10 o'clock in the evening, Taiping Mountain.

Cao Nan divided more than thirty gangsters into two teams. Twenty people including Fu Guang and Tian Yangsheng were the commando team, while he took Thor and more than ten people as the fire cover team.

This time, in order to deal with the Li family, Shen Qiu specially prepared 20 RPG-7B rocket launchers. Each rocket launcher was equipped with 5 rockets. If 100 RPG rounds were fired, not to mention the Li family, the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion would not be able to withstand it.

Under the cover of black camouflage uniforms, Cao Nan, Thor and others, each carrying two RPG-7B rocket launchers, arrived less than 50 meters away from the Li family villa.

Looking at the brightly lit Lijia Villa ahead, Cao Nan, Thor and others put the rocket launchers on their shoulders. At any time, Cao Nan raised his arm, looked at the time on his watch, and then:


Kou Bang~Kou Bang~Kou Bang~……

As Cao Nan's voice fell, more than a dozen RPG rounds were fired into the Li family villa almost simultaneously, with explosions like fireworks set off during the New Year.

Then: mouth blast~ mouth blast~ mouth blast~……

In just half a minute, Cao Nan and others completed 4 volleys and 40 RPG rounds, blowing up the originally European-style and magnificent Lijia Villa into a Syrian-style one.

Da da da da da da…

Just after the explosion, 20 people including Tian Yangsheng and Fu Guang, armed with MP5 submachine guns, rushed into the Li family villa and killed those who were not dead but who were stunned by the explosion. The bodyguards and servants of the Li family were all shot to death.

At this moment, in the Li family villa, Li Xiaotian and Li Xiaoming were no longer as calm as usual. As soon as the explosion occurred, they immediately hid in the safe house buried underground in their villa.

As the home of the Lee family, the Lee family has renovated their villa in Taipingshan many times. It is like a safe house buried underground, which is 20 square meters in size and is surrounded by 2-meter-thick steel bars cast in one piece on all sides. The concrete walls and doors are also imported from Switzerland, and are pure steel armored doors with a thickness of 70 cm.

Not to mention guns, even if you use a 155mm howitzer or dozens of cannons, you can't even think of blowing up this safe house.

Coupled with the water and food stored in the safe house, it is enough for the Li family to hide there for a week.

Although the Lee family put so much effort into the safe house and did it to the extreme, their enemies cheated.

Tian Yangsheng, Fuguang and others brought a full 300 kilograms of liquid bombs this time. Not to mention the 70 cm thick armored door, even the 170 cm thick armored door would be blown open.

The most critical thing is that the violent shock caused by the explosion of a 300 kilogram liquid bomb will be fatal.

After taking down all the bodyguards and servants of the Li family in one minute, Tian Yangsheng, Fu Guang and others immediately placed liquid bombs at the door of the safe house. Then it took them half a minute to run to a place 200 meters away from the Li family. This 300 kilogram liquid bomb was detonated.

Then: mouth blast... an explosion resounded across both sides of the Victoria Strait, and the entire Li family villa was directly dismembered by the huge power of the explosion.

The explosion was so powerful that the entire Taiping Mountain shook for several seconds.

When Tian Yangsheng and others returned to the explosion site, they only saw a large crater with a diameter of about 20 meters. The entire Lijia Villa had long since disappeared without a trace, and the safe house hidden underground was reduced to rubble. , the two brothers of the Li family who were hiding inside were shocked to death in the safe house.

On the other side, there is a police station closest to Victoria Peak.

Because Li Xiaowen was kidnapped in the Repulse Bay villa area, the noise was too low. At the request of the wealthy people on Hong Kong Island, the police established a police station next to the wealthy villa areas such as Victoria Peak, Kadoorie Hill, and Repulse Bay. point.

A special force is stationed at these police stations.

In villa areas not far from Wong Chuk Hang, such as Taipingshan Villa Area and Repulse Bay Villa Area, the special forces stationed in the police stations near them are all special operations teams.

Today, the commander in charge of the Taipingshan Police Station is none other than Qiu Gangao.

After hearing the explosion on Mount Taiping and receiving the alarm, Qiu Gangao immediately took the car and drove quickly towards Mount Taiping.

However, when they were less than 1 kilometer away from Lijia Villa, the explosion occurred.

The huge shock wave generated by the explosion even caused the troop carrier Qiu Gangao was riding to shake slightly.

Seeing this situation, Qiu Gangao immediately made arrangements. He ordered everyone to get out of the car and walk to the place where the explosion occurred.

A few minutes later.

Qiu Gangao and others met another special operations team. The leader was Zhu Xuming, who had already been waiting for orders at Taiping Mountain. Following Zhu Xuming was a man wearing black camouflage uniforms and masks, regardless of uniform. The weapons are no different from those of the special operations team, Tian Yangsheng and others

"Sir Qiu!"

After Zhu Xuming saw Qiu Gangao, he immediately took off his mask and said hello to Qiu Gangao

"Exploding beads, why are you here?"

Qiu Gangao asked knowingly.

"Tonight, we were performing at night near Victoria Peak. We heard the explosion and rushed over."

Zhu Xuming replied

"No matter you are here, quickly seal off the scene, look for clues, and be sure to find those gangsters!"

Qiu Gangao said loudly

"yes, sir!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhu Xuming said immediately.

Next, Tian Yangsheng and others, together with the members of the real special operations team, sealed off the scene until the police from the Hong Kong Island Region came to take over and then left the scene.

"Sir Qiu, have your special operations team discovered anything?"

The person who asked the question was none other than Huang Bingyao, who had been promoted to the commander of the Hong Kong Island Region.

"Sir Huang, these gangsters acted very quickly. I predict that it only took them 2 minutes to kill everyone in the Li family. Then they used bombs to kill the two brothers Li Xiaowen and Li Xiaoming. They waited for our special operations team to arrive. By the time they arrived, they had already fled the scene."

"Based on this, I can conclude that the purpose of this group of people attacking the Li family villa was to seek revenge and kill everyone in the Li family."

Qiu Gangao slowly expressed his judgment.

"Sir Qiu, you are right. I have ordered all the Flying Tigers in the entire Hong Kong Island Region to、PTU、When the EU takes action, we must catch these gangsters, otherwise we will not be able to account to so many wealthy people on Taiping Mountain, so many citizens on Hong Kong Island, and our superiors."

Huang Bingyao looked a little worried.

Ring, ring, ring~

Just at this moment, the mobile phone in Qiu Gangao's pocket rang.

"Hello, who is this? Qiu

Gangao took out his mobile phone and asked.

Then, his expression suddenly changed:"Okay, you guys keep an eye on them, I'll take them there right away.""

After that, Qiu Gangao turned around and left.[]

"Sir Qiu, what happened? Huang

Bingyao immediately asked

"Sir Huang, I just asked several teams to follow the traces to investigate the escape route of these gangsters. I just received a call from the person in charge of one of the teams, and they found these gangsters."

Qiu Gangao said hurriedly

"and you……"

"Sir Huang, there is no time, our special operations team must take action immediately!"

Qiu Gangao didn't give Huang Bingyao another chance to speak, and left quickly with dozens of special operations team members.

"Notify the Flying Tigers immediately and cooperate with Inspector Qiu Gangao of the Special Operations Team!"

Looking at the backs of Qiu Gangao and others leaving quickly, Huang Bingyao immediately said loudly to the uniformed policeman beside him.

"yes, sir!"

After saying this, Huang Bingyao walked to the explosion site. Then, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. A huge crater with a diameter of 20 meters. How many bombs would it take to blow up this effect?

"A wealthy family cannot stop bullets, cannonballs, or bombs."

Looking at the safe house that had been turned into ruins, Huang Bingyao said slowly with a sigh on his face.

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