"Shen Qiu!"

He Tian'er never expected that he would see Shen Qiu at the dinner party.

At this moment, He Xin also walked up to Shen Qiu, smiled and said to Shen Qiu:"Mr. Shen, do you know Tian'er?"

"In the afternoon, I chatted with Miss He for a few words."

Shen Qiu smiled and nodded to He Tian'er, then turned to look at He Xin and replied.

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, He Xin breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued:"Mr. Shen, come and try. Try this famous Haojiang dish, bone-flavored pomfret balls. You can’t find such authentic ones on Hong Kong Island."

While talking, He Xin led Shen Qiu away. Obviously, the old father did not want his daughter to have too much contact with Shen Qiu.

But He Xin might never have imagined that his move would be self-defeating. He Tian'er looked at Shen Qiu's back, her eyes full of curiosity.

He Tian'er could tell from her father's tone that tonight's banquet was arranged for Shen Qiu.

Originally, she thought Shen Qiu Qiu was just an ordinary person like all the living beings who begged to see her father every day. As a result, her father would actually host a banquet for the young man in front of her?

This moment aroused He Tian'er's curiosity. She wanted to know, Who is this young man who looks to be a few years older than her?

However, He Xin is obviously very wary of Shen Qiu. During the entire banquet, He Tianer did not have a chance to communicate with Shen Qiu alone. Until He Xin sent Shen Qiu away from his manor

"Ah Gao, send Mr. Shen to the Lisboa Hotel and let Mr. Shen stay in my suite."

He Xin said to Kaohsiung who was standing next to him.

"Okay, Mr. He."

After hearing He Xin's words, Kaohsiung's eyes flashed with surprise. As He Xin's confidant, he knew the weight of He Xin's words. In the room where He Xin just spoke, only He Xin's most Only distinguished guests will arrange for him to stay.

In the past, the residents of that suite were all wealthy tycoons such as He Shizhang, the head of the He family in Hong Kong, Li Xiaoming, Li Xiaohe and Lei Yingtong. Now He Xin would actually arrange for Shen Qiu to stay. How could Kaohsiung not be surprised by such a young man moving in?

However, He Xin ignored the surprise of his confidants, but continued to smile and said to Shen Qiu:"Mr. Shen, please forgive me for your poor hospitality.""

"Mr. He, you are too polite."

After exchanging a few words with He Xin, Shen Qiu got into a Rolls-Royce and, accompanied by Kaohsiung, checked into the suite specially arranged for him by He Xin.

Half an hour later, in He Xin's study ,

"Have you settled Shen Qiu?"

He Xin, who was practicing calligraphy at his desk, glanced at Kaohsiung who walked into the study and asked lightly.


Kaohsiung nodded slightly, then walked to the desk and picked up an ink stick to sharpen He Xin's ink. It was not until He Xin finished writing the words"life is fearful" on the rice paper and put the brush on the inkstone that he asked:"Mr. He, I can't understand these four words."

"Young people, if you praise him more, you have nothing to lose, and maybe you can even form a good relationship. He

Xin said with a smile.

"Did he praise him too highly? Kaohsiung whispered

"Then you have to look at his quality. If the quality is good, I will give this calligraphy to him. If the quality is not good, I will give him this calligraphy.……"

Speaking of this, He Xin's eyes suddenly became sharp, and his whole temperament suddenly changed.

At this moment, He Xin was the gambling king of Haojiang who looked down upon the world.

On the other side, Shen Qiu checked into the suite arranged by He Xin for him. Instead of staying here, he came to a room on the 10th floor of the Lisboa Hotel.

"Brother Qiu, that woman lives here."

Tian Yangsheng said to Shen Qiu.

After seeing Guo Kailin leaving, Shen Qiu immediately ordered Tian Yangsheng to follow Guo Kailin and determine where she lived in Haojiang.


Shen Qiu nodded slightly, and then rang the doorbell on the door.

At this moment, in the room,

Guo Kailin was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. Although her eyes were looking at the night view of Haojiang River, her eyes were not focused at all. Coupled with her face There was a faint sadness on her face, and it was obvious that she was thinking about something troubling.

Ding dong~ ding dong~

At this time, a sound of doorbell came to her ears, bringing her back to her senses.

Guo Kailin turned to face the person standing behind her The female bodyguard nodded.

The female bodyguard immediately walked behind the door and asked:"Who?"

"I'm looking for Miss Guo Kailin. We met at Mr. He's house in the afternoon."

Hearing these words, Guo Kailin immediately thought of the handsome and familiar man she saw at He Xin Manor in the afternoon. At the same time, she also thought of Kaohsiung's words. He was also Mr. He's guest.

Thinking of this, Guo Kailin felt sorry for herself The bodyguard said:"Open the door."


As Guo Kailin's voice fell, her bodyguard immediately opened the door, and then Guo Kailin saw Shen Qiu's smiling face

"Hello, Miss Guo, my name is Shen Qiu. Shen

Qiu looked at Guo Kailin standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and said with a smile.

After hearing the name Shen Qiu, Guo Kailin immediately remembered that she had seen Shen Qiu on the news channel of the TV station, but now the fineness of the TV picture is indeed Unsatisfactory, she didn't recognize Shen Qiu for a moment.

"Is it Mr. Shen from the Hong Kong Island Police Force?"

Guo Kailin asked

"right. Shen

Qiu nodded and admitted.

"Hello, Mr. Shen."

After confirming Shen Qiu's identity, Guo Kailin quickly walked up to Shen Qiu, stretched out her right hand, and said hello with a smile.

After a few words of greeting, Guo Kailin went straight to the point:"Mr. Shen, you came to see me specifically. What's the matter? Shen

Qiu glanced at Guo Kailin's bodyguard, who was standing next to him, eyeing her with eager eyes, and said to Guo Kailin with a smile:"Miss Guo, I only hope that you and I know what I'm going to say next.""

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Guo Kailin frowned slightly. After thinking for a moment, she still said to her bodyguard:"Amei, please go out first. I will call you if anything happens."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A minute later, bang~

As the door of the hotel room was closed, Guo Kailin immediately said:"Mr. Shen, if you have anything to say, you can tell me."

"Miss Guo, are you worried about the Baishi Island Casino? Shen

Qiu looked at Guo Kailin and said lightly.


A trace of surprise flashed in Guo Kailin's eyes, but it disappeared immediately, and she said calmly:"Mr. Shen, what do you want to say?"

"Casinos are different from boat gambling. Boat gambling is a temporary boom, and the risk is too great. Maybe something will happen one day. Casinos are different. They can be steady and steady."

"Miss Guo, I am telling you this just to tell you that for He Xin, the threat from Baishi Island Casino is greater than the threat from Nie Aotian's gambling boats. This is a fundamental contradiction that cannot be reconciled. It is not for you to give away some shares. , He Xin is willing to give in. Shen

Qiu looked at Guo Kailin, whose expression gradually turned into surprise, and said with a smile.


Guo Kailin was sure that before today, she and Shen Qiu had no intersection. In other words, Shen Qiu just met her once in the afternoon and made a guess about her situation. In fact, Guo Kailin also knew that, If she wanted to cooperate with He Xin, the possibility of success was basically zero, but Guo Kailin had no choice. She was forced too hard.

Although the Guo Group is called the Guo Group, in fact, its original name should be the Ma Group, a company founded by the father of her half-sister Ma Wenfeng.

As a result, Ma Wenfeng's father died a few years after founding the company. Ma Wenfeng's mother remarried Guo Kailin's father, and this was how the Guo Group was established.

Because of this, there is a group of veterans in the Guo Group who support Ma Wenfeng. They have always opposed Guo Kailin taking over from her father and want to promote Ma Wenfeng.

Now, the board of directors of Guo Group has decided to place its chips on the Baishi Island Casino project. In other words, whoever can handle this project will be the future helmsman of Guo Group.

Originally, Guo Kailin had the support of her father and was in the right place at the right time, but unexpectedly, Ma Wenfeng actually hooked up with Zhang Baishi, the young master of the wealthy Zhang family in Hong Kong.

The Zhang family is a wealthy family who immigrated to Hong Kong Island from eastern Zhejiang in 1949. Not only does it have a rich family fortune, it is also a major financial backer of Hu Yong, the leader of the number gang. More importantly, the Zhang family also has a high status in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce.

With the help of Zhang Baishi, Ma Wenfeng immediately reversed the situation, forcing Guo Kailin to give it a try even though she knew that He Xin basically would not agree to cooperate with her.

Now all this was revealed by Shen Qiu in front of her, which made Guo Kailin extremely surprised.

"`.Miss Guo, you don’t have to be surprised (Wang Dezhao). Since I came to you, I just want to cooperate with you. In He Xin’s eyes, Baishi Island is a place to grab food, but in my eyes, But it's a cornucopia."

Shen Qiu looked at the surprised and silent Guo Kailin in front of him, and said slowly word for word.

For Shen Qiu, Baishi Island is more than a cornucopia. Although Baishi Island is very close to the Pearl River Estuary, it belongs to the Haojiang River. Jurisdiction, given the weakness of the Portuguese government, their jurisdiction over Baishi Island is negligible and can only be left to Shen Qiu. Shen

Qiu can completely build this place into his own naval base, so that he can control Hong Kong Island, The sea route between Southeast Asia and Haojiang meant that all the gamblers in the gambling city of Haojiang were in the hands of Shen Qiu. At that time, He Xin, the gambling king of Haojiang, could only stay in Shen Qiu. In front of Qiu, Shen Qiu could even do more things by using these routes, such as tying all the shipping tycoons in Hong Kong Island to his own ship.

Shen Qiu knew very well that he wanted to let Hong Kong If the island changes, the chips in his hand will become more and more heavy, and Baishi Island is a very heavy chip that Shen Qiu is eyeing. He is bound to win this island.

If Guo Kailin agreed to cooperate with him. Naturally, it was good for you and me. If she didn't agree, Shen Qiu didn't mind letting her know what a twisted melon is, and it's also very sweet!.

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