Hotel Lisboa, penthouse suite.

After listening to Shen Qiu's words, Guo Kailin pondered for a moment and said,"I can give you 40% of the shares of Baishi Island Casino. In addition, if you need the security work of the casino, I can also leave it to you."

Guo Kailin watched. Come on, this is the greatest sincerity she can give. 40% of the shares, plus security costs, is basically equivalent to giving half of the profits of Baishi Island Casino to Shen Qiu.

"Miss Guo, you are not sincere enough."

As soon as Guo Kailin finished speaking, Shen Qiu shook his head and said

"Mr. Shen, what you mean by sincerity is that you want me to hand over the Baishi Island Casino to you, right?"

Guo Kailin was a little angry and couldn't help but said

"Miss Guo, this is what you said. If you leave Baishi Island to me to build, I can let your Guo Group run the casino. You, the Guo Group, can take half of the profits from the boat gambling. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

From the moment he saw Guo Kailin, what Shen Qiu wanted was not the shares of the casino, but the entire Baishi Island. The casino was just a project operated on the island."One Eight Seven" shouted!

Shen Qiu's words made Guo Kailin's chest rise and fall violently. She took a few deep breaths before she calmed down. She never expected that Shen Qiu would be so greedy.

"Mr. Shen, even if I agree to your conditions, our board of directors of Guo Group will not agree to you."

Guo Kailin said slowly

"Miss Guo, look, you are in a hurry again, let me finish. Shen

Qiu looked at Guo Kailin and said slowly:"I will help you get the directors on the board of directors of your Guo Group, and turn the Guo Group into the Guo Group that truly belongs to your Guo family, Baishi Island, you will pay me reward"

"This is impossible. Five of the eleven directors of the Guo Group are former confidants of Ma Wenfeng's father. Behind them, they have the support of Ma Wenfeng's uncle, Ma Zhuoqun."

At this point, Guo Kailin paused slightly, and then slowed down her speech:"Mr. Shen, maybe you haven't heard of the name Ma Zhuoqun (from the movie"Eavesdropping 2"). He is a member of a mysterious organization, the Landowners Association, and he has The funds in the company are very strong. My father has been in charge of the Guo Group for so many years. He has tried many times to take complete control of the group, but Ma Zhuoqun was able to resolve all of them. On several occasions, even my father himself was almost ousted from the position of chairman."

Hearing Guo Kailin's words, Shen Qiu's eyes moved slightly. He didn't expect that he could actually hear the information about the landlord association from Guo Kailin's mouth. Hong Kong Island is indeed very small.

Ma Zhuoqun may be a mysterious figure to the Guo family and Guo Kailin. , but to Shen Qiu, it was just someone he planned to eradicate. Shen Qiu had to deal with the landlord association anyway, and he could actually receive some benefits from the Guo family. Then Ma Zhuoqun deserved to die even more.

"Miss Guo, I didn't ask you to pay me the reward in advance. You can wait until I help you deal with that group of people before you pay me the reward. Shen

Qiu said to Guo Kailin with a smile.


Looking at Shen Qiu with a confident smile, Guo Kailin pondered for a long time before nodding and said:"Okay, Mr. Shen, I promise you, if you can help me get rid of the Guo family, then our Guo family will give up Baishi Island."

"A word is settled."

Chen Qiu extended his right hand to Guo Kailin

"It’s a deal!"

Guo Kailin looked at Shen Qiu and said slowly

"It's getting late, Miss Guo, please go and have a rest early."

After talking about the matter, Shen Qiu directly issued an eviction order, and his face changed so quickly that Guo Kailin was stunned on the spot.

Listening to Shen Qiu's many suggestive words before, Guo Kailin thought that Shen Qiu had ulterior motives for her, but this is the result?

"Why, Miss Guo, are you reluctant to leave?"

Looking at Guo Kailin who was stunned on the spot, Shen Qiu asked with a smile.

He just deliberately hinted at Guo Kailin to make this woman think that he was interested in her body, and then let her go without any nostalgia. Guo Kailin may not be able to sleep tonight..

Shen Qiu knew very well that as long as Baishi Island was taken care of, Guo Kailin would be the meat in his bowl and could be eaten at any time. There was no need to rush. Although the twisted melon was also very sweet, it would be more comfortable to eat, so why bother? Not for?

"Good night, Mr. Shen."

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Guo Kailin looked at Shen Qiu deeply, then turned and left.

Guo Kailin was quite confident about her appearance, but this confidence was somewhat ineffective in front of Shen Qiu.

That night Go up, just as Shen Qiu expected, Guo Kailin didn't fall asleep all night.

Early the next morning, Shen Qiu arrived at Wan Chai Pier, preparing to return to Hong Kong Island on the private yacht He Xin prepared for him.

And He Xin, Regardless of past grudges, he came to the dock to see Shen Qiu off in person.

"Mr. Shen, how did you sleep last night?"

He Xin's face was full of gentle smile at this time, as if nothing happened yesterday.

"I slept very comfortably in the room specially arranged by Mr. He. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"That's good, Mr. Shen, I'll take you here, have a nice journey."

He Xin said with a smile.

"Mr. He is too polite. See you later."

After that, Shen Qiu turned around and walked onto the yacht.

Looking at Shen Qiu's leaving figure, the smile on He Xin's face had long since disappeared:"Ah Gao, just watch, it won't take long for this kid to create something. big news"

"Mr. He, what do you mean?"

Kaohsiung looked at He Xin with a puzzled look.

"Guo Kailin's sister has hooked up with Zhang Baishi from the Zhang family. Shen Qiu will cooperate with Guo Kailin and must deal with her sister and Zhang Baishi. There will definitely be something good to watch."

He Xin said lightly.

"Then Mr. He, should we do something?"

Kaohsiung looked at Shen Qiu who had already boarded the yacht to work overtime and asked in a low voice.

"Inform the Guo Group that unless Guo Kailin is in charge of the gambling on Baishi Island, I, He Xin, will definitely try my best to prevent them from going to Baishi Island."

He Xin smiled and waved to Shen Qiu, and said lightly to Kaohsiung 0.


Kaohsiung was a little confused. He never expected that his boss, who was cheated so hard by Shen Qiu this time, would repay kindness with kindness?

"Ah Gao, you must not be blinded by emotions when doing business. I will invest in whoever can win, so that we can be invincible."

He Xin looked at Shen Qiu who was gradually going away, and said slowly word by word.

On the yacht deck, Shen Qiu looked at He Xin who was getting farther and farther away from him on the shore, and smiled and asked Feng Yu Xiudao beside him:"Axiu, what do you think He Xin is talking about now?"


Shen Qiu's answer was wordless silence. For Feng Yuxiu, Shen Qiu's question was indeed out of line.

"Well, pretend I didn't ask. Shen

Qiu smiled and shook his head, then took out his satellite phone and dialed a number.

"Ah Hua, go check out the Guo Group and collect all the information on all the senior executives of the Guo Group. I want to see it."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said lightly.


Zhang Hua's voice came from the receiver.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Qiu thought for a moment and then dialed another number.

"It’s me who builds the army."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said

"Brother Qiu, what are your orders?"

After raiding Li Xiaowen's villa and capturing Li Xiaowen alive, Wang Jianjun took Wang Jianguo and others back to Jinshanjiao. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You contact the Sea Dragon King. During this period, put aside the matters at the Jinshanjiao base and go to sea to rob a few more ships, whether they are cargo ships, cruise ships, or any other ship."

Shen Qiu looked at the progress of the shipyard (3/10) in the exclusive territory interface and said lightly.


A few days later, in Shen Qiu's office at the Kowloon City Police Station.

Ring ring ring~

Shen Qiu’s cell phone on the desk rang.

"Which one?"

After Shen Qiu picked up the phone 2.6, pressed the answer button and asked

"Brother Qiu, it’s me."

Zhang Hua's voice came out from the receiver.

"Ahua, what's the matter?"

Shen Qiu immediately asked

"Brother Qiu, Dong Weiguo had a phone call with me. He told me that the Care Fund was officially named Z Fund and would be listed on Hong Kong Island the day after tomorrow."

Zhang Hua said slowly

"Okay, after waiting for so long, those old bastards finally got the listing done."[]

Having said this, Shen Qiu paused slightly and then continued:"Ask Dong Weiguo to notify the Li family immediately and find a way to get the Li family to take action."


Zhang Hua immediately nodded and responded.

"Well, remember, as soon as Li Jia takes action, he will notify me immediately."

After saying this, Shen Qiu hung up the phone, turned to look in the direction of Taiping Mountain, and whispered to himself:"Landlord Club, I have been waiting for you for a long time, and the Li family has been waiting for you for a long time!"

At this moment, no one in the entire Hong Kong Island knows that what happens next will shake the entire Hong Kong Island.……

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