Hotel Lisboa, Guo Kailin’s room.

After listening to Shen Qiu's words about cooperating with her, Guo Kailin was silent for a moment, and then said:"Mr. Shen, it's not that I don't trust you, but……"

At this point, Guo Kailin paused for a moment, as if thinking about what she should say. After a few seconds, she continued to speak:"Mr. Shen, since you know about Baishi Island, you should also know about the relationship between me and my sister Ma Wenfeng. Now my sister has Zhang Baishi from the Zhang family to support her. You are indeed a young hero in Hong Kong, but the Zhang family has the support of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce and the support of the Number Gang.……"

"Miss Guo, do you doubt my strength?"

Shen Qiu interrupted Guo Kailin.

"Mr. Shen, you can think so."

Guo Kailin said it more euphemistically.

Although the Guo Group is considered a big company in Hong Kong Island, compared with top tycoons like He Xin, it is a few steps behind in any aspect, especially in terms of intelligence.

He Xin can check Who is the leader in the Kowloon Walled City incident, but not the Kwok family? This is the information gap.

"OK, Miss Guo, since you think so, I have nothing to say. I live in a suite on the top floor. If you come to me before 12 o'clock in the evening, I can give you a chance. After 12 o'clock,……"

Shen Qiu smiled slightly, then stood up and left.

He cooperated with Guo just to use Guo's name to protect himself. After all, his power was only a small success now. If someone discovered his attempt to intervene in advance, it would be very troublesome for Shen Qiu.

But this does not mean that Shen Qiu must cooperate with Guo. He can give Guo Kailin a chance, but it is only an opportunity. If Guo Kailin does not cherish it, 120 then Shen Qiu can only teach her about opportunities that cannot be missed and timing. Never come again


Looking at Shen Qiu's leaving figure, Guo Kailin was thoughtful.

At the same time, less than 5 kilometers away from the Haojiang River, two brightly lit cruise ships were floating on the sea. They were the two largest gambling ships in the world, the Oriental Princess and the Far Eastern Pearl.

This is also Nie Aotian's most proud masterpiece in his later years. These two gambling boats can generate more than 100 million in turnover every day, and their profits have reached 50% of the combined profits of all the casinos in Haojiang. This made He Xin, the gambling king, a little anxious..

Today is just like every other day, speedboats are constantly shuttling between the two gambling boats and the pier, taking eager gamblers to the gambling boats, and returning gloomy-looking gamblers to the shore. As they come and go, Nie Aotian Harvesting huge amounts of wealth.

However, Nie Aotian's people did not notice that several speedboats drove through the night to a place less than 500 meters away from the two gambling boats, then turned off their motors and floated quietly on the sea.

Ten men in diving suits, each carrying an oxygen bottle and a box, jumped into the sea.

In the box they were holding were 10 kilograms of liquid bombs.

Soon, the ten men were divided into two teams. One team swam to the bottom of the Oriental Princess, and the other team swam to the bottom of the Far Eastern Pearl.

The two teams evenly glued 50 kilograms of liquid bombs to the center of the bottom of the cruise ship.

Compared with the huge cruise ship, these five boxes are a bit insignificant, but the power of the 50 kilogram liquid bomb is enough to sink this huge ship.

Ten minutes later, the ten diving men returned to the speedboat.

Thumb, tug, tug...

The speedboat started again and headed towards the bank of Haojiang River.

A few minutes later.

With two loud noises, two huge holes were blown out of the bottoms of the Oriental Princess and the Far Eastern Pearl, and seawater immediately poured into the cabins. These two cruise ships were making huge profits every day. , in the horrified eyes of the people on the shore, it was sinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Quick, help! Help!"

A man who came back to his senses shouted loudly.

The gamblers and staff on the Oriental Princess and the Far Eastern Pearl were already in a mess. Many people jumped off the ship in panic and threw themselves into the sea.. At this moment, in He Xin Manor.

Ring ring ring~

A rapid ringing of the phone rang, waking up He Xin who had already fallen asleep.

"Sister, it's okay, go to sleep. He

Xin first asked his wife Amei, who was also woken up, to go to sleep. Then he picked up the phone receiver and said,"Which one?""

"Mr. He, the Oriental Princess and the Far Eastern Pearl were bombed. In five minutes at most, these two ships will sink to the bottom of the sea!"

Kaohsiung's urgent voice came from the receiver.


Hearing Kaohsiung's words, He Xin, who was still a little sleepy, suddenly woke up. He immediately realized that this should be Shen Qiu's handiwork.

"Mr. He, could this be that Shen Qiu?……"

Obviously, Kaohsiung has also realized

"Ah Gao, send someone to keep an eye on Nie Aotian and Shen Qiu. If the gambling boat is bombed, Nie Aotian will definitely go crazy. If Shen Qiu has a back-up plan and can deal with Nie Aotian, we will help him. If he doesn't have a back-up plan, he will go crazy. Lure Nie Aotian over."

He Xin thought about Shen Qiu's method of dealing with Nie Aotian, but he never thought that Shen Qiu would use such a simple and crude method to directly blow up Nie Aotian's two gambling boats. He Xin didn't even need to use his brain to know that Nie Aotian God knows how crazy Shen Qiu will be after this news. If Shen Qiu has a backup plan, He Xin will not cause trouble for him, and He Xin will admit it. If Shen Qiu wants to bring trouble to He Xin, then He Xin will Let him know whose territory is Haojiang!

There is just one doubt, which is swirling in He Xin's mind at this time. Isn't Shen Qiu going to do the gambling boat business? Blow up the gambling boat and scare all the gamblers. If a gangster dared not board a gambling boat, what kind of gambling business would he have?

On the other side, the Lisboa Hotel.

This hotel was built on the seaside, so Guo Kailin heard the explosion immediately, and then saw all the people on the pier. It exploded, running around like headless flies, and in the distance, the originally brightly lit Oriental Princess and Far Eastern Pearl began to sink rapidly. In just a few minutes, one-third of it had sunk, and then it seemed that it was suitable for them to sink. The electric room was also flooded by sea water, and the lights on the boat were instantly extinguished.

At this time, an idea suddenly appeared in Guo Kailin's mind. She subconsciously looked up, but from her angle, she could not see the top floor. She could not see the top floor. Shen Qiu, who was still standing by the floor-to-ceiling window until now, quietly watching the two gambling boats sinking

"Amei, inform Uncle Kuang and the others to find out the news from He Xin and Nie Aotian and see how they react."

Guo Kailin immediately made a decision. She wanted to see if Shen Qiu did this. If he did it, why would he, a Hong Kong boy, dare to do this in Haojiang?

At the same time, Several Mercedes-Benz cars were speeding towards the dock.

Sitting in one of the cars was the ghost-hand Nie Aotian.

However, Nie Aotian did not have his usual demeanor at this time, with a haggard expression and a bit of a mess. His hair and the silk nightgown he was wearing all showed how hurried he was traveling and how anxious he was.

"Let Shuifang be too lazy to investigate. No matter how much money it costs, I must find out whoever blew up the ship. I will cut them into pieces!"

Nie Aotian's tone was so cold that the driver trembled. It's no wonder that Nie Aotian was so excited. The Oriental Princess and the Far Eastern Pearl were both cruise ships rented by Nie Aotian. Now that they have sunk, all they have to do is compensate the shipowner. The money required was HK$700 million, plus the money he invested in renovations and the money he had to pay to his dead men and gamblers. This time, Nie Aotian lost at least HK$1.5 billion.

Most importantly, the boat gambling business was destroyed by this Once it exploded, it would definitely be ruined, which made Nie Aotian's heart bleed.

"Master, could it be He Xin who did it?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The middle-aged man sitting next to Nie Aotian asked, it was Nie Aotian's great disciple He Yunjun.

"He Xin didn't dare to do this. He still has the advantage now, so why would he be willing to fight me to the death?"

Nie Aotian said quietly


"No matter who did it, as long as no one is found tonight, I will assume that He Xin did it. I believe that guy He Xin thinks the same way!"

Nie Aotian interrupted He Yunjun's words and said slowly.


At this moment, the car Nie Aotian was riding in suddenly stopped, almost causing Nie Aotian to hit the front seat.

"what happened? He

Yunjun, who was sitting next to Nie Aotian, looked at the driver and cursed angrily.

"There is a car blocking the road."

The driver pointed at the cars lying sideways in front of him and said.

"Damn it, turn around!"

Seeing this scene, Nie Aotian immediately shouted!

However, it was already too late[]

Da da da da da da~

Beside the road, Tian Yangsheng and others who had already landed were holding MP5s and fired wildly at the car in which Nie Aotian and others were riding. The bullets seemed to be free of charge. In just over a minute, they were fired. Thousands of bullets poured in.

When the gunshots fell, the people in the carAotian had been beaten into a sieve and could no longer die. Tian Yangsheng and others immediately ran towards the seaside, got on the yacht, and soon disappeared on the dark sea.

At this time, on the top floor of the Lisboa Hotel, Shen Qiu was standing by the floor-to-ceiling window. With his super hearing, he heard the dense gunshots coming from faintly. He whispered to himself:"He Xin, I will help you with whatever you need to do." You did it, and then it depends on your ability as the gambling king of Haojiang!"

After saying that, Shen Qiu looked downstairs and seemed to see Guo Kailin who was also standing by the floor-to-ceiling window, with a smile on her face. He has already done what he has to do. Now it depends on whether this woman is smart enough, decisive enough, and willing enough.……

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