When Shen Qiu returned to Kowloon City Police Station, he received a call from Zhang Hua

"Brother Qiu, I found it. He is the gunman hired by Master Tan for the White Paper Fan."

"okay, I get it."

After hearing Zhang Hua's words, Shen Qiu said lightly

"Brother Qiu, do you want me to send someone?……"

In the hearts of people like Zhang Hua who were summoned, Shen Qiu was their god. Even Zhang Hua, who was always calm, couldn't help his emotions and wanted to take action.

"No, just send someone to send those two gunmen to the Kowloon City Police Station."

"Guo Kailin has nothing to do with the Number Gang. Even if Master Tan is crazy, Guo Kailin cannot be blamed. There must be someone behind him"

"Tonight, I want to let these societies in Hong Kong know that they must obediently send me the people I, Shen Qiu, want, and they must obediently bring them to"One-One-Zero" for the things I, Shen Qiu, want!"

Shen Qiu said slowly, word for word.

"Okay, Brother Qiu, we are on standby. If you have any orders, give them to us immediately."

After Zhang Hua heard Shen Qiu's words, he said


After Shen Qiu hummed, he hung up the phone directly, and then dialed Qiu Gang'ao's number:"Ao, ask all the members of the special operations team to gather immediately, set off immediately, and start the number gang from the leader to the end. All the persons in charge of each police station should be brought to the Kowloon City Police Station. Someone will inform you of the information later."

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

Qiu Gang'ao responded immediately.

Then, Shen Qiu dialed the numbers of Liu Jianming, He Wenzhan and others one after another to arrange everything. With Shen Qiu's order, the special operations team had expanded to 500 people. Divided into 10 teams, after receiving the information provided by Liu Jianming, it only took two hours to arrest the leader of the number gang, Hu Yong, and the double-flower red stick Yu Weidong, as well as the people in charge of Wan Chai, Central, Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok and other areas. Arriving at the Kowloon City Police Station.

Persons in charge of distant places such as Yuen Long, Tuen Mun, Sai Kung, and Southern District were also arrested and brought to justice by the special operations team.

Such a large-scale operation by the police force immediately aroused the attention of the entire underworld. attracted so much attention that even Li Wenbin called to ask what was going on with Shen Qiu.

"Sir Li, 3 hours ago, I was at the Peninsula Hotel……"

Shen Qiu did not say that the gunman went to kill Guo Kailin, but that the gun was aimed at himself and Guo Kailin.

"Is that guy Huzi Yong crazy for holding his mother in his mouth? I feel that the Number Gang is now the number one society in Hong Kong. It’s amazing that they dare to provoke the police!"

After listening to Shen Qiu's words, Li Wenbin, who had always been calm, rarely uttered a curse word, and then said coldly:"Ah Qiu, you did the right thing. This kind of provocation to the police force should be dealt with with the most severe means!"

Then, without waiting for Shen Qiu to speak, Li Wenbin continued:"It's just arresting people. It's too cheap for these short mules. I will instruct Kuang Zhili to ask all the O secretaries in Hong Kong Island to cooperate with your actions. Tonight, we are going to The number beating hurts, so that they will always remember that there are some things that they cannot even think about!"

"Thank you Sir Li for your love and care."

After hearing what Li Wenbin said, Shen Qiu said with a smile.

Originally, Shen Qiu did not intend to make the matter so big. His goal was very simple, that is, to force the number to help the group take the initiative to hand over people, but now Since Li Wenbin wanted to stand up for him, Shen Qiu would certainly not refuse.

Dong Dong Dong~

After Shen Qiu hung up the phone on Li Wenbin, a knock on the door came to Shen Qiu's ears

"Come in. Shen

Qiu said lightly.

"Brother Qiu, the leader of the number gang, Hu Yong, has been brought here and is now being held in the interrogation room."

Qiu Gangao walked into Shen Qiu's office and said

"Okay, let's go meet the number one gangster in Hong Kong and ask him if he dares to attack me because of his courage."

The murderous look in Shen Qiu's eyes was clear.

A few minutes later, in the interrogation room of the Kowloon City Police Station,

"Beard Yong, please introduce yourself, Shen Qiu. Shen

Qiu looked at Husband Yong, who was sitting on the iron chair with an angry look on his face, and said lightly. Just by looking at the pajamas he was wearing, Shen Qiu could guess that Husband Yong was brought to the Kowloon City Police Station by Qiu Gangao. It must have been very unpleasant at that time, so Huo Yong’s face is so ugly now.

But, so what?

Huo Yong was angry, and he, Shen Qiu, was still angry! Originally, it was him, Shen Qiu, who should have fired the gun and shot Guo Kailin at night, but suddenly A gunman appeared and ruined Shen Qiu's good deeds. If Shen Qiu didn't have the talent of spider sense, Guo Kailin was almost shot by the gunman.

"Sir Shen, I have heard of your name a long time ago. There is no need to introduce it to me."

Hu Xiuyong stared at Shen Qiu in front of him and said with an unhappy expression.

He was preparing to have an in-depth communication with his new girlfriend tonight. Before the results started, a group of police officers with live ammunition rushed into the room and forcibly escorted him here. This made Hu Yong very unhappy. After all, he is also the leader of the number gang. If the police want to find him, you can call him. , you can notify him in advance, and taking action so directly is obviously looking down on him!

Hu Yong has made up his mind to let Shen Qiu in front of him know that the number of the number one in Hong Kong Island is not his own.

"Haha, Beard Yong, I gave you a little sunshine, and you gave me some sunshine. Are you feeling unhappy now?"

While talking, Shen Qiu walked up to Hu Yong. Then, with his hands on the iron chair, he looked at Hu Yong and shouted sternly:"Hu Yong, let me tell you, you are unhappy, and I am even more unhappy. Hired gunmen, He intended to shoot a senior police superintendent in the street. Husband Yong, you are so brave!"

Hearing Shen Qiu's words and seeing the angry look on Shen Qiu's face, Bearded Yongren was stunned. His momentum was completely suppressed by Shen Qiu in an instant, and he subconsciously said:"Sir Shen, is there any misunderstanding?"

Shen Qiu shook his head and sneered:"The gunmen are pointing at me with black stars. How dare you ask me if this is a misunderstanding? Now I am using point 38 to kill you, the leader of the number gang. Is it a misunderstanding? ?"

"Tonight, all the heads of all the halls of your number gang will be invited to my place for tea on April 8th. Is this a misunderstanding?"

"Tonight, the O reporters and anti-gangster groups of all police districts in the Hong Kong Island Police Force will take full action to scan your number in all places on Hong Kong Island. Is this a misunderstanding?"

The tone of Shen Qiu's words became higher and stronger, and his momentum became stronger and stronger. In the end, the originally furious Huzi Yong's anger was completely suppressed and extinguished, leaving only a deep fear of Shen Qiu.

"Sir Shen, don't be angry. I, Hu Xiuyong, will definitely give you an explanation for this matter."

At this moment, Hu Hu Yong, the number one gangster in Hong Kong Island, was already intimidated in front of Shen Qiu.

"Explain? Husband Yong, we have so many brothers in the police force, do I still need you to give me an explanation?"

Shen Qiu held up the iron chair and looked at Hu Yong, with a joking smile on his face.

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