Kowloon City Police Station, interrogation room.

Hearing Shen Qiu's tough words, Hu Xiuyong was really confused. He really didn't know anything.

If Zhang Baishi wanted to find a gunman, he would certainly not go directly to the leader, Husband Yong, and Master Tan would definitely not report such a matter to Husband Yong.

In a sense, Hu Yong is indeed innocent, but so what?

Shen Qiu is not a judge. He doesn't care whether Hu Yong is unjust or not. He, as the leader, has to shoulder the responsibility for what the number gang does.

"Sir Shen, give me some time, and I will find out who is behind the scenes, and I will definitely satisfy you."

Hu Hu Yong also figured this out. Shen Qiu directly helped with their number, indicating that he already knew who did it, and he did not directly go to trouble that person, but went to such a big fight. The purpose was very simple. , he wants to force him, the leader of the number gang, to take action and kill his brothers in the club.

"Husband Yong, we are the police, we are concerned with the law and evidence, and we must investigate everyone involved in this matter."

Chen Qiu stared at Hu Hu Yong and said quietly.

Hu Hu Yong instantly understood what Shen Qiu meant. He was slightly shocked and thought to himself, this guy is so cruel. Not only does he want the people from the Number Gang to die, but also the financial backers behind him. He also wanted their number to help him get rid of him.

However, he also understood that he had no choice at this time, either to fight with Shen Qiu to the end, or to do things according to Shen Qiu's instructions.

For someone, let the entire club fight with Shen Qiu. The police force is as hard as steel. Hu Xiuyong understood that even he himself did not have this charm, so he made an easy decision:"Sir Shen, I know that you police officers are different from us dwarf mules. We only know how to do it." Chopping, slashing, killing, knowing nothing else."

Hearing what Xu Yong said, a smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face. He put the phone in front of Xu Yong and said lightly:"Hu Xi Yong, before twelve o'clock tonight, I want a result."

After that, Shen Qiu took Qiu Gangao and turned around and left the interrogation room.

Looking at Shen Qiu's leaving figure, he looked at his phone again. At 22:12, Hu Yong immediately dialed a number:"Akun, listen, I don't care what method you use, immediately find the man in the club who rushed to the street and hired a gunman today. Once you find him, immediately control him and then call me!"

Half an hour later, in a mahjong parlor on Tai Wo Street in Mong Kok

"Confused! Pay, pay quickly."

Master Tan pushed the mahjong in front of him and laughed.

Tonight, he was very lucky. He played 20 games in a row and directly earned more than 200,000 Hong Kong dollars.

For Master Tan, the number of the white paper fan, in fact, 20 Tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars is not much, but the unhappy expressions of the three card players in front of him made Master Tan very happy.


Just when Master Tan was collecting the money with a smile on his face, the door of the mahjong parlor was kicked open. Master Tan frowned slightly, but he didn't take it to heart and continued to play cards.

"Taking your old mother in his mouth, who doesn’t have eyes?"

The person who spoke was Tai Long, the confidant of Master Tan and the red stick of the number gang.

But after seeing the person clearly, Tai Long wanted to slap himself, because the person who came was the leader of the number gang, the confidant of Hu Hu Yong, who died.

"Tyrone, I don’t have eyesight, do I? I will open your eyes later, get out of here!"

Shang Mingkun pushed Tai Long away and went straight to Master Tan

"Brother Kun, if you have any orders, just make a call. Why bother?……"


Before Master Tan could finish his words, Master Tan took action directly. Master Tan, who was slapped by dozens of people, was dizzy. He pointed at Master Tan and shouted angrily:"Master Tan, what the hell are you crazy about? I really don't dare to move. You!"

Fang Mingkun grabbed Master Tan's collar and said coldly:"Big Mouth Tan, you're looking for your own death, don't implicate your brothers in the club. Now Lao Ding is working as a tiger chair in the police station for you. , are you fucking happy playing cards here?"

"Fang Mingkun, don’t fucking accuse me!"

Hearing Ming Mingkun's words, Master Tan immediately thought of the fact that he helped Zhang Baishi hire two gunmen to kill Guo Kailin of the Guo Group today. However, Master Tan did not think that the Guo Group had such energy and could instruct the police to arrest her. Beard Yong

"Da Zui Tan, if I were you, I would immediately reveal the sponsor. This way, the most you can do is to expel him from the society and prevent him from being sunk to feed the fish in the Victoria Strait."

Shang Mingkun ignored Dazui Tan's cry of injustice, leaned into his ear, and shouted coldly in a low voice


At this moment, Big Mouth Tan completely understood that this time he hired a gunman and hit the iron plate. He immediately asked in a low voice:"Brother Kun, we are all brothers in the same club. Even if we die, please let me be a sensible person. Is that okay?" ?"

"The gunmen you hired took action against Shen Qiu of the Kowloon City Police Station."

Shang Mingkun looked deeply at Dazui Tan and said slowly

"I clearly asked them to kill Guo Kailin of the Guo Group!"

Nowadays, as for Shen Qiu, as long as he has been involved in the Hong Kong underworld, everyone knows him, especially the people from the Number Gang. After all, Shen Qiu was the boss of the Number Gang and the talker of Yong Zi Dui, Chen Minhong. He was driven to death.

When he offended such a person, Master Tan knew what would happen to him without even thinking about it.

Thinking of this, Master Tan immediately said:"Brother Kun, it was Zhang Baishi from the Zhang family who asked me to find a gunman to kill him." Guo Kailin, I never thought of attacking Shen Qiu, can the club……"

Before Master Tan finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain from his chest into his head. He looked down and saw a dagger piercing into his heart. Then, as the dagger was pulled out, Master Tan felt himself Like a deflated balloon, all the strength in his body disappeared quickly, his legs went weak, his vision went dark, and he was unconscious again.

Fang Mingkun, whose face was spattered with Master Tan's blood, stared into Master Tan's dead eyes and said coldly:"Idiot, you are trying to kill yourself and bring trouble to the club." After saying

657, Fang Mingkun picked up the phone and dialed Hu Yong’s mobile phone number. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ring Ring Ring ~

In the interrogation room, Hu Yong immediately pressed the answer button after hearing the ringtone of his cell phone.

"Okay, send someone immediately to find where Zhang Baishi is now, waiting for my call."

After hearing that the financial backer behind the scenes was Zhang Baishi of the Zhang family, Hu Xiuyong's heart skipped a beat. The Zhang family was the big financial backer of their number gang Yi Zidui. To Zhang Baishi, he did not dare to directly deal with Zhang Baishi like he did to Master Tan. Kill it, so... a few minutes later.

Hu Ziyong looked at Shen Qiu standing in front of him and said with a smile:"Sir Shen, it has been found out. It was Zhang Baishi of the Zhang family who asked Master to talk about the gunman hired on the street. Master That guy Tan, I have asked people to clean up the house, Zhang Baishi……"

"Husband Yong, you said just now that you will definitely give me an explanation. OK, if you can't give me an explanation, then I can only give myself an explanation."

Before Xu Yong finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shen Qiu. After saying that, Shen Qiu turned around and left.

Looking at Shen Qiu's leaving figure, Xu Yong's eyes were full of tangles. Finally, Shen Qiu walked to the interrogation When he was at the door of the room, he gritted his teeth and said,"Sir Shen, our number gang will definitely give you an explanation tonight!"

"Beard Yong, listen up, next time I see you, I don’t want to hear you talk nonsense again!"

Shen Qiu said slowly, word by word, without looking back.

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