Kowloon City Police Station, Canteen

"Ating, I didn’t expect you to actually apply for the police academy. You are a student of the Liberal Arts College. With your grades, you should be able to go to the University of Hong Kong, right? Shen

Qiu looked at Fang Ting sitting in front of him and asked with a smile.

"Brother Qiu, you told me that people should do what they like. I like being a police officer, so I took the exam to the police academy."

Because she graduated from a civilian college with good grades, Fang Ting met Inspector Xi as soon as she joined the police force.

"That's right. People do have to do something they like. We are old acquaintances. I will give you a privilege. Which department of the police station do you want to go to? - I will help you arrange it."

Shen Qiu nodded slightly, then asked with a smile. When

Fang Ting heard Shen Qiu's words, a joy flashed in her eyes. Of course she would not tell Shen Qiu that she was in the Kowloon City Police Department because of Shen Qiu. Department, I specially applied to come to the Kowloon City Police Department.

After pretending to think for a moment, Fang Ting looked at Shen Qiu and said with some embarrassment:"Brother Qiu, can I be your secretary? You are the director of the police department. Everything is under your control. If I follow you, I will make rapid progress."

The girl's mind is simple and she thinks her reasons are very good, but she doesn't know that in the eyes of a veteran like Shen Qiu, it's just trying to cover up.

However, Shen Qiu has no intention of refusing. After all, there is a cute little beauty by his side every day. Answering the phone, pouring tea, picking up newspapers, even if you just read them, it’s very pleasing to the eyes.

"Being my secretary is tiring, so be mentally prepared. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Brother Qiu, did you agree?"

Fang Ting had a hint of surprise on her face.

"Well, you are my friend, so of course I have to take care of you."

Shen Qiu nodded and replied with a smile.

That afternoon, Fang Ting went to work directly and integrated into her position perfectly. She cleaned Shen Qiu's office without a trace of dust. Don't say it, look. With a little beauty busy in front of him, Shen Qiu felt that time passed a little faster...

Soon, the time came to the evening.

Shen Qiu appeared at the Peninsula Hotel French Restaurant on time

"Mr. Shen, here."

In the restaurant, Guo Kailin, who had been staring at the door of the restaurant, saw Shen Qiu walking in. She immediately stood up and waved to him and shouted.

Guo Kailin today is obviously dressed carefully, whether it is the slightly raised eyeliner or the rosy red hair. Her lips made her flower of wealth in the world even more bright and attractive.

As Guo Kailin stood up, the whole restaurant seemed to be a little brighter, and some male guests were even a little stunned.

However, when they saw Shen Qiu After that, he immediately retracted his eyes. Although Shen Qiu was smiling, the aura faintly exuding from his body made people know that this man must be a big shot at the first sight of him.

"Miss Guo, I’ve kept you waiting for a long time."

Shen Qiu sat opposite Guo Kailin and said to Shen Qiu with a smile.

"I just arrived too."

Guo Kailin said politely, and soon, the two of them finished ordering their meals and got down to business.

"Miss Guo, I will hand over the development of Baishi Island to Shimao Real Estate. You, Guo, only need to put up your name. In addition, you will be responsible for the construction costs of the casino, and I will be responsible for the costs of other facilities."

Shen Qiu's tone didn't sound like a discussion, but more like a notice.

"No problem, everything will be done according to Mr. Shen’s wishes."

After seeing Shen Qiu's abilities, Guo Kailin understood that she no longer had any leverage in front of Shen Qiu and could only get what she asked for. At this point, Guo Kailin paused slightly, and then asked curiously:"Mr. Shen, I want to know. , what other facilities are you planning to build on White Rock Island?"

"military base."

Shen Qiu answered truthfully. Unfortunately, looking at Guo Kailin's expression, it was clear that this woman did not believe Shen Qiu's lies.

"Mr. Shen, in fact, with your ability, being a police officer is really an underachievement."

After hearing Shen Qiu's nonsense, Guo Kailin mistakenly thought that Shen Qiu didn't want to talk to her about this topic, so she changed the topic

"Miss Guo, you have misunderstandings about the police force and you also have misunderstandings about me. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

Those who control the police force can control half of Hong Kong Island, and if they go further, they can even change the entire Hong Kong Island.

Before MacLehose established ICAC, he had already made plans to reconcile with the police force. , it’s just that the four detectives ran too fast, and even Mai Lihao didn’t react. They thought they were powerful enemies, but turned out to be cowards.

At the beginning, if Lei Luo, Lan Gang, Yan Tong, and Lin Sen really dared With the police force and the ghost guys fighting hard, the current Hong Kong Island Police Force is definitely not what it is now.

What Shen Qiu has to do is to take the step that the four major detectives did not take back then, and evade the Hong Kong Governor and the Hong Kong British. Government, he wants to stand in front of the geek, the Governor of Hong Kong, and tell him loudly that Hong Kong Island belongs to the Chinese, not the geeks!

Of course, there is no need to elaborate these words with Guo Kailin.

"Maybe, Mr. Shen, we should really understand each other better."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Guo Kailin looked at Shen Qiu, her face turned red, and she said slowly

"Miss Guo, I'm really curious, why are you willing to pay so much for the Guo Group?"

Shen Qiu obviously heard Guo Kailin's deep meaning and asked with a smile.

"Mr. Shen, although the Guo Group was founded by Ma Wenfeng's father, it was my father who really developed the company. But the Ma family didn't think so. In their eyes, my father was just a softie. Man, a bargain hunter. All his achievements were left behind by Ma Wenfeng’s father."

"If Ma Wenfeng is allowed to get the Guo Group, both me and my father will end badly. Mr. Shen, I am not willing to pay so much for the Guo Group, and I only have this choice, either to win the Guo Group Group, or die."

While speaking, Guo Kailin's eyes flashed with determination. Obviously, this woman is not as gentle as her appearance, but is full of resilience.

"Kailin, please call me Aqiu from now on."

0 Please give me flowers.

Shen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.


Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Guo Kailin was slightly startled, and then a smile bloomed on her graceful and beautiful face:"Okay, Aqiu."

Guo Kailin understood that from this moment on, she and Shen Qiu officially became partners..

An hour later, Shen Qiu and Guo Kailin left the Peninsula Hotel after finishing their meal. On Salisbury Road in front of the Peninsula Hotel, Shen Qiu held Guo Kailin's hand and walked on the beach.

The moment her hand was grabbed by Shen Qiu, Guo Kailin trembled slightly and subconsciously wanted to break free, but after a moment, she controlled herself. Even after getting used to it, she felt that Shen Qiu's palm was very gentle, giving her A very solid feeling.

At this moment, a car suddenly stopped beside Shen Qiu and Guo Kailin. The moment the car stopped, a black star stretched out the window and pointed at Guo Kailin.

It was at this moment that Shen Qiu held Guo Kailin in his arms, and when the gunman was about to pull the trigger, he crushed the tibia of his forearm.


A howl of pain came out of the gunman's mouth instantly, but in just a blink of an eye, the gunman was knocked unconscious. Shen Qiu, as if he had the ability to shrink his bones, got into the car through the window.

All this happened It was so fast that the driver sitting in the main driving seat was knocked unconscious by Shen Qiu before he could even react. It took more than ten seconds.

"Aqiu, are you okay?"

Looking at Shen Qiu walking out of the car, Guo Kailin looked worried. The moment Shen Qiu hugged her and turned around, Guo Kailin could see clearly that the black star was pointing at her. This gunman, he was here. The one who killed him was Shen Qiu who saved him

"Kailin, go get a room at the Peninsula Hotel and I'll let you know when I get everything sorted. Shen

Qiu looked at Guo Kailin and said with a smile.


Before Guo Kailin finished speaking, Shen Qiu put a finger on her lips.


Chen Qiu looked down at Guo Kailin and said softly.

At this moment, Guo Kailin only felt that she was wrapped in a huge sense of security and nodded subconsciously.[]

A few minutes later, after seeing a black car parked not far away, Shen Qiu took Guo Kailin to the Peninsula Hotel. Shen Qiu stayed in the car for more than 20 seconds before calling Ah Hua and asking him to Send someone over immediately.

Fuguang got out of the black car and quickly got into the car driven by the two gunmen. Then he quickly started and drove towards Kowloon City.

Standing at the door of the Peninsula Hotel, Shen Qiu glanced at the back of the car as it drove away, then walked into the Peninsula Hotel with Guo Kailin in his arms.

Ten minutes later, Shen Qiu slowly walked out of the Peninsula Hotel after Guo Kailin had been settled. Then, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the next number.

"Ah Hua, no matter what method you use, within half an hour, I want to know who is the mastermind behind this."

Dare to touch the woman he just caught in front of Shen Qiu. Shen Qiu wants to let the mastermind behind the scenes know that he would rather offend the king of hell than Shen Qiu!"

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