In Kowloon City, a Mercedes-Benz sedan was parked steadily outside an independent house.

Afterwards, Dong Weiguo stepped out of the car and was taken into an independent house.

"Mr. Zhang, if you need me to do anything, just tell me on the phone."

Looking at Zhang Hua in front of him, Dong Weiguo showed a flattering smile that he had never shown in front of the Li family.

After all, he was making money in the Li family, and he was trying to save his life here.

"You immediately contact Huang Shitong and tell him that the Li family is going to take action against their landlord, and you have to talk to him in person."

Zhang Hua didn't talk nonsense with Dong Weiguo and went straight to the point.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Zhang."

As he spoke, Dong Weiguo immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the mobile phone number of Huang Shitong's confidant A Jin.

After confirming the cooperation, Dong Weiguo skipped Luo Minsheng and contacted Huang Shitong directly.

A few minutes later,

Dong Weiguo hung up the phone and looked at Zhang Hua said:"Huang Shitong asked me to go to Room 1009 of the Victoria Hotel at 11 a.m. There will be someone waiting for me there."

"Um. Zhang

Hua nodded slightly, and then said to Dong Weiguo:"Huang Shitong is very cautious. This time you take the initiative to contact him and want to meet with him. You will definitely be searched before meeting him.""

Having said this, Zhang Hua took out a button-like thing that was twice the size of his thumbnail from his pocket:"This is a locator bought at a high price from Maozi. The accurate positioning distance is 3 kilometers. You now have two options, either eat it or stuff it up your back door."

Looking at the locator in front of him, which was either big or small, Dong Weiguo finally chose to eat it with his lower mouth. He thought clearly that even if it entered the stomach, it would have to be pulled out. The back door If you can't escape this disaster, you might as well save your mouth.

Half an hour later, Room 1009 of the Victoria Hotel

"Mr. Dong, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Ajin looked at Dong Weiguo, who was walking in a strange way, and asked.

"Hemorrhoids are an old problem."

Dong Weiguo felt that he was very bloated and uncomfortable now, but in order to survive, he could only hold it back.

After hearing Dong Weiguo's answer, Ah Jin did not doubt that he was there, searched Dong Weiguo's back, and brought a blindfold to Dong Weiguo's face.

Then, Ah Jin took Dong Weiguo out of the Victoria Hotel and got into a car. After driving for 20 minutes, they arrived at the courtyard of a villa in Sham Shui Wa. After the blindfold was taken off Dong Weiguo's face, Huang Shitong immediately Came into Dong Weiguo's sight

"Mr. Dong, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Huang Shitong smiled and apologized to Dong Weiguo

"Mr. Huang, I understand that you have a special status and need to keep it confidential."

Dong Weiguo is also very considerate.

"Come on, come into the house and say."

After Huang Shitong welcomed Dong Weiguo into the villa, before Dong Weiguo could sit down, he continued to say:"Mr. Dong, to be honest, shortly after receiving your call, I received a call from one of my colleagues in securities and futures affairs. I got a call from a friend who serves on the Supervisory Committee. He told me that Thomson, the chairman of the Securities Regulatory Commission, was ready to take action against our landlord association. I think this should be the work of the Lee family."

After hearing Huang Shitong's words, Dong Weiguo's eyes moved slightly. Only then did he realize that the Li family used the Securities Regulatory Commission to deal with the landlord association. This was indeed a snake-killing attack. No wonder Li Xiaotian was so confident.

"Mr. Dong, I chose to cooperate with you because I believed in you. Now that Li Jia is taking action against me, you can't just sit back and watch."

Before Dong Weiguo could speak, Huang Shitong continued to speak.

"Mr. Huang, how do you want me to help you?"

For Dong Weiguo, the most important thing now is to wait for Zhang Hua and his people to arrive, so he dares to promise anything now, and he doesn't want to fulfill it anyway.

"Mr. Dong, I won't make it difficult for you. You can help me build a bridge and let me meet the two Mr. Li and explain the matter clearly in person. Huang

Shitong said with a smile.

"No problem, Mr. Huang, I will definitely help you."

Although Dong Weiguo said this, he despised Huang Shitong to the extreme in his heart. No wonder these guys from the Landowners Association have been making trouble in the stock market for so many years and accumulated huge wealth. They are still like rats in the sewer, hiding their heads and tail and not being able to get on the stage.

This kind of thing It's time, people are going to kill people and eat meat. They actually want to negotiate peace with the Li family. It's ridiculous!

At the same time, several cars parked not far from Huang Shitong's villa.

In order to hide it, Huang Shitong's villa has a large yard. , and the location is relatively remote. There is no second home within nearly a kilometer.

"Brother Qiu, Dong Weiguo is in the villa in front."

This time, Shen Qiu personally took action. After all, it is the landlord association that has been entrenched in Hong Kong Island for many years. Give them some respect. Of course, the most important thing is that Shen Qiu himself must be present for some of the things to be done next.

"`.Kill everyone in the villa except Huang Shitong and Dong Weiguo."

Shen Qiu said lightly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


As Shen Qiu's words fell, Tian Yangsheng, Tian Yangyi, Fu Guang, Cao Nan and others got out of the car and ran quickly towards the villa in front.

Da da da da da~ bang bang bang bang~

Soon, a burst of gunfire reached Shen Qiu's ears, but after just a few minutes, the gunfire subsided.

Then, Tian Yangsheng's voice came from Shen Qiu's walkie-talkie:"Brother Qiu, it's all done."

It was only then that Shen Qiu put on the mask of the Monkey King and walked slowly towards the villa not far away.

At this moment, in the villa,

Huang Shiyi looked at Dong Weiguo angrily, his eyes full of resentment. If he hadn't been pointed at by several guns, he would have wanted to eat Dong Weiguo alive.

Just when the villa was attacked by Tian Yangsheng and others (amazing), Huang Shitong immediately chose to run away, and he was kind enough to take Dong Weiguo with him, but in the end At that moment, Dong Weiguo actually dragged him forcibly, which led to his capture.

Now Huang Shitong knew even without thinking about it that from the beginning when Dong Weiguo found him, it was a trap, a trap that would make him irreversible.

Tata Ta Ta Ta At this moment, the sound of footsteps came to his ears, and then Huang Shitong saw that a man wearing the mask of the Monkey King walked into his villa, and in the villa, all the gangsters were Looking at him respectfully, like the most devout believer seeing the god he worshiped.

Then, Huang Shitong looked at this man, walked to him step by step, smiled and said to him:"Mr. Huang, answer Me, do you want to die? Still want to live?"

Huang Shitong only saw amusement in the eyes of this man behind the mask.……[]

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