt anyone."

While talking, a dozen gangsters were already holding bags and walked past everyone present, asking them to put all their cash, gold and silver jewelry, expensive watches and other things into the bags.

And The Tianyang brothers and others gathered around the hall and used MP5 to teach the tourists how to cooperate.

In just 10 minutes, everyone present was searched. Only then did Fu Guang say with a smile:"Everyone, thank you. Your cooperation. In addition, 913, let me tell you that I have hidden bombs on this ship. If no one calls the police, these bombs will never explode. If someone calls the police, the bombs will never explode."

Speaking of this, Fu Guang yelled loudly: Bang~

Then, he laughed loudly, and quickly evacuated with Tian Yangsheng and others. A yacht had also arrived beside the Fuki Maru to pick up Fu Guang and Tian Yangsheng. Waiting for others to leave.

At the same time, in Shen Qiu's mind, the system's voice sounded:

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Be the real robber of the Fuki Maru, rob the Fuki Maru cruise ship, and get the reward: Summon the character Gao Jin, and get ten times the profit of plundering the cruise ship, 4.9 billion Hong Kong dollars (according to the system conversion, the host robbed the value 49 million Hong Kong dollars worth of property)"

"Congratulations to the host, you have triggered the hidden mission: Overlord of the Sea, plundered 10 cruise ships or cargo ships, and you can unlock the shipyard. The current mission progress: 1/10."

Hearing the system prompt, the corners of Shen Qiu's mouth slightly raised. There were more than 2,000 people in the casino hall and 490 million Hong Kong dollars were robbed. It is not too much to say that it is too much. The average person is more than 200,000. This is It’s normal. After all, the real top wealthy people don’t take such large cruise ships. They always take private cruises when they want to travel. Going on a vacation at sea can earn more than 5 billion Hong Kong dollars and become a gambling god. This vacation has already been spent. It's worth it.

Not to mention, it also triggers a hidden mission. You can unlock the shipyard by plundering 10 ships. The gangster system is really gangster, and Shen Qiu likes it very much.

If the shipbuilding authority of the shipyard is the same as that of the gun factory If the gun-making authority was the same, Shen Qiu (abde) felt that he might have Song Zihao and Mark get rid of the people of the Bear Country as soon as possible, and then he would personally go to the Bear Country and copy all the ships of the Bear Country. At that time, Shen Qiu's strength will develop explosively. At that time, Shen Qiu's power will no longer be called a gang of gangsters, but will be called: a warlord!

After thinking for a long time, Shen Qiu walked out of the casino hall among the chaotic crowd. Came to the deck, took out the satellite phone and dialed a number

"Ao, bring someone here!"

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said lightly.

More than an hour later

"Ah Qiu, what's wrong?"

Ya Zi, who was woken up by Shen Qiu, looked at Shen Qiu in confusion.

"Meiko, there are two groups of robbers who want to rob the Fuki Maru this time. One group is the international gang of McDonald's thieves, and the other group does not know their identity."

"McDonald and the others were killed by another group of robbers. After that group of robbers ransacked everyone in the casino hall, they fled the Fugui Maru. After they left, I immediately informed Ao. Now Ao Ao and the others have already boarded the boat."

After listening to Shen Qiu's words, Meiko looked surprised.

She never expected that she had only slept for more than 2 hours, so many things happened on the Fuki Maru.

At this time, Shen Qiu continued:"Fortunately Yes, the people who died on the Fuki Maru this time were all McDonald's people."

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Yazi breathed a sigh of relief. She hugged Shen Qiu and pressed it against Shen Qiu's chest. She said with a frightened look on her face:"Aqiu, I didn't expect that there would be two people. There are robbers on the boat. Fortunately, you didn't act rashly. If something happened to you, I don't know what to do."

"Don’t worry, Meiko. Among the things I learned in the police academy, what I remember most clearly is that handling cases must be based on protecting your own safety."

Chen Qiu gently stroked Yazi's soft hair and said with a smile.


Ya Zi whispered.

Dong dong dong~

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Ya Zi quickly left Shen Qiu's arms.

"Come in."

Chen Qiu smelled the remaining fragrance of Yazi and said angrily.

"Brother Qiu, the bomb has been found."

Looking at Shen Qiu who looked unhappy, Qiu Gangao said cautiously. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Okay, notify the captain of the Fuki Maru and return to Hong Kong Island immediately. Also, comfort the tourists on the ship and record the scene. Although the robbers were not caught this time, there were no casualties after all. Your special operations team also It can be regarded as a meritorious service. Make a good report and wait for the reward from the police force. Shen

Qiu said lightly.

"yes, sir!"

Qiu Gangao said loudly.

After giving orders to Qiu Gangao, Shen Qiu found that Yazi had walked out of the room and was standing on the terrace outside the room.

"Ah Qiu, the moon is so beautiful tonight. Yazi looked at the crescent moon hanging in the night sky, turned to look at Shen Qiu who was walking beside her, and said with a smile.

"Yes, but no matter how beautiful the moonlight is, it is not as beautiful as you, Meako."

Chen Qiu once again pulled Meiko into his arms and said slowly... At

6 o'clock the next morning, the Fuki Maru returned to the Star Pier.

As soon as it docked, the news had already been received by the people waiting on the shore. More than 200 members of the special operations team quickly boarded the ship and sealed off the entire ship. Every tourist had to identify who was behind them before they could get off the ship.

Originally, in front of more than 200 members of the fully armed special operations team, Under supervision, everything was in order until a man appeared

"Sir Shen!"

"Sir Shen!"

"Sir Shen!"[]


All the tourists were surprised to find that with the appearance of Shen Qiu, almost all the police officers along the way had their legs together and saluted him in the most standard posture. They could guarantee that even if the Hong Kong Governor went on patrol, they had never seen any police officers. So respected.

Shen Qiu was also smiling, and he could accurately call out the names of those who saluted him. This scene did not look like the police force was maintaining order and investigating the case, but more like leading an inspection.

It was not until Shen Qiu got off the ship that a confused member of the special operations team asked his colleague in a low voice:"Brother Pin, who is this officer, so majestic?"

"Your mother, didn't you say that the one you admire most is Shen Qiu, Sir Shen? Why can't you recognize him when he walks in front of you in real life?"

Brother Pin, who was questioned, replied angrily.

"ah? It was Sir Shen just now. I asked you why you have such an outstanding temperament. Brother Pin, why didn’t you tell me earlier and let me say hello to my idol? By the way, Brother Pin, Sir Shen called out your name just now. Did you Are you familiar with him?"

"Of course Sir Shen and I are familiar with each other. I was present when Sir Shen shot Ye Jihuan to death in Yau Ma Tei. You don’t know how powerful Sir Shen was at that time.……"

At this point in Brother Pin's words, he was interrupted by a woman's voice:"Hey, what are you doing, are you chatting here?"

"Sorry, Sir Huang!"

Brother Pin quickly apologized to Meazi in front of him.

Although the entire special operations team knew about Meazi's relationship with Shen Qiu, Meazi insisted on avoiding suspicion and got off the boat in tandem with Shen Qiu.

"Cheer up and don't forget that you are members of the special operations team, soldiers led by Sir Shen. Yazi said slowly.

This is also a little trick of Shen Qiu. Now in the special operations team, the most common thing that commanders and instructors such as Qiu Gangao and Ma Jun say is, don’t forget that you are a special operations team. The people are the soldiers brought out by Sir Shen. Subtly, they brainwashed these team members and made Shen Qiu the belief in their hearts.

"yes, sir!"

Sure enough, after hearing what Meazi said, not only the two of them, but also the members of the special operations team near them, put their legs together and shouted loudly, startling the tourists passing by them.

Meazi saw Seeing everyone's reaction, she nodded with satisfaction, and then got off the boat to meet Shen Qiu. Then, she saw Shen Qiu holding her sister Le Huizhen. At this moment, Yazi clenched her fists.

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