Mouth blast~

The power of the 300 kilogram liquid bomb was so powerful that even Shen Qiu, who was on the other side of the Victoria Strait in Kowloon City, heard the explosion.

"Ayan, actually I want to thank the people from the Landowners Association. They not only allowed me to make money, but also gave me a perfect opportunity to take action against the Li family."

"The Li family took action, and the landowners who had been run by Huang Shitong for more than ten years fell apart in an instant. Even Huang Shitong himself was arrested by ICAC. The landlords and other people held a grudge, hired gangsters, and wiped out the Li family. This plot should be very reasonable, right?"

Shen Qiu seemed to be talking to Cheng Yiyan beside him, and seemed to be talking to himself. But one thing is certain, this night, the Landlord Club is finished, and so is the Li family.

Although there are still a few people in the third generation of the Li family They studied abroad in the UK and Amelika, but when they return to Hong Kong Island and successfully take over the Li family, it will take at least a few months, or even a few years.

This period of time is enough for Shen Qiu to eat up the Li family in one bite.

In today's changing situation This is the case in our era, even if we are one step behind, we will still be able toFalling behind, eventually becoming the weak and being eaten by the strong

"Killing the gangster who blew up the Li family's villa, and killing the mastermind behind the bombing of the Li family's villa. Such a great achievement was enough for Ao to be promoted to chief inspector and become the commander-in-chief of the special operations team. Shen

Qiu looked towards the direction of Taiping Mountain where the explosion came from, and said quietly.

At this moment, next to Mosing Ridge and near Da'ao Pier, a group of big boys were hiding in the grass, chatting in low voices.

"Brother Jun, who does the boss want us to escort this time? How much is HK$5 million at a time?"

A big boy asked the man lying next to him in a low voice.

"You don't care what you do with so much, just take it if you have the money. There are 12 of us, each of us will share 400,000, which will be enough for you to live happily for half your life when you return to the mainland."

Brother Jun said coldly.

Of course he will not tell these big gangsters that he is Zhang Shihao's man. He hangs these big gangsters here just to let them die.

"Hehe, aren't I curious? It would be great if I could meet such a generous boss a few more times. When I return to the mainland, I will marry several wives and do the same thing every day."

This big guy's face showed a smile that all men understand.

"Your mother, every day is different, can you bear it?"

Brother Jun laughed and cursed. Then he glanced at the time on the watch on his wrist and continued:"I'm going to put some water on it. You guys are watching here. Remember, it's a black Mercedes-Benz, license plate number 1811."

After that, Brother Jun quickly stood up and disappeared into the night.

"Damn, this piece of trash actually makes 200,000 more than us."

After Brother Jun left, Daquanzi, who had been respectful to Brother Jun just now, immediately changed his appearance and said with a look of disdain.

"Sweet Potato, stop talking nonsense and keep your eyes on the road."

The big guys on the side said angrily.

At this moment, a Mercedes-Benz car slowly drove into the sight of these big guys.

"License plate 1811, people are coming."

After Fanshu said this, he immediately took out a whistle from his pocket, blew it five times, three long and two short.

Beep beep beep beep!

After the whistle fell, the Mercedes-Benz stopped on the side of the road, and then a man got out of the driver's seat. Che seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be telling these gangsters:"Take people to Da'ao Pier, there is a boat waiting for you there."

After that, the man got directly into the Mount Davis Mountains not far away and disappeared.

"Let's go and see what's going on."

After saying this, Sweet Potato was about to get up.

"Sweet Potato, aren’t you waiting for Brother Jun?"

A big guy said quickly

"Wait a minute, he's gone and will be back soon. Let's get the people on the boat quickly, get to the mainland as soon as possible, and get the balance as soon as possible. That's the right way."

After that, Fanshu walked straight towards the Mercedes-Benz.

Seeing this, the other 10 big friends also stood up and followed Fanshu towards the Mercedes-Benz.

"Damn it, why are you escorting several unconscious guys?"

When Fanshu approached, they discovered that the four unconscious men sitting in the Mercedes-Benz were the other four members of the Landlords Association, Ma Zhuoqun, Lin Rundong, Mai Shengyun, and Chen Zhan

"Regardless of whether he is unconscious or awake, now they are worth 5 million, who can drive? No one would, so they were carried to Da'ao Pier."

Another big guy said with a smile.

"Damn it, I can drive. As for coming to Hong Kong Island to work for my life?"

Tomato cursed

"Then take these people to the dock!"

Soon, these 11 big circle guys were carrying Ma Zhuoqun, Lin Rundong, Mai Shengyun, and Chen Zhan towards Da'ao Pier. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A few minutes later

"Didn’t he say there was a boat waiting? Where's the boat?"

Fanshu looked at the dark sea with a blank look on his face.

"Wait for Brother Jun to come back."

Another big circle boy said.

At this moment, the roar of the car engine came to the ears of these big circle boys from far and near. Fanshu turned his head and looked, and saw two troop carriers speeding towards them. Come

"Damn it, it’s a police officer from the Hong Kong Island Police Force, run!"

Fanshu shouted loudly, and at the same time pulled out the black star from his waist.

At this moment.

Da da da da da da...

Qiu Gangao in the personnel carrier did not hesitate for a moment, stretched out the MP5 from the window, and faced Fanshu When others opened fire, the other members of the special operations team immediately followed Qiu Gangao.

Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click , click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click , click, click, click. In the face of suppressed fire, Fanshu and other 11 big circle boys were all killed in just a few minutes. Also killed with them were Ma Qun, Mai Shengyun, Run, and Zhan Ren.


"`.I am Qiu Gangao, calling for support, calling for support!"

After giving everyone a shot to make sure they couldn't fake the corpse, Qiu Gangao took out the walkie-talkie and said loudly.

That night, the news that the Li family villa on the top of the Peak was bombed came like lightning. The news spread throughout Hong Kong Island.

This time, the police responded very quickly. It only took one hour to find the 11 murderers of the Taipingshan bombing and the mastermind behind the Taipingshan bombing.

Chapter In the next two days, all major newspapers and magazines in Hong Kong reported this news on their front pages. The headlines were basically the revenge of the mysterious organization Landlords Association, the fall of Hong Kong's wealthy families, etc. At the

Kowloon City Police Station, Shen Qiu looked at his hands. The corner of his mouth was slightly raised as he read the newspaper.

Dong Dong Dong~

Just at this moment, there was a knock on the door (for money).

"Come in. Shen

Qiu said without raising his head.

"Sir Shen, today is the day when a new alarm is issued. Do we at the police station want to hold a welcome ceremony?"

Kowloon City Police Station Management Section Chief Shang Yunzhi looked at Shen Qiu and asked with a smile.

Shang Yunzhi belongs to the first generation of highly educated female police officers recruited by the Hong Kong Island Police Force. She is 50 years old this year and is waiting to retire. He is a high-quality talent with strong abilities and no faction. Unfortunately, he is too old.

"Chief Shang, I would have forgotten if you didn’t tell me. There must be a ceremony. You teach them a lesson first, and then I will give a speech to them. At noon, the entire police station will gather together to have a meal."

Shen Qiu looked up at Shang Yunzhi and said with a smile.

Under Shen Qiu's rectification, the Kowloon City Police Department has basically become the shape of Shen Qiu. Shen Qiu's purpose is also very simple, which is to build the Kowloon City Police Department into His second base is the same as Li Wenbin’s O.

At the same time, in a building in Tsim Sha Tsui, a meeting deeply affected by Shen Qiu is about to be held.……

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