Mid-level villa, Lijia villa.

After receiving Zhang Hua's order, Dong Weiguo immediately set off for Lijia.

After the Mercedes-Benz car he was riding in drove into the yard of Lijia's villa, Dong Weiguo got out of the car before the car stopped and walked quickly to Lijia's villa.

"Hello Mr. Lee."

After seeing only Li Xiaotian sitting in the living room, Dong Weiguo immediately said hello.

"Lawyer Dong, sit down. Li

Xiaotian, who was reading the newspaper in his hand, said lightly.

"Mr. Li, I just got the news, caring……"

Before Dong Weiguo finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Xiaotian:"Mr. Dong, more than other news, I want to know what you and the people from the landlord association talked about after you met?"

Obviously, Dong Weiguo The small actions with the landlord association were not hidden from Li Xiaotian. However, from the beginning, Shen Qiu's plan did not intend for Dong Weiguo to hide it from Li Xiaotian.

"Mr. Li, the landlord will agree to give me a commission of 1.5 billion US dollars when the matter is completed."

Dong Weiguo answered truthfully

"1.5 billion US dollars, Lawyer Dong, this is enough money for you to spend 10 lifetimes. Why don't you just help the landlord with all your heart and come to my side instead?"

Li Xiaotian looked at the newspaper in his hand and said without raising his head.

"Mr. Li, I study law, and I care most about the spirit of contract01……"

Before Dong Weiguo finished speaking, Li Xiaotian sneered:"Haha, Lawyer Dong, the ghost guy who invented the spirit of contract, don't talk about things in front of me that they don't believe in, and talk about something practical."

"Mr. Li, what is the level of the people in the Landowners Association, and what is the level of the Li family? US$1.5 billion is indeed very fragrant, but only if I have the life to spend it."

Dong Weiguo said slowly, his tone full of sincerity.

After hearing Dong Weiguo's words, Li Xiaotian finally put down the newspaper in his hand, looked at Dong Weiguo, and said lightly:"Lawyer Dong, this is what you said that can be heard. If so, you are right, no matter how good the landlord is, he still dares to disturb our family!"

Li Xiaotian's tone became colder and colder as he spoke. When he said the last few words, Dong Weiguo felt a little chill after hearing this.

"Mr. Li, when I was working for the Landowners Association, I also asked about Mr. Xiaowen, but there were no clues. Those people from the Landowners Association seemed to not know Mr. Xiaowen at all."

Dong Weiguo knew that if he forcibly connected the landlord association with Li Xiaowen, Li Xiaotian would be suspicious. As he is now, it seems that he will clear the landlord's suspicion, but in fact it will make Li Xiaotian more suspicious of them.

"Lawyer Dong, actually I don’t believe it was the landlords who would do it. Those old guys are all smart people. They have been in the stock market for so many years and know who can and cannot be touched. If they have some courage, they don’t dare to touch Xiaowen. of."

When Li Xiaotian said this, his tone suddenly changed:"However, it is no longer important whether they did it or not. They dared to create the idea of ​​a poverty alleviation fund. It was not their doing, but it was also their doing. Xiaowen was kidnapped, and until now Their whereabouts are still unknown. Many people in Hong Kong are waiting to see the Lee family's joke. Our Lee family needs to establish its prestige. The landlords will blame themselves for being too greedy."

"Mr. Lee, is there anything you need me to do?"

Dong Weiguo's eyes moved slightly and he asked

"No need, Lawyer Dong, you continue to be responsible for the listing of Z Fund. This is a project started by Xiaowen. As an elder brother, I have the responsibility to help him complete it. As for other things, our Li family will take care of it."

Li Xiaotian said lightly

"Okay, Mr. Lee, I won't disturb you anymore and take my leave."

Dong Weiguo had already heard Li Xiaotian's intention to chase away the guests, and immediately stood up to leave.

Looking at Dong Weiguo's leaving figure, Li Xiaotian's face became colder and colder. After Dong Weiguo left, Li Xiaotian said lightly:"Xiaowen has raised a white-eyed wolf. After sending away the old guys from the landlord association, I also sent this white-eyed wolf to accompany Xiaowen."

"Yes, Mr. Leigh."

Not far behind Li Xiaotian, a man with a cold face said lightly.

"The eldest brother should have met that ghost guy Thomson."

Li Xiaotian continued to pick up the newspaper on the coffee table and whispered to himself.

On the other side, the office building where the Securities and Futures Commission is located.

In the office of Thomson, Chairman of the Securities and Futures Commission

"Mr. Thomson, this organization known as the Landowners Association has been doing evil in the Hong Kong stock market for many years, plundering huge amounts of wealth, leading to the bankruptcy of many companies, and the death of many Hong Kong citizens."

"I hope that the Securities and Futures Commission can fulfill your responsibility to maintain the safety of the stock market, suspend all stocks controlled by landlords, and impose huge fines on them."

Li Xiaoming, the boss of the Li family, looked at the ghost guy sitting opposite him and said slowly.

Li Xiaoming has a very important title, official member of the Legislative Council. There are only 13 official members and 9 non-official members of the entire Hong Kong Island Legislative Council. Official members, these members can supervise all departments of the British Hong Kong government and make suggestions to them.

And Li Xiaoming is now making suggestions to the Securities and Futures Commission. Of course, his suggestion is not for the benefit of the people of Hong Kong Island. But for the benefit of their family

"Mr. Lee, our Securities and Futures Commission has also investigated this organization, the Landlords Association, and found out that they did go a bit too far in some things, but their operations were legal, and we, the Securities and Futures Commission, have nothing to do with them.."

Every year, the Landowners' Association sends huge red envelopes to the Securities and Futures Commission, especially Chairman Thomson.

Just one word from Li Xiaoming, Thomson is not willing to throw away his money bag

"Mr. Thomson, you are a stock market expert,Please help me read this manuscript. If there are no problems, I will send it to my college classmate in London. My college classmate Mr. Malfoy is now the deputy editor of The Times. He often complains to me about interesting news in the UK. There are fewer and fewer, maybe this manuscript can bring him a little fun."

While speaking, Li Xiaoming handed a piece of paper to Thomson and continued to say calmly:"After all, a first-level civil servant in the Far East can receive a remuneration of 3 million pounds in just five years of tenure. , presumably after hearing the news, the officials of the ancestral family will rush to serve in the Far East. Thomson took the piece of paper handed to him by Li Xiaoming, and after just one glance, his expression suddenly changed. He looked at Li Xiaoming and shouted in a low voice:"Mr. Li, are you threatening me?""

"No, Mr. Thomson, I just want to solve a little problem for my college classmates. After all, Malfoy was my best friend in college."

Li Xiaoming said lightly.

"Mr. Lee, as you wish, you will see what you want in the newspapers of Hong Kong Island tomorrow at the latest."

Thomson said with an unhappy look on his face.

"Thank you, Mr. Thomson. Our Lee family has always been generous to our friends. I know your hometown is in Swansea County, Wales. I have prepared a manor for you there. You can return to your home after your honorable retirement from Hong Kong Island. hometown, spend your old age happily."

Obviously, Li Xiaoming hit Thomson with a stick and fed him a sweet date."

343"Mr. Li, thank you for your generosity. I, Thomson, have always been very generous to my friends.""

Thomson already had a smile on his face. Obviously, he was very fond of this trick. In other words, to deal with the ghost guy, it was like training a dog, hitting him with a stick and giving him a bone.

On the other side, Dong Weiguo was leaving Taiping Behind the mountain, he immediately took out his mobile phone, dialed Zhang Hua's number, and recounted in detail the conversation he had just had with Li Xiaotian at the Li family villa.

"Okay, Dong Weiguo, you are on call now. I will notify you if anything happens."

After saying this, Zhang Hua hung up the phone and then dialed Shen Qiu's mobile phone number.

Kowloon City Police Station, inside Shen Qiu's office

"Ah Hua, since the Li family can take action against the landlord, it means that they are sure of a fatal blow." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You immediately notify Dong Weiguo and ask him to contact Huang Shitong immediately, and talk to Huang Shitong face to face on the grounds that the Li family has to deal with the landlord association. You act according to the plan we prepared before."

After listening to Zhang Hua's narration of Dong Weiguo's words, Shen Qiu immediately gave the order

"Okay, Brother Qiu, I'll arrange it right away!"

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Hua nodded immediately.

After hearing Zhang Hua's reply, Shen Qiu immediately hung up the phone and then dialed Lu Zhilian's number.

"Director Lu, I am Shen Qiu, and now I need your ICAC to take action."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said with a smile. On the other end of the phone, Lu Zhilian was sitting in the somewhat crowded workstation of the investigator. After hearing Shen Qiu's words, his face changed slightly. After thinking for a moment, he nodded and said:" good"

"Director Lu, go ahead and make it as big as possible. Remember, the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish!"

Shen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

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