Haojiang, Hexin Manor.

Looking at Shen Qiu who was about the same size as his son in front of him, He Xin's expression was extremely solemn.

What Kaohsiung gave him just now was Shen Qiu's personal information. The first half page could be said to be unremarkable, but the next two and a half pages made He Xin more and more frightened.

The wealthy families of Hong Kong and Macao are not separated. Although he lives in Haojiang, He Xin also knows Hong Kong Island very well.

Being a senior superintendent of the police force is indeed nothing to He Xin, but being promoted from a trainee inspector to a senior superintendent in one year means a lot.

Not to mention, in the special operations team remonstration incident, the Police Commissioner was forced to bow his head, and in the Kowloon Walled City incident, the Hong Kong Governor was forced to bow his head. This only represents two possibilities.

Either there is a huge force behind Shen Qiu supporting his rise to power, or Shen Qiu did all this by relying on his own strength.

These two possibilities, no matter which one they are, deserve He Xin to treat Shen Qiu seriously.

Now Nie Aotian is fighting with him in full swing. Although he has the advantage now, if Shen Qiu's weight is on Nie Aotian's side, there will be new variables.

Therefore, without a moment's hesitation, He Xin directly changed his attitude. For a self-made 01 tycoon like him, being able to bend and stretch is a basic function.

However, Shen Qiu, who has already taken the initiative, will not nod so easily.

"Mr. He, the tea here is good, but I don’t know how the food is? Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Nie Aotian still has 13% of the shares in Lisboa Group, with a market value of HK$6.7 billion. Mr. Shen, Nie Aotian is my old friend after all, so why don’t you drive him to a dead end?"

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, He Xin pondered for a moment, then looked at Shen Qiu and slowly said

"Mr. He, I am the most reasonable person. I have gained face and will not be greedy to save face. No problem. I will take care of the bad guys and you will do the good ones."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

He Xin's meaning is very simple. After Shen Qiu takes care of Nie Aotian, Nie Aotian's gambling business and Lisboa Group's shares can be given to Shen Qiu, but Shen Qiu has to pay for them.

"Mr. Shen, then it’s settled"

"A word is settled."

After discussing this matter, He Xin showed a gentle smile again on his face and said to Shen Qiu:"Mr.……"

At this moment, Kaohsiung walked up to He Xin again and whispered to He Xin:"Mr. He, Guo Kailin from the Guo Group (from the movie"The Days of Love in the Underworld") is here and wants to see you.."

Kaohsiung's bass reached Shen Qiu's ears very clearly. After hearing the words Guo Kailin of the Guo Group, Shen Qiu's eyes moved slightly. Shen Qiu was familiar with this person, or rather this woman, but The Kuok Group may have kept a low profile on Hong Kong Island because it was engaged in the gaming industry, so Shen Qiu had not heard of this company before.

But now that Shen Qiu knows about the existence of Guo Kailin and the Guo Group, a new plan has emerged in Shen Qiu's mind.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu smiled and said to He Xin:"Mr. He, since you have something to do, I won't disturb you for now. You won't mind if I take a stroll in your manor, right?"

He Xin was already ready to speak. He refused to see Guo Kailin. For him, Shen Qiu was the most important guest now. But after hearing Shen Qiu being so reasonable, he smiled and said,"I'm sorry, Mr. Shen, thank you for your understanding.""

"Mr. He is too polite."

Shen Qiu smiled slightly, then stood up and left the pavilion. Soon, he saw Kaohsiung leading a graceful, elegant, and gorgeous young woman to the pavilion where He Xin was. It seemed that he felt Shen Qiu's emotions. Looking at Shen Qiu, Guo Kailin also turned to look at Shen Qiu. After seeing this young and handsome man smiling and nodding towards her, Guo Kailin also smiled politely and nodded, and then asked Kao Xiong beside her:"Mr. Gao, that is Mr. He's Nephew?"

"Miss Guo, that is also Mr. He's guest."

Kaohsiung said to Guo Kailin with a smile.

After hearing Kao Xiong's words, Guo Kailin turned her head again, looked at Shen Qiu carefully, and remembered his face in her mind. At this moment, she felt like she had seen him somewhere. , seems to be a TV station?

But after seeing He Xin, Guo Kailin immediately pushed Shen Qiu down, smiled and said to He Xin:"Hello, Mr. He!"

On the other side, after Guo Kailin walked into the pavilion, Shen Qiu also withdrew his gaze, walked to a deserted corner, took out his mobile phone, and dialed the next number.

"Asheng, it's me."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said

"Brother Qiu, what are your orders?"

Tian Yangsheng's voice came out from the receiver.

"Tonight, you, Fu Guang, Cao Nan and the others will go to Haojiang and blow up the two gambling ships, the Oriental Princess and the Far Eastern Pearl."

Shen Qiu's tone was so calm, as if he was not going to blow up two gambling boats worth hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars, but two toy boats.

"Okay, Brother Qiu!"

Tian Yangsheng responded immediately.

At this moment, the system's voice sounded in Shen Qiu's mind.

"Release mission: Blow up the two gambling ships, the Oriental Princess and the Far Eastern Pearl, to unlock the authority to produce large gambling ships and large cruise ships."


After hearing the mission issued by the system, Shen Qiu was a little confused. He had not unlocked the permissions of the shipyard yet. What was the use of unlocking these two permissions?

However, something is better than nothing, so after complaining in his mind, Shen Qiu turned his attention and simulated his new plan in his mind again, checking for omissions and filling in the gaps.

Before hearing about Guo Kailin of the Guo Group, Shen Qiu's original plan was to cooperate with He Xin to strangle Nie Aotian, and finally force Nie Aotian to gamble with Gao Jin, completely knocking this former gambling ghost off the altar and forcing him to Withdrew from the world, took over his gambling business and Lisboa Group's shares, and then slowly cultivated his power in Haojiang, looking for opportunities to go ashore and compete with He Xin.

But after learning about Guo Kailin's existence, Shen Qiu immediately changed his plan. He knew that the Guo Group would build a casino on Baishi Island, a Sangui zone not far from the Pearl River Estuary.

Gambling on boats does make money, but it is not a long-term solution. Casinos are the real long-term success. However, Shen Qiu knows that he has no foundation in Haojiang. If he wants to fight He Xin in Haojiang, the winning rate is very low. He must develop first and figure it out slowly.

But things are different now. With Guo Group's Baishi Island here, Shen Qiu can completely open another track and directly compete with He Xin. At this time, the boat gambling business is dispensable to Shen Qiu. It is better to use The simplest and most brutal way to make Nie Aotian hit the bottom, and then do it again……

"Hey, handsome boy, can you throw the ball over for me?"

While Shen Qiu was thinking wildly, a pleasant female voice came to Shen Qiu's ears.

Shen Qiu looked up and saw a girl wearing a short-sleeved shorts sports suit, exuding youthful vitality, holding a A tennis racket, looking at him with a smile.

Shen Qiu bent down to pick up the tennis ball, and threw the tennis ball to the girl's side accurately.

"Thank you. I haven't seen you before. Are you my father's guest?"

The girl also bent down to pick up the tennis ball, her restrained amorous feelings looming.

"Who is your father? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile. In fact, he had probably guessed the girl's identity. In He Xin's manor, the only girl who played tennis so leisurely was He Xin's daughter He Tian'er.

"My father is He Xin, I am He Tianer, who are you?"

He Tian'er walked up to Shen Qiu and said to Shen Qiu with a smile. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"My name is Shen Qiu. I have something to see Mr. He, but Mr. He is busy. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"No way, my father is very busy every day. Do you want me to ask the servant to take you to the reception room?"

He Tian'er shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile.

"No, I think Mr. He will be free soon."

Shen Qiu looked at Guo Kailin in the distance who had just left the pavilion. With her keen eyes, Shen Qiu could see the faint disappointment on Guo Kailin's face even from dozens of meters away.

However, the loss on Guo Kailin's face made Shen Qiu The smile on his face is getting brighter……

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