Haojiang, Hejia Manor.

After receiving the call from Kaohsiung, He Xin could no longer sleep. In order not to disturb his wife A-mei, he got up and went to the study.

Ten minutes later.

Ring ring ring ~ a phone ringing

"Mr. He, Nie Aotian was attacked by armed men near the dock and shot dead on the spot.~"

As soon as He Xin picked up the phone, Kaohsiung's urgent voice came from the receiver.

After hearing these words from Kaohsiung, the first thought that came to He Xin's mind was what a ruthless means and what a bold young man.

But why did he dare to do this in Haojiang?

Also, isn't he a policeman?

He Xin pondered for a few minutes before speaking:"Ah Gao, in my name, inform the Haojiang Police Station and ask them to find the person who blew up the gambling boat and killed Nie Aotian, the shareholder of our Lisboa Group, no matter what method they use." gangster"

"Okay, Mr. He."

Kaohsiung responded immediately.

After hearing Kaohsiung's words, He Xin hung up the phone directly and then dialed another number.

"Guang, prepare the car immediately, I want to go to the Lisboa Hotel."

He Xin doesn't want to wait for a moment now. He wants to hear in person how the young man from Hong Kong will explain to him! On the other side, inside the Lisboa Hotel.

Ring, ring, ring.~

"Which one?"

As soon as the phone rang, Guo Kailin immediately picked up the phone and asked.


"Okay, okay, I understand, thank you for your hard work, Uncle Kuang. After saying that

, Guo Kailin hung up the phone. After thinking for a moment, she stood up, picked up the red coat hanging on the hanger, put it on herself, and walked towards the door.

"Miss, where are you going?"

Bodyguard Ami asked immediately

"Go see Shen Qiu."

Guo Kailin said lightly.

"That man just now? But it's almost 11:30 now."

As a bodyguard, Ami is very qualified.

"So I have to hurry up. He Xin has already taken a car to the Lisboa Hotel. If I don't see Shen Qiu now, it will be too late."

While she was talking, Guo Kailin had opened the door and walked out of the room.

Seeing this, A Mei followed immediately.

More than a minute later,

Guo Kailin and A Mei took the elevator to the top floor. As soon as they stepped out of the elevator, several people walked around. The hotel security personnel in black suits came forward, blocked Guo Kailin, and asked:"Miss, what do you want?"

"You tell Shen Qiu that Guo Kailin is looking for him."

Guo Kailin immediately replied

"Okay, Miss Guo, please wait a moment."

The security guard who spoke immediately turned around and left.

A minute later, he returned to Guo Kailin and said,"Miss Guo, please come with me."


After Guo Kailin thanked her, she followed the security personnel to Shen Qiu's room.

Amei immediately wanted to follow, but was blocked by several other security personnel:"Sorry, Mr. Shen only said to see Miss Guo."

"Amy, wait for me here."

Guo Kailin turned to Ami and ordered.

Soon, Guo Kailin saw Shen Qiu again. This time, she took the initiative to say hello to Shen Qiu:"Mr. Shen, hello."

"Miss Guo, it is 11:34 now. You are very fast, which shows that you are very smart."

Shen Qiu looked at Guo Kailin, who was wearing a red coat and looked more graceful, and said with a smile.

Then, before Guo Kailin could speak, Shen Qiu continued:"However, you are not smart enough, otherwise you should agree to it downstairs. cooperate with me"

"Mr. Shen, you are right. I underestimated you and overestimated myself."

Guo Kailin said slowly with a calm face.

"Therefore, Miss Guo, people have to pay for their mistakes. Now that you want to cooperate with me, you will have to pay a lot more than just now."

Chen Qiu walked up to Guo Kailin, looked at her graceful and beautiful appearance, and said with a smile.

"For example?"

Guo Kailin felt Shen Qiu's aggressive eyes, her eyes were a little dodgeful, and she asked in a low voice

"Miss Guo, don't be impatient. We will have a chat later. Now I need to see Mr. He and have a chat with him."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.


Guo Kailin looked deeply at Shen Qiu and nodded slightly.

"Miss Guo, let me ask you to go to the next room to rest for a while. It will be a long night and we will definitely be able to come to a conclusion."

Shen Qiu said slowly.

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Guo Kailin's pretty face blushed slightly, but she did not speak, but turned and left. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Power is indeed a good thing, and neither man nor woman can refuse it."

Looking at Guo Kailin's leaving figure, Chen Qiu smiled slightly and whispered to himself.

Almost ten minutes later

"Mr. He, you haven't rested so late. What do you want to talk to me about?"

Looking at He Xin walking into the room, Shen Qiu asked knowingly.

"Mr. Shen, for such a big battle like yours, let alone me, not even half of Haojiang people had any rest."

He Xin looked at Shen Qiu who was smiling in front of him and said lightly.

"Mr. He, I just finished what I should do, and now it's up to you to do what you should do."

The smile on Shen Qiu's face faded and she said slowly

"Mr. Shen, give me some time. You have made the situation so big that it is not convenient for me to take action now."

0 flowers requested. He Xin knew very well what Shen Qiu asked him to do. Shen Qiu wanted to buy out the Lisboa Group shares owned by Nie Aotian.

But He Xin knew better. Now half of Haojiang suspected that he was responsible for Nie Aotian. Black hand, if he comes forward to help Shen Qiu acquire shares now, then the whole of Haojiang will think that it is He Xindong's hand.

"Mr. He, I am not such an unreasonable person. Of course I understand your difficulties. Miss Guo Kailin is next door now. I hope you can also understand her difficulties."

Shen Qiu looked at He Xin, and a smile appeared on his face again.[]

"You collaborated with Kailin Guo!"

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, He Xin instantly understood why Shen Qiu would choose to blow up Nie Aotian's gambling boat and choose to kill Nie Aotian directly. It turned out that this kid and Guo Kailin had cooperated!

Compared with the casino on Baishi Island, the gambling boat The business can indeed be given up.

However, it was Shen Qiu who blew up the ship and killed the people, but now He Xinlai is asked to take the blame. He

Xin knew very well that if he did not agree to Shen Qiu's request, he would soon be wiped out. Jiang will know that it was He Xin who blew up the boat and killed the people.

Originally, He Xin wanted to borrow Shen Qiu's knife to kill Nie Aotian, but in the end, He Xin became the knife borrowed by Shen Qiu. , Shen Qiu used his name to kill Nie Aotian.

Before, He Xin felt that he had overestimated Shen Qiu enough, but it was not until now that he discovered that the young man in front of him was sharper than he thought. He needed himself An enemy that can only be dealt with by using all one's strength.

Thinking of this, He Xin shook his head and said with a smile:"It's a good move to borrow a knife to kill people. I didn't expect that I, He Xin, would fall in the hands of a young boy like you. It's like the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Today I That’s a lot of experience, I admire you!"

Under Shen Qiu's deliberate misleading, He Xin completely misunderstood

"Mr. He, I can afford it and put it down. I am the one who should admire it. Shen

Qiu said to He Xin with a smile.

"Shen Qiu, I remember you. You taught me a lot this time. I hope that next time we meet, you and I will be friends rather than enemies."

He Xin is worthy of being a gambling king who started from scratch and has been tempered for many years. His magnanimity is far beyond that of ordinary people. After leaving these words, he turned and left without any sloppiness. After He Xin left, Shen Qiu turned to look at No. A door in the distance said with a smile:"Miss Guo, you can come out now."


Guo Kailin with a slightly red face opened the door. She understood that Shen Qiu definitely let herself hear the conversation between him and He Xin on purpose.

"Miss Guo, you should have heard my sincerity just now. Now, it’s time to show me your sincerity."

Shen Qiu looked at Guo Kailin and spoke slowly, word by word.

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