Star Pier.

Shen Qiu, who was holding Le Huizhen in his arms, was not happy at all. Instead, he was complaining in his heart.

The terrifying induction power from the spider sense allowed Shen Qiu to sense the murderous aura in Meazi immediately.

Shen Qiu didn't expect that Le Huizhen would be so dedicated. It was only 6 o'clock in the morning and she came over for an interview.……

"Sir Shen."

At this time, Yazi walked towards Shen Qiu and Le Huizhen with a blank look on her face, pretending to meet them by chance.


Le Huizhen turned to look at Ya Zi, and then separated from Shen Qiu with some embarrassment.

Originally, she received information that the Fugui Maru was robbed by robbers, so she rushed over with Fat Boy to get first-hand news, but she saw Shen Qiu getting off the ship, and Le Huizhen couldn't care less. Having heard the news, I hurried up and asked Shen Qiu if everything was okay, but I met my sister again.

But after a moment, Le Huizhen came back to her senses, smiled and said to Yazi:"Sister, let me introduce to you, my boyfriend, Shen Qiu"

"Oh, your boyfriend! Yazi lengthened his voice and glanced at Shen Qiu with a half-smile.

"Well, Ah Zhen, there is something I want to talk to you and Meiko."

Chen Qiu immediately made a decision. It would be a knife to stick out his head and a knife to lock his head. He would confess directly. A real man should be fearless.

"I don't listen!"

Who knows, Le Huizhen directly covered her ears, ran to Fat Boy who was standing not far away watching the show, and at the same time shouted loudly:"Fat Boy, you rush into the street and stand there pretending to be a statue. , quickly turn on the camera and start shooting!"

Looking at Le Huizhen who was pretending to be stupid and leaving, Shen Qiu turned to look at Meazi.

"I don't listen either! Yazi also covered her ears and ran towards the road in the distance, but the smile on her face told Shen Qiu that she was not that angry at the moment.

"You won’t even listen, right? I’ll ask you to call me tonight."

Shen Qiu smiled and shook his head, and then walked towards the gray car parked on the roadside not far away.

A few minutes later,

Shen Qiu, sitting in the driver's seat of the car, said silently in his heart:"Summon Gao Jin."

As soon as Shen Qiu's thoughts came to his mind, a figure appeared in front of him. In just a blink of an eye, this illusory figure became a reality. The iconic windbreaker, the iconic slingback, and the iconic smile, Gao Jin Looking at Shen Qiu in front of him, he said respectfully:"Brother Qiu!"

"Ah Jin, welcome to join! Shen

Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

For a talent like Gao Jin, Shen Qiu specially made a plan for him.

Half an hour later, Shen Qiu took Gao Jin into an independent house in Kowloon City.

This is Zhang Hua’s office and Shen Qiu’s headquarters in the Hong Kong Island Intelligence Network.

From the outside, this is just an ordinary detached house, but Shen Qiu spent huge sums of money to buy all 6 nearby detached houses. Come down and connect them underground to form a huge space.

In the future, Shen Qiu plans to dig a tunnel directly from here to the Kowloon Walled City. He plans to build the Kowloon City area into his basic base.

"Brother Qiu!"

When Shen Qiu and Gao Jin walked into Zhang Hua's office, Zhang Hua immediately stood up and said hello to Shen Qiu.

"Ah Hua, sit down, Ah Jin, sit down too. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

Then, Shen Qiu continued:"Ahua, please inform Feng Yuxiu to accompany him to Haojiang River.""

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

Zhang Hua immediately nodded in response.

Then, Shen Qiu continued to say to Gao Jin:"A Jin, there is a gambling ship called Oriental Princess in Haojiang. I will give you a principal of 1 billion Hong Kong dollars. You can win as much as you can. Money, win until the owner of the Oriental Princess can't stand it anymore"

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

For Gao Jin, winning money at the gambling table is the easiest job.

"After the owner of the Oriental Princess sends you off the gambling ship, you go to the Lisboa Casino again. The owner of the Lisboa Casino can't stand it even if you win. Then you talk to the owner of the Lisboa Casino.……"

Shen Qiu smiled and continued to Gao Jin.

Shen Qiu's plan was actually not complicated at all. He just flexed his muscles first and told Nie Aotian, the owner of the Oriental Princess Casino, and the gambling king He Xin, the owner of the Lisboa Casino, that he also wanted a piece of the cake in Haojiang.

If He Xin nods, then cooperate with He Xin to kill Nie Aotian and take over Nie Aotian's gambling business. If He Xin refuses, then team up with Nie Aotian to deal with He Xin and take over He Xin's shares in the Lisboa Group. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Haojiang is different from Hong Kong Island. In Haojiang, Shen Qiu can be more unscrupulous and do whatever he wants.


That night, Shen Qiu came to the door of Le Huizhen's apartment.

Tonight, he was ready to let Huang Bingyao receive two betrothal gifts, even if he wasted all his efforts.

0 Request for Flowers

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu rang the doorbell.

Ding dong~ding dong~


More than ten seconds after the doorbell rang, Le Huizhen's voice came from behind the door.

"Ah Zhen, I, Shen Qiu. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"I don't know who Shen Qiu is. Please leave quickly or I'll call the police."

Le Huizhen said angrily.

"Call the police? Miss Le Huizhen, don't waste your phone bill. I'm the police. If you need anything, just tell me."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.[]


Le Huizhen opened the door, looked at Shen Qiu, and said lightly:"If someone cheats on you, will you, the police, take care of it?"

"No matter, tell me who cheated on you, and I will make him responsible for you for the rest of his life."

Chen Qiu Dayi said calmly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Sir Shen is so majestic. He is worthy of being the deputy commissioner of the Kowloon City Police Station and the youngest senior superintendent of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. He speaks with style."

As soon as Shen Qiu finished speaking, a strange and sinister voice came into Shen Qiu's ears.

"Yazi, are you there?"

The moment she heard this yin and yang voice, Shen Qiu recognized that it was Meazi's voice.

"Why, when I come to my sister’s house, I have to report to you, sir?"

Ya Zi walked up to Le Huizhen. There were two women who looked almost exactly the same. They both crossed their hands and looked at Shen Qiu with indifferent expressions.

But their temperaments were completely different. One looked like Green bamboo, full of heroic spirit, one is like a small pepper, hot and charming

"Hahaha, Meazi, you are really good at joking. Of course you don’t need to report to me when you come to Azhen’s house."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Hey, Ya Zi, Ah Zhen, they all blame me for being too affectionate. I fall in love with each other when I see them.……"

"Please, Sir Shen, what age are you in and you still recite lines from TV series? Do you have any new tricks?"

Shen Qiu's affectionate confession was ruthlessly interrupted by media personality Le Huizhen before it even started.

"Okay, okay, you want to play new tricks, right?"

Shen Qiu nodded slightly, then hugged each other with one hand and walked towards the bedroom...

As the old saying goes, the closest way to a woman's heart is through the vagina. This night Shen Qiu really lost all his strength. However, while spending double the effort, he also gained double the happiness...

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